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Kimber Marie Bayang

Stem 11-1 Reflection # 3

The Wise Educator

Socrates is known as the great and industrious person even with his students and I'm
amazed because he sacrificed his life for everyone. His story has lot of knowledge that you will
get, but Socrates didn’t write any books and we don't know why he refused to write. One very
likely answer is that he claimed a lot that he had no knowledge, so there'd be nothing for him to
write. Socrates argued with society because he did not want to know him as genius person.
Although he accepted his punishment, people who truly believed on him got angry with the
punishment. Because he did a lot for their country. That’s why, people who believe in Socrates
did are against in the punishment.

As a reader I’ve remembered my teacher when I was in junior high. They taught us
how to be smart student we are, like Socrates he teach his students how to be smart, and I
learned from Socrates is that, all you need to do is to ask to others. To learn and share it with
them as well. I believe in myself to be confident and brave to ask of everyone like to questioning
that I don’t know and I want to know, but suddenly I felt shy to others because how if they will
feel angry to me because they don’t know my questions and that’s the reason why I felt shy with
the people that I ask. Based on Socrates you need to ask a question for you to learn a lot. Back on
previous day when we perform I am happy because we show in the audience how we are truly
acted on the given characters.

While I read the story of Socrates I felt sad and little bit anger because he sacrificed
his life and I realize that there are many people who are foolish and they didn’t accept their
mistake if they are wrong. The world is very unfair why because they will judge you base on
your external appearance and Im very sad because it is happening in our society that they are
easy for them to judge others. I hope all people have good manners that adopt on the other
people who are truly good and care in our society, and the important of our life for me you don’t
have to exist without your faith. Love your country with all of your heart, respect the others and
love your neighbor.

I learned with Socrates is questioning the other people for you to learn a lot. Think of
the welfare of the others before you and you need to love your country because this is the only
way to help your country and the people surrounds you including your parents like Socrates, he
sacrificed his life for the people around him and he give his students a good lesson for the others.
You have a lot of knowledge that you will get on his story and having maintained that 'the
unexamined life isn't worth living' and by always insisting upon obeying his own conscience,
Socrates gives the lie to his courtroom testimony by describing his youthful passion for the
scientific investigation of nature.

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