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Detection of Adultrants in Food

1) Tea Powder:
Adultrant : Iron Filings


Take the sample of tea powder which is mixed with iron filings

Seperate the tea powder sample on a paper

Movw a bar magnet over it

Iron filings will stick to the magnet

2) Sugar:

Adultrant: Stone Powder


Take a sample of sugar in a clean beaker

Add water to the beaker

Shake well for dissolving the sugar crystals

The sugar crystals will dissolve and the stone powder will remain as it is

This represents the presence of stone powder in sugar

3) Black pepper:

Adultrant : Papaya seeds


Take the sample of pepper seeds mixed with papaya seeds

Take a clean beaker and fill it with some water

Put the sample in the beaker containing water

The papaya seeds will settle down the beaker and papaya seeds will float

4) Milk :

Adultrant :Detergent


Take the sample of milk in a beaker

Add equal amount of water to the beaker and shake well

The lather indicates presence of detergent in milk

5) Common Salt:

Adultrant : Stone Powder , White sand


Take the sample of common salt in a beaker

Add some water to beaker

Shake well to disolve the crystals

The salt will be dissolved and adultrants will remain as it is

This represents the presence of adultrant in salt

6) Sugar:

Adultrant : chalk powder


Take the sample of sugar in beaker

Add water to beaker

Sugar crystals will dissolve and the chalk powder will float on water .

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