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Secondary or Biological Treatment:

A type of waste water treatment in which microorganisms such as bacteria are used to remove
pollutants from waste water through biochemical reaction.

Suspended Growth process:

• The microorganisms are maintained in suspension which converts the organic matter to gases
and cell tissue (activated sludge process)

Attached growth process:

The microorganisms are attached to some inert material such as rocks, sand etc.. And the waste
water is made to flow over it (Trickling Filter)

Trickling filter
Biofilm Systems:
• Biofilm

– a biological slime layer

– bacteria in biofilm degrade organics

– biofilm will develop on almost anything

Trickling filter consists of :

• A biofilter consists of a bed of permeable medium of either rock or plastic

• Microorganisms become attached to the media and form a biological layer or fixed film

• Organic matter in the waste water diffuses into the film and is metabolised.

Components of Trickling Filters:

• Aerobic attached growth biological system

• Components are:

– Tank

– Rotary distributor

– Filter media

– Under drain system

– Ventilation

• Biological process in trickling filter

– Bacteria attached to filter media forming a biological layer is called Bio-Film

– Sprinkled waste water over the filter media forms liquid film including food and
dissolved oxygen

– The bacteria (bio-film) adsorbs the organic matter and oxidises it producing CO2, H2O,
NH3 and New cell

– Both aerobic and anaerobic partitions

– When mass of Bio-film increases the lower layer will be anaerobic with lower food
supply and decreased attaching force between the bio-film and filter media

( Note : Sketch and detailed functioning refer text book)

• Tank is filled with filter media

• Bacteria grows on surface of media

• Waste water trickled over media at top of tank

• Bacteria degrades BOD

• Bacteria eventually die, fall off media surface

• Filter is open to atmosphere, air flows naturally through media

• Treated water leaves bottom of tank, flows into secondary clarifier

• Bacterial cells settle, removed from clarifier as sludge

• Some water is recycled to the filter to maintain moist conditions.

Types of trickling filter:

1. Low rate trickling filter

2. High rate trickling filter:
 One stage
 Two stage

Low rate trickling filter:

• No recycle (the only return flow occurs from the final clarifier to the wet well to pumped to the
primary clarifier to be settled there.
• Typical BOD loading rate is 250g/m3 day only which is very low.
• It is not feasible for new construction and most plants with existing low rate trickling filter are
converting them to high rate trickling filter.


• Recycle is used to increase the efficiency of treatment.
• Typical BOD loading is 500 – 1500 g/m3 day for one stage and 700 – 1100 g/m3 day for two
• It is feasible for new construction
Single stage Recirculation process

• Rate of filter loading is high, as such requiring lesser land areas and smaller quantities of filter
media for their installations
• Working of trickling filters is simple and does not require any skilled supervision
• Moderate operating costs
• Withstand shock loads better than other biological processes.
• They are self cleaning
• Effluent obtained from the trickling filters is sufficiently nitrified and stabilised
• 80 – 90% BOD removal
• Moisture content of sludge is as high as 99%.

Comparison between LRF and HRF

Characteristics Low rate filter High rate filter

Hydraulic Loading m3/m2/day 1-4 10-40

Organic Loading 0.08-0.32 kg of 5 day BOD per m3/day 0.32 – 1.0 kg of 5 day
BOD per m3/day

Recirculation Ratio 0 1-2

Depth of contact material 1.8 – 3.0 m 1.2 – 2.5m

Preliminary and final treatment Necessary for proper functioning Necessary for proper

Method of operation Continuous, less flexible, less skill required Continuous application,
more flexible, more skill

Type of effluent produced High in nitrate content, BOD removal 56 – 98%, Deficient in nitrate, BOD
BOD in effluent <20% removal 63 -90%.

Cost of operation More Less


• Important feature of HRF

• Return of a portion of treated sewage to treatment process

• Return is from secondary settling to primary settling tank or to the dosing tank of filter.

