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Slide presentation software such as power point presentation has become as

ingrained part of many instructional setting particularly in large classes and in courses

more geared toward information exchange than skill development. Power Point can be

highly effective tool to aid learnings, but if not used carefully, many instead disengage

students and actually hinder learnings. (

Technology in schools play an important role in learnings and education system it

enhances learning by providing a better understanding of the topic as well as motivating

students. It represented that teaching based in the use of technology had a significant

positive effect on learner’s scores.

This research will give us an idea about using of Power Point Presentation and

other technology in teaching and also to know what are the advantage and disadvantage

effect for it on teachers and students and the benefits of use of digital teaching.
Statement of the problem

There should be a perfect reason why this action happens. This research or

study commonly answers the following questions.

1. What is the role of technology in education of the future?

2. How effective the use of power point presentation in students learning?

Objectives of the study

This study holds various objectives that helps a lot in accomplishing this stated

research problem. The main objectives of this study are the following:

1. To know the purpose of using Microsoft power point presentation in lecture.

2. To find out the impact on students learning due to modern teaching.

Significance of the study

In my experience, power point has been an invaluable classroom tool from a

practical standpoint it is one form of technology that cost our school nothing to provide at

the moment. In order to examine the effects of power point presentation on students

learning and attitude, because Microsoft power point create interactive presentation

containing text art, animations and video that captures the students attention and


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