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To: UNICEF USA communication team,

From: Leroy Phomma,

Date: 7/31/2019

Subject: Earthquake Preparation File

Earthquake misconceptions Formatted: Font: Bold

Over the past couple of decades, earthquakes have been frequently appearing in specific locations
such as the Pacific Ocean. However, this is leading to a mis-conceptional belief that earthquakes
only appear in specific locations. In actuality earthquakes can appear anywhere at any time. This
raises concern as more residents are unaware of the true potentials of an earthquake. The more
residents that become unaware creates a worst-case scenario effect. For example, residents will be
more vulnerable to the hazards during an earthquake resulting in potential causalities. Throughout
history earthquakes have always caught humanity by surprised which results structure damage and
death. Fortunately, this is preventable if residents become more aware.
Preparation guide Formatted: Font: Bold

My proposal is to create a preparation guide in the format of a portable document format (PDF).
We need to inform residents of all areas on how to prepare for an earthquake. Creating an
earthquake preparation guide in the format of a PDF will make it convenient for residents to access.
Create the preparation guide through Adobe and Microsoft Word. Also create both the paper and
electronic format of the pdf. Consider residents that do not have access to the internet or a
computer, so paper format would be available. Distribute the pdf in multiple ways. Posting the
preparation file on the front page of the UNICEFUSA website. Create a signup sheet requesting
residents for either their e-mail or mailing address. This will create the opportunity to either
electronically or physically mail the preparation file. Residents who signed up will be able to
receive the preparation file and have access to it anytime for their convenience. This will also
enable a way of communication for residents via mail or e-mail in case any concerns arise.
Residents will also be able to post feedback about the pdf file through email or mail. With the
feedback provided we can make the necessary adjustments.
Our Mission Formatted: Font: Bold
Earthquake awareness is very important as it could save the lives. If we could spread more
awareness, we could potentially minimize damages and causalities. The UNICEF main goal is to
provide humanitarian aid for people all over the world. It is our duty as members of this
organization to inform people about the dangers of not preparing for an earthquake. We can help
educate those who have never experienced an earthquake.
Earthquake locality
As we continue to live peaceful daily lives the threat of an earthquake becomes smaller and smaller.
This growing rate of unawareness applies to every single one of us. This could affect someone you
may know. Friends and family members living away from an area of frequent earthquakes probably
feel no need to prepare. It is important that we inform them so we can help keep our family and
friends safe with the knowledge provided. Having more residents aware will help reduce the
amount of damages and casualties.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. I appreciate the amount of time and
effort given reading this email, I hope you all give feedback if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Leroy Phomma

Operations Department

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