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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Teenage pregnancy is a global problem that must be addressed in order to lessen

mother childbearing concerns, particularly in developing nations. One of the most serious

challenges that all people face is early pregnancy. Lack of access to sexual and

reproductive health information and services is one of the reasons of teenage pregnancy.

Along with sexual abuse, cultures’ expectations of females to become mothers early can

be a factor. According to the World Health Organization (2020), 7.3 million females aged

16 to 18 become pregnant each year, and 2.5 million girls aged 15 and under give birth.

Pregnancy and childbirth are also the second leading cause of death for girls aged 15 to

19. In underdeveloped countries, half of pregnancies among girls aged 15 to 19 are

unwanted, and 3 million girls aged 15 to 19 have unsafe abortions each year. Student

women must reevaluate their future ambitions as they balance family and job preparation.

Women have had to deal with society’s judgement no matter what generation they were

born into, and they have made the best of it.

However, pregnancy’s high metabolic demands necessitate special physiological

and anatomical adjustments. Nearly every organ system, including the cardiovascular,

respiratory, renal gastrointestinal, and hematologic system, is impacted by these changes.

Another level of complexity is added by the placenta. These modifications make it

difficult for clinicians to comprehend the signs and symptoms that are being presented as

well as to interpret laboratory and radiographic tests. Therefore, it must be important for
teens to make decisions about their futures and bodies to increase their awareness of their

sexual and reproductive health and rights, shield them from harm, and put them in touch

with education and health resources.

One study by Gregorio (2018), said that despite the Philippine government’s

effort to adopt legislation initiatives related to reproductive health, the terrible situation

persists. Using feminist theory and photo-elicitation, this paper investigates how teenage

moms see and understand adolescent sexuality, love relationships, and parenting. By

capturing these areas from the viewpoints of young moms and positioning it at the

community level, this study gives sophisticated understanding of previously established

studies on the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines.

Understanding the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy on teenage moms will

give awareness of what can happen to their bodies. Recognize also the possible outcomes

of having an early pregnancy in their teenage years. For example, losing and gaining

body weight, changes in taste buds, experiencing leg cramps, premature birth, etc.

In this research, the researchers want to assess young parents in secondary

education for their anatomical awareness. There are a lot of students who are now parents

and don't know the possible consequences of having an early child. We will conduct a

survey to know if the young parents are aware of what may happen to their bodies. We

want to know how we can help someone who is an adolescent and is capable of bearing a

child, and how we can educate them about this study.

Background of the Study

Everyone goes through adolescence. It's one of the most essential seasons of life

where parents' strong care and support are required to make the appropriate decisions
about significant life issues. Teen pregnancy is a problem that affects the entire

community, as well as families and individuals.

This study entitled Batang Ina: Assessment on the Anatomical Awareness on Young

Parents of Secondary Education Students in Norzagaray College was conducted in the

Municipalities of Norzagaray located in Bulacan.

Bulacan is a first-class province of the Republic of the Philippines found in

Central Luzon. The town of Norzagaray is divided into 13 barangays with a population of

136, 064 based on the 2020 census. 

The chosen local is only in Norzagaray especially in Norzagaray College for the

convenience of the researchers to save their time in conducting their study.

Teenagers can obtain sexual education in a variety of ways, including through

their schools. The researchers want to know if young parents in Secondary Education are

aware of what possibly happens to their bodies. It is important for them to become

knowledgeable about the possible outcomes if they get pregnant at an early age and have

changes in their body.

Conceptual Framework

Demographic Profile
of the Respondents:
Questionnaire Orientation
a. Age
b. Year&Section: Data Analysis
Level of Awareness:
a. Physical Changes

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1, there is one Dependent Variable – Orientation. This study aims to

describe the independent variable and how it contributes in determining the assessment

on anatomical awareness on a young parent.

Through this figure, the researchers envisioned in determining the assessment on

the anatomical awareness on a young parent.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Assessment on the Anatomical Awareness on Young

Parents of Secondary Education Students in Norzagaray College for the 1 st semester of

the academic year 2022-2023. The purpose of this research was to find answer to the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Year & Section;

2. What is the level of anatomical awareness of young parent student in terms of

physical changes?