• Ratio of recirculated flow to flow of raw sewage is recirculation ratio

• This determines the required capacity of recirculating pumps and the hydraulic load placed upon
the filters.


• Keeps self propelled distributors running at the time of reduced flow.

• Recirculation equalize and reduces loading, thereby increasing the efficiency of the filter

• Recirculation provides longer contact of the applied sewage with the bacterial film on the
contact media thereby seeding it with bacteria, and accelerating the biological oxidation

• The influent remains fresh all the time and also helps in reducing odours.

• The fly nuisance is comparatively less.

Proprietary types of high rate trickling filters

• Bio filters :
– Shallow with depth 1.2 to 1.5m.
– Single stage or two stage treatment.
– Organic loading 9000 to 11000kg of 5 day BOD per hectare/m/day
– Utilizes recirculation of a portion of the filter effluent to the primary settling
• Accelo filters :
– Depth 1.8 to 2.4m
– Single stage or two stage treatment
– Direct recirculation of unsettled sewage.
• Aero filters:
– Depth more than 1.8m
– Recirculation only during low flow
– 11000kg to 12000kg of 5 day BOD per hectare/m/day

Design Equation (National Research Council)

For single stage filter

E1= 100
1+0.44(F1.BOD/V1. f1)1/2

where E1= % efficiency in BOD removal of single stage

F1.BOD= BOD loading of settled raw sewage in single stage filter in kg/d,

V1= volume of first stage filter, m3;

f1= Recirculation factor for first stage,

For the second stage filter,

the efficiency E2 is given by

E2= 100
[1+0.44/(1- E1)](F2.BOD/V2. f2)1/2

E2=% efficiency of second stage filter

F2.BOD= F1.BOD(1- E2)= BOD loading on second-stage filter in kg/d,

V2= volume of second stage filter, m3;

f2= Recirculation factor for second stage,

• Recirculation Factor: Hydraulic load (including recirculation) should not exceed 30 m3/m2 filter

• Recirculation ratio (R/Q) should be such that BOD entering filter (including recirculation) is not
more than three times the BOD expected in effluent.

Recirculation Factor F = (R/Q) + 1

[0.1(R/Q) + 1]2

R - Volume of sewage recirculated

Q – Volume of raw sewage

Operational problems in Trickling filter

Common troubles occurs at the site and operation of trickling filter are

1. Fly nuisance
2. Odor nuisance
3. Ponding nuisance

Fly nuisance: slow rate trickling filter often infested with small moth like flies called Psycoda.These flies
do not bite, but may get into the eyes , nostrils and ears.

Remidial measures:

1. Flooding the filter for about 24 hours

2. Jetting down the inside walls of filter with a high pressure hose
3. Chlorinating the filter influent
4. Application of Larvicide like DDT
5. Sprinkling lime
6. Continuous hydraulic loading

Odor nuisance: odour is due to undesirable growth, sludging and anaerobic is
a indication that filter is not working efficiently.

Remedial measures:
1. Maintaining a well ventilated filter
2. Recirculation of filter effluent
3. Aeration or chlorination before primary settling of sewage.
4. Ponding nuisance: When all the voids of the trickling filters are filled up due to choking by heavy
fungus or other suspended solids due to which sewage cannot pass through the filter and
accumulate at the surface in the form of pond. Ponding decreases filter ventilation, reduces the
effective volume of the filter and reduces filter efficiency. Ponding or clogging due to excessive
organic loading , inadequate size of the filter media, inadequate hydraulic loading.

Remedial measures:

1. Flushing with fire hose

2. Recirculation to reduce the strength of the influent sewage
3. Flooding the filter once in a day
4. Chlorinating the influent
5. Stopping the distributor
6. Keeping filter out of operation for 12 to 24 hr.
Rotating Biological Contactor

Rotating Biological Contactors, commonly called RBC’s, are used in wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs). The primary function of these bio-reactors at WWTPs is the reduction organic matter.

• The basic process is similar to that occurring in the trickling filter.

