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Engines 2

All motors vehicles have engine. There are two types of engine. The first is a petrol
and the other is diesel engine. There are three engine in diagram below, VIZ :

1. There is a 2 stroke – engine in the left.

2. 4 stroke – petrol engine in the middle
3. 4 stroke – diesel engine

There are spark plugs in both of petrol engine. It means that spark plugs are used in all
petrol engine. Diesel engines do not have have spark plugs, they have fuel injector. There are
valves in both of the 4 stroke – engine. On the other hand the different to 2 stroke – engine. Is
2 stroke – petrol engine has valve? There is no oil sump in the two stroke engine. There is no
oil in the fuel. Both of 4 stroke – engine have oil sump.

Exercise 1

Put a thick ( ) or cross ( ) to indicate the right statement and wrong statement.

Oil Valves Fuel Spark

Sump Injector Plug
2 Stroke
Petrol Engine

4 Stroke
Petrol Engine

Diesel Engine
Exercise 3

The use has and have

Restructure the following sentences.

Examples : There is one valve in this engine

This engine has one valve

1. There is an oil sump in a 2 stroke diesel engine


2. There is a fuel injector in all diesel engine


3. This engine has one port


4. This engine has no spark plugs


5. Diesel engine have no spark plugs


Exercise 4


Fill the sentence with prepositions : on, in , under, over, or, beside.

Example : there is car in the garage

1. There is

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