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Diapositiva 2.


Playing is an activity inherent to the human being through which we have learned to
relate to different areas of our social life, family, etc. When designing this type of
parks, which is contemplated in the special needs of children with disabilities, we are
not only promoting their participation, but also their integration.

Diapositiva 3.
 The starting point of building a park begins with a topographic survey. That is
to say, to carry out the description of a particular terrain through topographic
surveying, a surface study is carried out, including both the natural
characteristics of that surface.
 Proposed game surfaces and conditioning. These platforms must not exceed
1.40 meters in height and have firm rails to avoid falls. In the area of the
swings there should be no obstacles in the space of the hammock and the
clamping posts must be safely affirmed.

Diapositiva 4.
 Preparation and justification of projects.
 Supply from each of the equipment and surfaces. It is important to take into
account safety so that people with disabilities can also participate in the park
without any problem.
 Budget preparation and tenders. It is very important for the realization of a
work or a service, generally of a public character, to the person to offer the
best conditions.

Diapositiva 5.
 Full-service installation.
 Program of personalized maintenance. It takes people who like to
help, and who are outstanding in each attraction as parents can
become a little careless with their children and forget that they must
be pending them to avoid problems
Diapositiva 6.
Do not forget when building be creative and use your own ideas, also take into
account that requires good professionals, because the lives of many people
are your responsibility.

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