• In operation, a media, consisting of a series of circular disks mounted side by side on a common
shaft is rotated through the wastewater flow.

• Each individual contactor is called a stage and the group is known as a train.

• One major advantage of the RBC system is the level of nitrification that can be achieved if
sufficient stages are provided

• RBCs constructed of plastic media on a long shaft



Sludge Treatment
• Media is submerged in a tank

• Shaft rotates media through water

• Bacteria grow on media, degrade BOD in water

• Bacteria get air by exposure to atmosphere

• Bacteria eventually die, fall off media surface

• Dead bacteria and other solids are removed in the secondary clarifier

• Media up 12 feet in diameter

• Shafts as long as 25 feet

Media areas up to 180,000 square feet per shaft

Flow Diagram for RBCs:

Advantages offered by RBCs include:

1. Short contact periods are required because of the large active surface.

2. RBCs are capable of handling a wide range of flows.

3. Sloughed biomass generally has good settling characteristics and can easily be separated from
the waste stream.
4. Operating costs are low because little skill is required in plant operation.

5. Low power requirements.

6. Elimination of the channeling to which conventional percolators are susceptible.

7. Low sludge production and excellent process control.

Disadvantages of RBCs include:

• Requirement for covering RBC units in northern climates to protect against freezing.

• Shaft bearings and mechanical drive units require frequent maintenance.


The most common suspended growth process used for municipal wastewater treatment is the
activated sludge process as shown in figure:

Activated sludge plant involves:

• Wastewater aeration in the presence of a microbial suspension,
• Solid-liquid separation following aeration,
• Discharge of clarified effluent,
• Wasting of excess biomass, and
• Return of remaining biomass to the aeration tank.

• In activated sludge process wastewater containing organic matter is aerated in an
aeration basin in which micro-organisms metabolize the suspended and soluble organic
• Part of organic matter is synthesized into new cells and part is oxidized to CO2 and water
to derive energy.
• In activated sludge systems the new cells formed in the reaction are removed from the
liquid stream in the form of a flocculent sludge in settling tanks.
• A part of this settled biomass, described as activated sludge is returned to the aeration
tank and the remaining forms waste or excess sludge.

The effluent obtained from this plant is of high quality

• Lower BOD than trickling filter plant
• BOD removal is up to 80-95%
• Bacteria removal 90 – 95%
Activated Sludge Modifications
The major process modifications of the activated sludge process are:
• Conventional modifications
• tapered aeration modifications
• complete mix modifications
• step aeration modifications
• contact stabilization modifications
• extended aeration modifications
• pure oxygen systems modifications

Conventional Modification:
• This configuration requires primary treatment
• the influent and returned sludge enter the tank at the head end
of the basin,
• Mixing is accomplished by the aeration system, and provides
excellent treatment.
• Requires large aeration tank capacity, higher construction costs,
high initial oxygen demand, and is very sensitive to operation
problems, such as bulking.

Tapered Aeration Process:

• The tapered aeration system is similar to the conventional
activated sludge process.
• The major difference is in the arrangement of the diffusers. The
diffusers are close together at the influent end where more
oxygen is needed.
• Toward the other end of the aeration basin, the spacing of the
diffusers is increased
Step Aeration Process:
• In step aeration, the primary effluent is applied at several points
in the aeration basin
• Generally, the tank is subdivided into three or more parallel
channels with around-the-end baffles.
• The Primary effluent is applied at separate channels or steps.
• The oxygen demand is uniformly distributed.
Complete Mix Aeration Process:
• In complete mix aeration the influent and the returned sludge are
mixed and applied at several points along the length and width of
the basin.
• The contents are mixed, and the mixed sewage suspended solids
flows across the tank to the effluent channel.
• The oxygen demand and organic loading are uniform along the
entire length of the basin.

