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Cannibalism is still seen in China as a normal practice without punishment or law

against it. This practice is very mysterious and curious that scares whoever.
Fortunately it doesn’t happen all over the world, however there are countries
whose customs include a series of atrocious acts and behaviors that make us
wonder how cruel we can be and where is what make us think like sensible beings.
child trafficking and sex trafficking of women, wich is abortion of innocents in order
to sell them as food just because it is said that by eating this stamina and sexual
health may improve and of course it is definitely something outrageous.

Cannibalism is not a recent concern, it has been part of human culture from the
earliest times, taking into account that some sources suggest that human teeth
marks in ancient human bones offer clues cannibalism was commonplace and it
has occasionally occurred throughout Chinese history. Historians such as
Kuwabara and Key Ray Chong claim that China has had a particularly rich history
of cannibalism based on a peculiar extension of Confucian doctrine.

Additionally, in his book Shokujin Enseki describes in detail how, “as a young Red
Guard during the Cultural Revolution in south China, he witnessed hundreds of
children, women and men classified as Counter-revolutionaries killed and eaten by
the perpetrators, with such comments as "human meat tastes better when broiled
than boiled."

However, there is also some evidence that the practice may be continuing in
limited forms in some parts of the country. According to the Washington times,
South Korean customs officials seized thousands of pills filled with human baby
powder from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted
more than 17,000 pills smuggled from China which represent a big concern

On the other hand, South Korean officials became aware of a horrible practice of
eating aborted fetuses after the Seoul Broadcasting System showed a
documentary about Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the
fetuses. A Chinese doctor in the documentary fetched fetuses from his refrigerator.
Also it is said that some restaurants, dishes with these little bodies of innocent
unborn kids are still being sold, which is something shocking and worrying.

A particular case was reported by el mundo news, where they described the story
about a man named Zhu Yu, who made a show of cannibalism during 2 years in
which he ate flesh of dead children only for entertainment, calling this act like a
“extreme art” based on no religion forbid cannibalism and no law says people
cannot eat human flesh.
In my opinion, practicing cannibalism should be disowned all over the world
because it´s something unhealthy and against humanity, especially in cases which
involve murders or simply entertainment. It is necessary to show the world what is
going on and catch the attention of those who are in the dome of international
organizations to take care of this situation, to stablish parameters, punishment and
show zero tolerance to this practice. However there are some cases maybe
deserve be excepted, for example cases of ensuring survival in times of famine or
isolation, considering that it involve despair and desire to stay alive.

By: Johana Alvarez and Maria Alejandra Pérez

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