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Wenesday 17 July, Armenia Quindío, Colombia


Dear Sirs,

My name is Elcy Jhoana Gutiérrez Calderón, I'm respectfully writting to your recognized
Company because is of great interest to me to be part of your excellent work team, in that order
of ideas, I've decided to send my CV on this mail.

Let me tell you why I have the require level to be with you:
Firtsly, I have an excellent preparation in the area of Customer Service, thanks to my acadamy
level, as a Social Communicator or Journalist I can listen and talk, carefully with people. That's
why I have the ability to find solutions that seek customer satisfaction and meet their
expectations based on values like:

• Empathy: I can put myself on the place of the customers, which that ability I can understand
what they need and how they feel.

• Collaboration: I have the necessary qualities to offer customers an adequate solution to their

• Kindness: I can provide personalized attention without getting too much trust with the client
but understanding their situation through effective communication.

• Excellent attention: I am aware that customers are key to the company and that is why I
offer the best possible service.

• Reliability: I am a trustworthy person and therefore can assume positions that require a high

Security: I can make customers feel safe with the services offered by the company in this way
they have always placed their trust in it.

• Precision: I make an adequate use of my voice in order to have a clear and effective
communication with clients avoiding misunderstandings.

• Respect: Each person is unique and for that is important to listen to the needs of the clients
in order to provide them with an accurate solution that generates customers satisfaction.

I believe that I have the right professional profile to perform in the position that you are
offering in the area of Customer Service. I like new challenges because they give me the
opportunity to show all my potential and talent.
I will surely meet your expectations and be at your complete disposal so that you can verify
all the information I have provided.


Jhoana Gutiérrez Calderón

Social Communicator and Journalist

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