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I.Activitati care se petrec acum- NOW (acum): Prezentul Continuu

Activitati care se petrec zilnic, de obicei, din orar: USUALLY ( de obicei):
Prezentul Simplu
1.Fill in with: AM/ IS/ARE, -ING

Sentences Propoziții Questions Întrebări

I……… jump…….= Eu sar …………I jump……….?

You………jump……= Tu sari
………….you jump……..?
He/She/ It ………jump…….=
El/Ea/ Acesta sare ………..he/she/it jump……….?

We……….jump………= Noi sărim

You ………jump…..= Voi săriți
…………..we jump………….?
They ……..jump…..= Ei/Ele sar
………… jump………..?
……………they jump……?

2.Guess the animal!

1.The parrot is flying over the trees NOW. ( a zbura peste copaci)
2.The rabbit is jumping in the grass NOW. ( a sari in iarba)
3.The fish is swimming in the lake NOW. (a inota in lac)
4.The giraffe is eating leaves NOW. (a manca frunze)
5.The lion is roaring loudly NOW. (a rage zgomotos)
6.The elephant is walking slowly NOW. (a merge incet)
7.The zebra is running fast NOW. (a alerga repede)
8.The monkey is climbing in the trees NOW. ( a se catara in copaci)
9.The hippo is sleeping in the sun NOW. ( a dormi la soare)
# The zebra is drinking water now. ( a bea apă)

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