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The Cunning Wild Cat, The Cunning Wild Cat.

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am Justin and I am here to tell you a story, The Cunning Wild Cat,
The Cunning Wild Cat.

There were once a wild mother cat and her kittens. They were wandering in a
forest, looking for a place to stay. Then, she found a hollow in the middle part of a
big tree. They lived there happily.

Some time later, a hawk came to nest at the top of the tree. The cat did not like
to share the tree. She was afraid the hawk will eat her kittens.

A while later, a bear brought her family to stay at the bottom of the tree. The
cat saw this and said,” I don’t like to share the tree with them. I must chase them

The cat climbed up to see the hawk. She said,” Look at the bear. She’s digging
the ground at bottom of our tree. When it falls, she will eat our children. Don’t
leave your family.”

Next, the cat went down to talk to the bear, “See the hungry and fierce hawk.
She’s waiting to eat your children! Make sure you don’t go out.”

So both the hawk and the bear dared not go out to hunt for food. The cat
quietly went out to hunt at night. During the day, she pretended to guard her
kittens. In the end, both families died of hunger. The cunning mother cat and her
family live happily.

Dear friends,do not simply believe everything somebody tells you. Also,do not
spread rumours as it will hurt other people. Thank you.
The Proud Bear

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am _______ and I am here to tell you a story, The Proud Bear, The
Proud Bear.

Once upon a time in a jungle, there lives a very proud bear. He like to make fun
of others. He was very proud because he was very brave and strong. He always
looked down on other animals.

When he saw Mr Deer, he said that the deer’s horns were very ugly. “Hahaha!
Your horns are useless and ugly! You should throw them away! Eeewww!” said the

When he met Mr Monkey, he teased him, “Mr Monkey, your face is ugly. Your
arms are so long, just like a bamboo! Go away, Monkey!” said the bear.

The bear continued his way and saw Mr Elephant. “Hey! Fatso! Your nose is far
too long! Your ears are big ang ugly! You should take this ugly thing away,” said the
Bear. Mr Elephant was very angry.

All the other animals were truly fed up with the bear. They went to see Uncle
Mousedeer. They told him how rude was the bear. “All right, I will look for him and
give him advice,” said Uncle Mousedeer.

Uncle Mousedeer went to find the bear but he did not listen to him. He was still
very proud.

One day, when the bear was walking with his nose high up, he didn’t see a big
hole in the ground. He fell into the ground. He crushed into the nest. The bees were
angry and stung the bear.

“Help! Help! Somebody help me!” cried the bear. The elephant heard and quickly
came. He used his long trunk to pull the bear out of the hole. Uncle Mousedder took
care of him too.
“Please forgive me. I am wrong,” cried the bear. “Don’t worry Mr bear, we will
forgive you.” That day onwards, Mr Bear became very friendly and good to

Dear friends, don’t be proud. We should treat everyone nicely. Thank you.
The Thieving Friend

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am Sibyllina and I am here to tell you a story, The Thieving Friend,
The Thieving Friend.

Mr Rat, Miss Rabbit and Mr Tortoise are good friends. They live in the same
forest. They often help each other. One day, Mr Tortoise invites Mr Rat and Miss
Rabbit to meet him.

“Hello Mr Tortoise, Why did you ask us to meet here?” asks Miss Rabbit.

“I was thinking shall we share a place to store food? The weather will turn cold
during the winter. If we have somewhere safe to store food, we need not to worry
about the food,” says Mr Tortoise. From then on, three of the best friends store
the food in their secret place. They even become closer and happier.

The naughty monkey has noticed their close friendship and he is curious. “Why
do they always have so much food to eat?” “Hmmm, I need to find out more.”

One day, the monkey pretends to fall ill. He asks the three friends for help. Out
of sympathy, the friends decide to help him. “Will you be my friends?” asks the
monkey. Three of them answer, “Sure, but you must promise to keep our secret

The monkey is not a sincere friend. All he really wants is to find out their secret.
The moment he found out their secret place, the monkey begins to steal their food.

Miss Rabbit cries, “Oh no! Our food is gone! Who is the thief? Monkey, is it
you?” The Monkey says, “My goodness! We are good friends!” No one admit to being
the thief.

Mr Mousedeer comes and comfort them, *Cough* “Don’t worry. We will know the
thief soon. Now, take the twings with you and bring it to me tomorrow. The one has
grown longer will be the thief.”
The next day, all the animals gather. Each of them show their twings to Mr
Mousedeer. “Aha! Monkey is the thief! His twig is the shortest.”

“No! Yesterday, you said that the one with the longest twig would be the thief!”
says the monkey angrily.

“That was just a trick,” said Mr Mousedeer. “You are the thief, and you are
afraid that your twig will be the longest, so you cut it. How tricky are you!” Mr
Mousedeer said.

At last, the monkey admit. He quickly says sorry and quickly go away from there.
After the monkey leaves, he advises the three friends, “Remember to choose your
friends carefully.”

