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Science Lesson Plan 4

2nd Quarter

Lesson 21: Body parts of Animals that Live on Land

I. Objective:
Infer that animals have different body structures that make them adapt to land.

II. A. Materials:
Sets of jumbled parts of aquatic animals
Cartolina, other references or reading materials about animal adaptation

B. References:
Science Teachers Guide 4 p.103-105, Learners Materials 4

C. Process Skills: observing, inferring, communicating, comparing, investigating,


D. Value integration: animal preservation, cooperation, care for animals

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
1. Game: Minute to win it
Divide the class into groups. Provide each group with set of jumbled parts of an
aquatic animal. Give them one minute to arrange the jumbled parts to form the
animal. The group who can form the animal in one minute will be declared the

What are these animals?
Why can they live in water?
In the activity, are these parts that remain unused? Show them to the class.
To which animals do you think these parts belong? Where can we find them?
How do you think these animals survive on land?

B. Exploration:
1. Divide the class into groups.
2. Recall the standards in doing the activities.
3. Let the pupils do the Lesson 21: LM Activity 1: “How do animals survive on land?”
4. Instruct them to answer the guide questions after the activity.
5. Tell the class to post their group output and be ready to report it.

C. Explanation:
1. Let the pupils report their group output.
2. Tell them to explain all their observations data in class and their answers to the
guide questions.
3. Discuss the activity using the following guide questions.
a. Based on your investigation, what animals have you seen?
b. What are their body parts and their uses?
 Some animals are covered with fur to keep them warm. Others are
covered with feathers for flying. Some have smooth skin for breathing
like worms. Most body coverings of animals are for protection.
 Animals have body parts for moving like legs for walking and wings for
 Land or terrestrial animals have lungs for breathing.

c. Would it be possible for these animals to live in other habitat? Why not?
 No, their body structures are adapted only to land.
4. Go back to the temporary answers/ hypothesis that the pupils posted on the wall at
the beginning of the lesson. Check which responses are correct and which are not.
5. Guide the pupils in the formulation of the concepts they have learned in the activity.

D. Extension/ Elaboration:
1. Using other references or reading materials, tell the pupils to do a research on the
following questions: they may do this by group or individually.

Let’s investigate!
1. Why do polar bears have thick fur?
2. Why do camels survive in desert?
3. Why do some insects have antennae?
2. Ask the pupils why there are animals that can live both land and water?
What body structures do they have?

E. Evaluation:
Process Skills Assessment
1. Draw an animal which adapted to land.

Suggested rubric for scoring.

Criteria 3 2 1
Accuracy The drawing (animal) The drawing (animal) The drawing (animal)
has complete and has incomplete but has incomplete with
correct parts adapted to correct parts adapted few correct parts
land. by land. adapted to land.
Creativity & Neatness The drawing is The drawing is The drawing is
exceptionally attractive attractive in terms of acceptably attractive
in terms of design, design, layout, and though it may be a bit
layout, and neatness neatness. messy

IV. Assignment:
Bring pictures of different animals.

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