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Nombre: Zambrano Acuña Gabriela Paola

Curso: 4/59

Make an essay about tecnology every paragraph (4 lines)

The technology serves to solve ina more affective, fast and efficient way some of the
problems that arise every day in the life of the human being. It is used to créate
instruments, artifacts, tolos and hnowledge that allow men and women to medify their
environment and adapt to it.

Technology in defined as the set of hnowledge dedicated to the creation of tolos,

processes and actions that allow human beings to extend and enhance their abilities.
Technology is, in other words, an application of science that serves to solve different
types of problems.

The use of technology increases every day thanks to the dependence that human beings
have on it to be to perform most tasks present in thir home and Jobs. On the other hand,
we can find a flexible technology that massifies technologies in different areas.

Smartphone are amazing inventions and help us in lots of different ways, but i´m
worried that we uses them to much. every day, i see hundreds of people using their
phones in the city, and it´s causing some serious problems. the second reason is that i
think talking on phone in public is annoying

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