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Sales Funnel Checklist 

❏ Build a landing page for the county, city, or metro area where your client wants to represent buyers and sellers. 
❏ The hook should be that the user can find out about relatively inexpensive homes for sale that they may not 
already know about. 
❏ Include an autoresponder form, where the user will enter their name and email. You can ask for phone number 
too, though if it is required, conversion rates will go down. 
❏ After the user registers, they should be redirected to a search results page on the client’s site that has homes in 
the area and price range mentioned on the landing page. 
❏ Follow up with an automatic email, thanking them for their interest. Drip a series of emails to them in the 
coming days, and make sure your client has their contact info, so they can insert them into their typical followup 
❏ Promote the landing page with Facebook ads. The ad should have a similar hook to the landing page - “Homes for 
sale under [good price] in [location]”. A nice photo of a house, and text that indicates that the user can access 
info on homes they may not know about will be sufficient. 
❏ Target demographics that fit your client’s typical buyer. Those that have interest in real estate or home buying 
can be good targets. Get as detailed as you can, but we will target more specifically as we build our audience. 
❏ Add a remarketing pixel to the landing page, and to the thank you page, to track conversions, and help refine the 
audience you are promoting to. Once you have a good base of people who have clicked your ad, and visited your 
client’s site, start promoting to them. 
❏ Create a “Look-alike” audience, basing it on the audience you already have from your ads and the client’s site. 
Promote to this audience more heavily, still tracking conversions. Your conversion rate should increase once you 
start this. 
❏ Monitor your Facebook campaigns, and split test different images and ad copy, to get the best possible 

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