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2014 Teacher's Day Volleyball Tournament:

Green team bagged gold against Yellow team,


Green team bagged gold against Yellow Team,25-23,24-25,23-25.When Roma

Lamac grabbed the limelight as he took a strong finish wallop in the last set to carry the Green
team thrilling victory against Yellow team in a 2014 Teacher's Day Volleyball Tournament in the
MNHS covered court,Oct.8,2014.

Wacthed by a throng of sports enthusiasts of over 2000 people in the MNHS

covered court both teams started in the maze of sevice errors in the opening salvo.

Yellow team blasted 10 shots and wallops with less than shots to carry to finish
the first set in their favor,25-23.

In the second set Green team heated the arena when their euphoria Lamac take a
consecutive spikes to seal the lead,23-22.Go! Go! Green team shouted of thousands euphoric
people.As the second set end in their whirlwind game,24-25,in the favor of Green team.

In the last set,Yellow team fired a successive service and wallops,23-22.But the
Green team shook off the cobwebs when their two-timer Lamac got the momentum and took
his consecutive nerve-breaking wallop that shattered rival's hope bringing the crown,gasping for

"They are exellent players too"."Perhaps we are just lucky to win this game",said
Lamac the star of the game.

"3rd placer"

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