Contact Stabilization Process:

• In contact stabilization, primary treatment is not required.
• The activated sludge is mixed with influent in the contact tank
where the organics are absorbed by microorganisms.
• The mixed sewage suspended solids is settled in the clarifier.
• The returned sludge is aerated in the reaeration basin to stabilize
the organics. The process requires approximately 50% less tank
volume and can be prefabricated as a package plant for flows of
0.05 to 1.0 MGD.
• On the downside, this system is more complicated to control
because many common control calculations do not work.
Extended Aeration Activated Sludge Process:
• Extended aeration does not require primary treatment.
• It utilizes a large aeration basin where a high population of
microorganisms is maintained.
• It is used for small flows from subdivisions, schools, etc.
• Prefabricated package plants utilize this process extensively.
• It has a channel in the shape of a race track, with rotors being
used to supply oxygen and maintain circulation.
• Typically the process produces high-quality effluent and less
activated sludge. (Oxidation ditch is a variation of extended
aeration process).
Aeration Tank Design:
• The depth of the tank varies between 3 – 4.5m
• The width is normally kept between 5 to 10 m
• Width depth ratio should be adjusted between 1.2 to 2.2
• Length not less than 30 m and longer than 100m
• Horizontal velocity should be around 1.5 m/min
• Free board of tank is kept between 0.3 – 0.5 m
• Inlet and outlet channels should maintain a min velocity of 0.2
Mixing Conditions:
• The aeration tank can be of plug flow type or completely mixed
• In the plug flow tank, the F/M (food to microorganism)and oxygen
demand will be highest at the inlet end of the aeration tank and it
will then progressively decrease.
• In the completely mix system, the F/M and oxygen demand will be
uniform throughout the tank.

Advantages of ASP
• Low installation cost
• Good quality effluent
• Low land requirement
• Loss of head is small
• Freedom from fly and odour nuisance

Disadvantages of ASP
• Not very flexible member
• Operation cost is high
• Sludge disposal is required on a large scale
• This process is sensitive to certain industrial wastes
• Skilled supervision is required to check that the returned sludge
remains active
Comparison Between Trickling Filters and Activated sludge process

Characteristics Trickling filter Activated sludge


Area of land Large Small

Initial cost High Low

Operating cost Low High

Technical Control Little needed Much needed

Nature of sewage Suitable for strong Sensitive to shocks

and industrial of strong trade
sewages wastes

Pumping of sewage Necessary Little or no pumping

Fly and adour Considerable None

Final Effluent Highly nitrified and Not so highly

suspended solids are nitrified and
high suspended solids low

Secondary sludge Small in quantity Large in quantity

Activated Sludge Process- Design:
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids: 80% of MLSS is constituted by the
volatile portion, Also called Mixed Liquor volatile suspended
An aeration tank is an Index of activity of microorganisms as these
metabolize biologically.
MLSS – 1500 to 3000 mg/l (conventional ASP)
- 4000 to 5000mg/l (High rate activated sludge)

Loading criteria for AERATION TANK IN ASP:

(1)Hydraulic retention time(HRT): Rate at which sewage is applied in
the aeration tank.

Given as,
T= (V/(Q*1000)*24

V= volume of aeration tank in cubic meter
Q= sewage inflow, MLD.

(2)Volumetric BOD 5 loading: Defined as BOD 5 applied per unit

volume of the aeration tank. Expressed as,
Volumetric BOD 5 loading=(Q La)/V

La= influent BOD to aeration tank in mg/l

3. Organic loading based on F/M ratio:

F= food. usually kg of BOD applied per day
M= Microorganism , represents MLSS concentration in aeration
Expressed as ,

F/M=(Q La)/((V/1000)*Xt)
Xt= MLSS concentration in mg/l


Average time for which the mass of suspended solids remain
under aeration tank.

Θ= VX/((Qw*Xr)+(Q-Qw)Xe)
V= volume of reactor
Qw= volume of wasted sludge.
Xr=concentration of solids in the return sludge
Xe= concentration of solids in the effluent
X= MLSS/MLVSS concentration in aeration tank.
Q= wastewater flow rate to ASP.

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