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Ashour Abdelsalam
Medical Research Institute Date: 03/03/2009
Tumor Cell Biology Dept.

Master Degree Examination (Histochemistry of Cell Injury)

A) Choose the right answer (s):

1. Chemical agents cause sever damage by

a. changing membrane permeability
b. altering integrity of an enzyme or co-factor
c. modifying osmotic homeostasis
d. all of the above
Correct: d
2. Infectious agents cause tissue damage through
a. release enzymes that degrade tissue component
b. release toxins that kill cells
c. enter host cells and cause direct cell death
d. all of the above
Correct: d
3. Poisoning of aerobic respiration with cyanide results
a. in diminished activity of sodium / potassium - ATPase
b. in increased activity of magnesium - ATPase
c. in increased activity of calcium - ATPase
d. none of the above
Correct: a
4. Increased cytosolic calcium ion causes
a. activation of phospholipases which promot membrane damage
b. catabolizing structural and membranous proteins
c. fragmentation of genetic material by endonucleases
d. all of the above
Correct: d
5. Ischemia injures tissue faster than does hypoxia due to
a. diminished blood flow
b. compromised delivery of substances for glycolysis
c. blocked anaerobic energy generation
d. all of the above
Correct: d
6. Reduced PAS stain indicates
a. increased anaerobic glycolysis
b. rapid depletion of glycogen stores
c. accumulation of lactic acid
d. generation of ATP from glycogen
Correct: d
7. During normal respiration, molecular oxygen is reduced in mitochondria to generate
water and superoxide radicals that can be histochemically demonstrated by
a. superoxide dismutase
b. glutathione peroxidase
c. catalase
d. all of the above
Correct: d
8. The following reactions are relevant to cell injury mediated by free radicals
a. lipid peroxidation
b. DNA fragmentation
c. Cross-linking of proteins
d. Direct polypeptide fragmentation
Correct: d
9. Ubiquitin is a 76-amino acid cytosolic peptide and is responsible for
a. degradation of many cytosolic proteins only
b. degradation of many nuclear proteins only
c. both of them
d. none of them
Correct: c
10. The P-450 mixed function oxidases system
a. metabolizes the drugs in hepatocytes
b. increases solubility of toxins
c. facilitates excretion of toxins
d. all of the above
Correct: d
11. Clear vacuoles within liver tissue indicates
a. fatty accumulation if you use PAS technique
b. glycogen accumulation if you use sudan - black technique
c. fat droplets if you use Oil red – O technique
d. water accumulation if you use red – violet technique
Correct: c
12. Lipofuscin
a. is the wear- and -tear pigments
b. represents complexes of lipid and protein that derived from free radical-
catalyzed peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids
c. is perinuclear brownish yellow granules that indicate function of age or
d. is not injurious to cells but is a marker of past free radical injury
e. all of the above
Correct: e
13. Melanin
a. is an endogenous pigment
b. is formed by melanocytes via tyrosinase
c. indicates harmful ultraviolet radiation
d. all of the above
Correct: d
14. Hemosiderin
a. is a hemoglobin-derived pigment
b. accumulates in tissues when there is excess of iron
c. is a golden yellow granules normally found in small amount in liver, spleen
and bone marrow
d. can be identified histochemically by Prussian blue technique
e. all of the above
Correct: e
15. Dystrophic calcification
a. is encountered in areas of necrosis
b. represents evidence of previous cell injury
c. appears as intracellular and/or extracellular basophilic deposits
d. all of the above
Correct: d
16. Irreversible cell injury can be histochemically identified by
a. extensive damage of membranes
b. swelling of lysosomes
c. vacuolization of mitochondria
d. increased activity of catabolized enzymes
e. all of the above
Correct: e
17. In irreversible cell injury, there is
a. loss of proteins and essential coenzymes
b. loss of ribonucleic acid
c. leakage of lysosomal enzymes
d. further depletion of intracellular ATPase
e. all of the above
Correct: e
18. Dead cells show increased eosinophilia that attributed to
a. increased binding of eosin to denatured intracytoplasmic proteins
b. in part loss of basophilia
c. excess of glycogen particles
d. loss of RNA in cytoplasm
Correct: a & b
19. Apoptosis usually involves
a. single cells
b. cluster of cells
c. condensed nuclear chromatin
d. peripheral aggregation of chromatin
e. all of the above
Correct: e
20. Formation of pores within inner mitochondrial membrane results in
a. decreased ATP production
b. mitochondrial swelling
c. increased permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane
d. none of the above
Correct: a & b
21. Increased permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane results in
a. releasing cytochrome C into cytosol
b. binding cytochrome C with pro-apoptotic factor
c. triggering execution caspases' activation
d. all of the above
Correct: d
22. B Cl2
a. is found in mitochondrial membranes
b. suppresses apoptosis
c. prevents increased mitochondrial permeability
d. prevents caspases' activation
e. all of the above
Correct: e
23. Caspases
a. are oxidative enzymes with cystein active sites
b. are proteases that cleave proteins after aspartic acid residues
c. their over expression results in cellular apoptosis
d. their over expression results in cellular necrosis
Correct: b & c
24. In apoptosis, there is
a. DNA breakdown into 200 base pair fragments
b. release of calcium and magnesium dependent endonucleases
c. release of calcium and magnesium dependent ATPase
d. all of the above
Correct a & b
25. The following cell injury is encountered by age
a. reduction of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
b. pleomorphic vacuolated mitochondria
c. reduced synthesis of structural, enzymatic and receptor proteins
d. diminished ER and distorted Golgi apparatus
e. steady accumulation of lipofuscin pigments
Correct: a, b & c
26. In cell injury, form cell systems are particularly vulnerable
a. cell membrane integrity
b. ATP generation
c. protein synthesis
d. integrity of genetic apparatus
e. all of the above
Correct: e
B) Fill in the spaces

1. Heat shock proteins that play an important roles in normal intracellular proteins
are called housekeeping proteins
2. The ubiquitin-proteosome pathway is responsible for the degradation of many
cytosolic and nuclear proteins
3. Mallory body, an eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion in hepatocytes ,
indicates alcoholic liver.
4. Excessive intracellular deposits of glycogen are associated with abnormalities in
the metabolism of glucose or glycogen
5. Pigments are colored substances that are exogenous or endogenous materials
6. Lipofuscin represents complexes of lipid and proteins
7. Lipofuscin is derived from the radical catabolized peroxidation of polyunsaturated
lipids of subcellular proteins
8. Lipofuscin is a marker of past free radical injury
9. Dystrofic calcification is the deposition of calcium in dead tissues while
metastatic calcification is deposition of calcium in normal tissues
10. Calcium accumulates by its affinity for membrane phospholipids while
phosphorous accumulates as a result of the action of membrane-bound
11. Mitochondria have the ability to regulate intracellular calcium
12. Early ultrastructure markers of irreversible injury is the accumulation of calcium-
rich deposits in mitochondrial matrix
13. Activation of endogenous phospholipids in ischemic liver tissues is associated
with decrease in membrane phospholysis
14. Activation of proteases by increased intracellular calcium may result in damage to
15. Collagen bundles serve to repair injury forming what is known as scar tissues
16. In injury with pathogens or their toxins, plasma cells produce specific proteins
called antigens
17. In injury with local damage, basophils release their granules in the site of injury
and histamine causes vasodilatation but heparin prevents clotting of blood in
intact vessels

Key words: MCQs, Histochemistry, Cell injury,

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