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Name: Judea Anne Columna
Grade & Section : 11 - STEM B
23/25, 16/25,
AND 17/25
Gracel Women's Volleyball Team won the 16 Under Division
Championship Game with their incredible service aces, spikers,
receivers, and blockers. Ravens got 23 points on the first
set/round of the game but still, Gracel managed to win with a 2
points interval. This Spike Junior Girls Volleyball Tournament was
held in Tivoli Country Club Quezon City on October 23, 2022. This
game is Supported by Sureviewd, Lana 300 and Kim B Food hub,
Powered by Under Armour.

The Ravens' Mendoza is the first to serve the ball, but

Gracel scores because the Ravens failed to catch it. Gracel
blocked the Ravens from spiking, and Nadala got her first service
ace in this game. The ball got out, so that's Gracel's point. The
ravens were hit by a Bedural spike (not the person). They had
eight points before the Raven had its first. Gracel is leading by a
score of 24, but the coach calls a timeout. The score now is close
to a tie (23-24), but Nadala finishes this set with her excellent
The score of the first game was 23 points for Raven, and Gracel
won the first set. Gracel also scored 25 points in the second and
third sets, earning them the championship. The Ravens scored 16
in the second quarter and 17 in the third. Gracel received a total
score of 75, while the Ravens received 56 points.

In the first set we see the incredible service of this young

lady Nadala, The blockers are aggressive too. The rally is
amazing because each team doesn’t want to lose. The spike is
good but they got a violation, so Ravens got the point. If you
don’t know what I’m talking about try to watch the reply match
on Smart Spike (16U Championship Game | Gracel vs

The Ravens slowly score because of the spikes and violations,

but don’t worry; Gracel handles that situation well thanks to their
great coaches, who guided them throughout the game. These
ladies' blocking is so clean. Their spikes are also dominating the

In the second set, Nadal is going to serve the ball. Gracel failed
to catch the ball, allowing the Ravens to score first. Seconds
later, Gracel scored too; they blocked the ball. It's all merged
now. Nadala blocked one of the ravens again. So they are ahead
in points now. Monte serves the ball, but it goes into the net. It's
referred to as a service error, so it's a tie once more.

This second set is so close in the scores that they exchange

scores. Little by little, Gracel contained the Ravens, who led by
six points, and then the Ravens called a timeout. But the timeout
didn’t help at all, so Gracel is now leading by 10 points. Raven’s
coach calls a timeout again, and finally, Raven leaves with six
points. Slowly, the Ravens are getting motivated now that they
are making an effort to equal the performance of the other
teams. Number two (I'm sorry, I forgot her name) completes the
second set game with her spike.

We are now in the third set of the match; Gracel got the first
score and the second score because the ball got out.
Cunanan served the ball; I didn’t know if this was counted as
a service ace because the guy didn’t announce it. The ravens
are now anxious because this is their last chance.
The Ravens now have a one-point lead. But Gracel recovered
immediately so it’s a tie now again. Number 2 scored again by
her athletic spike, so Gracel is on the lead now. Minutes later,
Number 2 scored again with her spikes ( so good ). Many more
minutes later, the Ravens called a time out because Gracel is now
leading by five points (19-14).

Gracel didn’t want the Ravens to score again, so they already

finished the game. Gracel is now on match point after the
Ravens got the ball out. Player Number One finishes the
game with her amazing service ace. The official score in the
third set is Ravens 17, Gracel 25.
The players with the awardings are Number 17, Rianne Bedural
for the award for Second Best Middle Blocker, Number 16 Ashley
Muchillas for being the Best Opposite Hitter, Number 7 Lavhinia
Sasondoncillo for the award of Best Libero and last but not the
least Most Valuable Player goes to Jhoemellin Nadala.

Congratulations to all the players of this game, you fought nice

and fair. It’s been an honor to write about your accomplishments.
Good luck in the future games and Thank you so much.

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