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1st half – 1st Grading Exam

Music 4

Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________

General Instructions:
a. Read the instructions carefully before answering the test items.
b. Avoid erasures. Write your answers neatly. Only Pencil and BLACK ball pen are allowed.

I. True of False (2 points each)

Write your answer before the number.

1. Beat is a regular pulsation that divides music into equal units of time.
2. Unaccented is the strong beat or pulse.
3. Accented is the weak beat or pulse.
4. A scale or a series of notes with varying pitches move up and down with half-step
distance in the third and fourth notes and the seventh and eighth notes.
5. The rhythmic patterns make musical composition more interesting to listen to.

II. Give the value of the following notes and rests.

1. Whole Note 9. Whole
2. Half Note 10. Half Rest
3. Quarter Note 11. Quarter
4. Eighth Note 12. Eighth
5. Sixteenth Note 13. Sixteenth
6. Dotted Half Note ` 14.Dotted Half
7. Dotted Quarter Note 15. Dotted
Quarter Rest
8. Dotted Eighth Note 16. Dotted
Eighth Rest

III. Enumeration (2 points each)

1-2 (the strong and weak beats in music)

IV. Essay (2 points)

What is music?

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