Dear friends, we need to be sincere in friendship. Remember, choose your

friends carefully. Thank you.
The Foolish Blackbirds

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am ________ and I am here to tell you a story, The Foolish
Blackbirds, The Foolish Blackbirds.

Tim and Tom are two hungry blackbirds. They are looking for food. They fly
eveywhere. They see a piece of cake on the ground. They quickly fly down.

“Go away,” says Tim. “I saw thw cake first,” says Tim.

“No, I saw it first!” says Tom.

The two blackbirds quarrel over the cake. Mimi the Monkey passes by. She
hears the birds fighting. She sees the cake and wants to eat the cake.

Mimi goes up to Tim and Tom. “Why are you quarelling?” she asks.

Tim and Tom tell her what happen. She then breaks the cake into two pieces.
She holds a piece in each hand with different sizes. Left is bigger, right is smaller.

“Oh dear, these pieces are not the same size,” says Mimi. She then bites the
left cake. Now the piece in her right is bigger. The sizes are still different. She
then continues eating from both pieces. Tim and Tom look at Mimi the Monkey

“Give us that last piece,” say Tim and Tom.

Mimi shakes her head. She eats the last piece of cake as well. “Well, this is for
helping you to stop the quarrel. Next time, don’t quarrel over small things.” Then,
she runs off leaving Tim and Tom feeling foolish and hungry.

Dear friends, it is better to share then to get nothing in the end.

An Ugly Big Elephant

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am ________ and I am here to tell you a story, An Ugly Big Elephant,
An Ugly Big Elephant .

An ugly big elephant, Rani wandered the forest looking for friends. She came
across a monkey and asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?”

“You are too big and cannot swing on trees as I do. So I cannot be your friend”,
said the monkey.

The elephant them came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his friend.
“You are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the

Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog
said “You are too big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry”. She was very

The next day, all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant
stopped a bear and asked what was happening. It was told that a tiger has been
attacking all the animals.

The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and
said “Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them.”

“Go away!” the tiger said. Rani then kicked the tiger and scared it away.

The animals were touced because she had just saved them. They said, “Rani, you
are just the right size to be our friends.” From then on, Rani had a lot of friends in
the jungle.

Dear friends, friends come in all shapes and sizes. We should treat everyone
nice. Thank you.
The Silly Goats

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am ________ and I am here to tell you a story, The Silly Goats, The
Silly Goats.

Gib and Gab are two goats. Gab is white and Gib is black. They live on opposite
sides of a river. There is an old wooden bridge across the river.

One day, the two goats decide to cross the river. They meet in the middle of
the bridge. They stop. They cannot move. The bridge is too narrow.

Only one goat can cross the bridge at a time. “Go back and let me pass first,”
says Gab.

“No, you go back and let me pass first,” says Gib. “Let me pass. I was here first,”
says Gab. He is angry.

“No, I was here first!” says Gib. He is also angry. Both goats stamp their feet
angrily. The old bridge creaks. The two goats do not notice.

“I shall fight you if you don’t let me pass,”says Gab.

“All right,” says Gib. “Let’s fight.” The two goats look at each other.

Then, Gab uses his head and hits Gib. Gib does the same to Gab. They push and
push each other. They stamp their feet and fight. The old bridge starts to shake.

C-R-A-C-K! The bridge breaks and falls. “Aaahh!” The two goats scream as they
fall into the river.

Both Gab and Gib cannot swim. They cannot get out of the river. Soon, the two
silly goats drown.

Dear friends, we must think of others and not be selfish. Thank you.
The Woodcutter and His Axe

Good afternoon to the honourable judges, loyal timekeeper, teachers, parents

and friends. I am ________ and I am here to tell you a story, The Woodcutter and
His Axe, The Woodcutter and His Axe.

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter. He was very poor but he was
always honest. One hot day, he took his axe and went inside the nearby forest in
search of wood. After searching for a long time, he found one good tree near a
river inside the forest.

“Hemm.. this tree is good. I can get lots of firewood.” So, the woodcutter
started to work.
“Swish, swoosh, swish swoosh..”

Oh no! As the woodcutter was cutting the woods, his axe slipped from his
hands and fell inside the river. The river was very deep. So he couldn't get into the
water to take his axe out. He started crying.

“Oh..oh..what am I going to do?”

“I have lost my precious axe. Oh dear, oh dear..”
Suddenly, a beautiful angel appeared from inside the river water.
“Why are crying my dear woodcutter?”
She asked.
“Oh, I have lost my axe…now I won‟t be able to cut woods anymore.”

The woodcutter told her how his axe fell inside the water. The angel went
inside the water and after sometime came out with a golden axe in her hands. The
woodcutter refused to accept that golden axe.

The angel again went inside the water. This time she came out with a silver axe
and gave it to the woodcutter. Again the woodcutter refused saying that his was
not a silver axe.
The angel dived into the water. This time she came out with the woodcutter's
iron axe. The woodcutter happily accepted his axe and thanked the angel. The angel
was pleased with his honesty. The angel rewarded the gold and the silver axes to
that woodcutter.

Dear friends, we must be honest. Honesy always gets rewarded. Thank you.

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