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Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig Branch

College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in Mathematics
AY: 2019 – 2020


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in The Child and

Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles

Submitted by:

Estolloso, Via Jean S.

Finez, Nardo Jr. G.

Hisona, Ara Vethica C.

Submitted to:

Prof. Yolanda Rabe

July 18, 2019

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig Branch
College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in Mathematics
AY: 2019 – 2020

Table of Contents

I. Chapter 1: The Problem 1

II. Chapter 2: Research Methodology 1

III. Chapter 3: Findings 2

IV. Chapter 4: Conclusions 2

V. Chapter 5: Sources 2
Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig Branch
College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in Mathematics
AY: 2019 – 2020


The Problem

A person is known to behave based on their past experiences in life. A person can

change their personality and lifestyle due to the environment they are involved, the way how

we grow, and the habits we deal with everyday life.

There are still many factors as how a person has that current lifestyle. Yet, the most

important but forgotten is how a fetus lives in a mother's womb. The lifestyle of the mother

while in the prenatal stage affects the status of fetus that will be adopted until they grow. In

addition, the first nine months of the offspring will determine on how they will adopt to the


The Researcher tends to discover how the lifestyle of the mother while in a prenatal

stage will affect the life of the fetus as soon as the mother delivers the offspring. The offspring

might be able to adopt the lifestyle of the mother during her prenatal stage. It will be a big

factor to the lifestyle of the offspring.

Research Methodology

The purpose of this study is to determine how the first nine months affect your life.

Dealing with the lifestyle that the mother is doing while in the prenatal stage period. This will

help the Researchers to conclude whether the first nine months affect the lifestyle of the

offspring as soon as they are delivered.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig Branch
College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in Mathematics
AY: 2019 – 2020

The Researchers conducted the research in an institute, National Institute of Health,

wherein the Researchers examines the offspring before they are born. Before the offspring is

delivered the mother is being examined. The research is an ongoing process that needs a

continuous study.


The research shows that the first nine months helps the offspring to shape their selves

to adopt the lifestyle of the mother. The exposures and radiations the offspring receives such

as pollutants, drugs, and an infection has a big effect during the prenatal stage. It permanently

influences the functioning of organs that can lead to symptoms of disabilities.


The Researchers conclude that the first nine months is a big factor that will help to

make the life of the offspring to become better. The way how the mother will take care of her

child is an important matter. The actions of the mother and the lifestyle of the mother while

carrying her child in her womb will be have effects on the rest of the life of her child.


Time Magazine, (October 2010). ”How the first nine months shape the rest of your
life” page 45-46.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Taguig Branch
College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in Mathematics
AY: 2019 – 2020

1. Does the article agree that heredity, environment and individual’s choice are
factors that contribute to what a person can become? What particular
paragraphs tell so?
There are many factors what makes us who we are as an individual. "We are the way
we are because it is in our genes. We turn out the way we do because of our childhood
experience." it states on the second paragraph which is trully speaking heredity and
environment play an important role in the development of the personality and other
qualities in the individual. However, the article also mentioned the fetal origins. "...your
life as a fetus. The nutrition you received in the womb; the pollutants, drugs and infections
you were exposed to during gestation; your mother's health and state of mind while she
was pregnant with your - all these factors shaped you as a baby and continue to affect you
to this day." In other words fetal origins are also powerful factor on how we become as an
individual. It is important that our mother is taking care of herself during pregnancy
because it has effect on life up to now.
2. Read the 4th paragraph again. Focus your attention to the highlighted word,
PERMANENTLY. Relate this to the issue on stability versus change. Does this
word PERMANENTLY convince you that we are what our first experiences have
made us (stability)? Explain your answer.
The article focuses on what are the effects of fetal origins on the new born baby up to
the process of developing. Additionally, it convinces us that what we are right now is
because of our past experience and the happenings during our prenatal period are
permanently in our body. It has a big impact on our lifestyle especially when we are in the
state of late adulthood wherein we are prone to many diseases and the reason of becoming
health conscious. Prior to that, people discovers what reasons lead us to be ill and it made
us think that we should have taken care of ourselves back then. Also, our mother should
also have additional care on their selves because it is the most consequential period of our

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