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Day @ Bridlewood School (Ms. Prince) 

Sports Day is a compilation of games that students will be rotating through with buddies or 
a parent volunteer. It will take place outside in the field and around the school. If you have 
your police clearance and are available to help take some students around the centers we 
would love your help. If I have missed your name, please let me know. 
June 20 - PM Class Sports Day 
Parent Volunteers  
1. Medina 
2. Leif  
June 21 - AM Class Sports Day 
Parent Volunteers  
3. Jonah 
4. Abraham 
5. Oliver  
Kindergarten Walking Field Trip (Ms. Prince) 
The Kindergarten walking field trip is booked for two potential days currently. We have the 19 
and 25 of June in case the weather is not great on the 19th we will move it to the 25th. On the 
day, we will be taking students out and participating in some outdoor summer fun games 
and activities.  
June 19/25 - PM Class 
Parent Volunteers  
1. Leif (25th) 
June 19/25 - AM Class 
Parent Volunteers  

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