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Issue the Philippines is facing: CORRUPTION

Ren virtue or the virtue of humanity or charity

This virtue speaks of being selfless. To always put others first and not the greed and
hatred we have.

Yi virtue or the virtue of honesty or uprightness

Yi virtue is all about being just. To stand firm in doing what is right and to never hesitate
to always do and speak the truth.

Zhi virtue or the virtue of knowledge

Knowledge is power. Which means that if we use our knowledge in a good cause then it
would start a difference in our society and also to ourselves.

Xin virtue or the virtue of faithfulness and integrity

We should be firm believers in our moral values or moral beliefs. If we have the integrity
to be morally good then we are incorruptible.

Li virtue or the virtue of politeness

We should always put respect in dealing with other people. To listen the ideas of others in
order to come up with better solutions.

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