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A project proposal

Presented to

Department of Education

Tagum City Division

Proposed By:


Tagum City National Comprehensive High School


Change is not something you wished for. It is something that you begin doing by heart.

The aspirations of humanity envision that of a tranquil world where everyone lives in
solidarity, where everyone is equal in rights and responsibilities, where everyone is neither
underestimated nor abused. It is a perfect world to live in but the struggle to create such world is

In reality, we are facing the inevitable in the society. We are trying to make sense of an
ideal world but sad fact remains haunting us for how many generations that have already passed.
We are in an unbalanced world where domination is imposed, where our actions are affected by
who we are in the society, by what we are seen to be physically. Because then, after all gender
equality remains a recurrent issue. As this said, women are still hampered by who they are when
compared to men. The predisposed frailty of women bodies gave the vantage point on men
because only few of the women would hone the courage to defend themselves against any form
of violence. Thus, 4 in 5 victims of domestic violence are women (Live Your Dream
Organization, 2017). Never ending issues of abuse and dangers lurking on women is still

Globally, in most countries, less than 40 percent of women who were victims of violence
seek help of any sort. If they do, they look to family and friends and only few have the courage
to ask help to any formal institutions such as police and women’s desk (United Nations
Economic and Social Affairs, 2015).

In 2013, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) conducted the National Demographic
and Health Survey (NDHS) and findings showed that one out of five (20%) of women aged 15 to
49 years has experienced physical violence. This is a proof how prevalent the situation is. Aside
from violence, women are also linked to be more likely pressed in poverty due to under-
compensation, over-representation in low-wage jobs, and unpaid caregiving work (Live Your Dream
Organization, 2017). All the more this shows how gender inequality prevails.

Hence, the issue on women abuse is also widespread in Tagum City despite the city’s
actions to promote gender empowerment. Crimes against women are as rampant as ever. Thus,
this project proposal would serve its purpose to reduce such predicament through teaching
women self-defense and raising awareness campaign on the dangers that they are prone to. After
all, we, women can do so much than being just prey to the situation.

In line with the goals of the service providers who are geared to eliminate violence and to
provide better services not just to the would-be victims but for all women, the project aims to
empower women through the following:

1. To raise awareness of women on the violence that they are prone to, as such the conduct
of the Vigilance Campaign will be of great help to this.

2. To reiterate the severity of violence to women and its effects.

3. To develop in women the attitude that they must possess in order to avoid violence.

4. To educate and reemphasize on women their rights in the society.

5. To encourage women to undergo the free self-defense training course.

Project Focal Persons

In order to achieve the goals of the project, linkages with the identified entities that were
open to volunteer will be tapped. As such the following stakeholders will make the project a
meaningful one:

Local Government Unit. The city plays an important role in the realization of this project as
they will be the focal persons of the advocacy, most especially the Gender and Development
(GAD) Coordinator and City Social Welfare and Development (CSWD) head.

Department of Social Welfare and Development. The project is relevant to the campaign of
the agency on the Anti- Violence Against Women as embodied in the Women’s Desk. They will
serve as the campaign advocate of the project.

Philippine National Police. They will be the source of information that shall re-educate women
of their rights in the society.

Barangay Officials. They will be of help in selecting the target beneficiaries of the project.

Self-defense Training Coaches and Students. They are coaches and students from selected
public schools in Tagum who have background on self-defense and shall teach the skills that the
beneficiaries should learn.
Resources and Funding

The proponent would seek for the voluntary services of the focal persons. However, a
contingency fund would be allocated for the project which would rely on the donations coming
from potential donors.

Project Beneficiaries

The project proposal is aiming to empower women through their active engagement with
the activities that will be implemented. As such, the following target beneficiaries of this project
proposal will greatly benefit from this.

1. Single mothers living independently

2. Women living in the depressed areas of the city

3. Women who were already victims of violence

4. Housewives who are beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps)

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