3. Is there any significant relationship on the awareness of young-parent students

when grouped according to their profile?


There is no significant relationship on the awareness of young-parent students

when grouped according to their profile.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study is relevant on the anatomical awareness on young-parent.

This is bound to have great importance for the following:

Teenage Mothers. Adolescent mothers could gain insight into their situation and

be aware of their responsibilities as both parents and students. Through this study, they

will know what the consequences of would be being a mother at an early age. They also

know the reasons for an early pregnancy, so they avoid it and be aware.

Students. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the reality of teenage

moms and importantly for them to learn about the experiences of teenage mothers and the

awareness of the students. The students can also serve as data providers for future

researchers regarding teenage pregnancy.

Parents. Parents' guide and facilities their children. They can provide full support

to their child’s education even if it is early pregnancy. They can also help to advise every

student like being aware of the pregnancy. They are also an eye opener for the parents to

start educating their teenage daughters about sex and pregnancy and to be more involved

in the life of their children. This will help the parents to communicate more with their

teenage daughters.

School Administrators. School Administrators will provide information to

promote, enhance understanding, and support programs concerning adolescent mothers to

help them cope with their situation.

Academic Researchers. Academic Researchers can refer to the study in

conducting further analysis about the awareness of teenage pregnancy. The justification
of their focus of study. They will broaden their knowledge about the experience of

teenage mothers and be aware.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is used the descriptive method of research in which the goal was to

know the assessment on the anatomical awareness on young parents. The study was

focused on the awareness of a young parent. The data collection was conducted to 20

students of secondary education of Norzagaray College in Academic Year 2022-2023

who represented the population.

The researchers communicate with the target respondents through survey


Definition of Terms

The researchers defined the following key terms involved in the study

operationally to clearly understand and use them properly:

Anatomical. This term refers to the physical changes of human bodies. It is also

gives more understanding to the changes of the body especially on the teenage mothers.

Assessment. This term is used in evaluating teenage mothers regarding with their

physical, psychological and social challenges.

Awareness. The researchers used this term to give realizations to the teenage

mothers about what changes could happen to their bodies.

Quantitative Research. It is the process that the researchers used in this study.
Researcher. This is the one who investigates a specific topic to gain new

knowledge and understanding to improve their existing expertise. It is also the one who

conducts the research.

Teenage Mother. Adolescent mothers are women aged 11 to 19 who become

pregnant and raise their children. This is the participant in the study.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter summarizes the review of related literature and studies related to the

assessment on the anatomical to give awareness to the young parents of secondary

education. These sources were used to write and developed the paper. The paper was

written and developed using these references as a foundation.

Anatomical Changes

According to Rungsiprakarn, Laopaiboon, Sangkomkamhang, Lumbiganon and

Pratt (2015), constipation is one of the most typical pregnancy symptoms. The effects

range from haemorrhoids to a lower quality of life and a negative perception of physical

health. The clinician caring for pregnant patients must be aware of the efficacy and safety

of treatments for constipation in pregnancy. Due to the lack of data (few studies with

small sample sizes and no meta-analyses), it is difficult to evaluate the efficacy and safety

of interventions (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) for treating constipation in

pregnancy. Stimulant laxatives appear to be more effective than bulk-forming laxatives in

treating constipation (moderate quality evidence), but they are also associated with

increased diarrhea (moderate quality evidence) and abdominal pain (low quality
evidence), with no difference in women's satisfaction (moderate quality evidence).

Additionally, compared to no intervention, fiber supplementation may increase the

frequency of stools (moderate quality evidence), though there was a moderate risk of bias

in these findings.

Moreover, Griñan, Gil, Soriano and Nogueron (2021), the center of gravity shifts

forward during pregnancy, increasing lumbar lordosis, while the head and trunk are

carried further back. This modification affects gait because the frontal plane movement is

caused by the body swaying laterally and the legs being slightly more apart than usual.

The medial longitudinal plantar arch in the foot flattens during pregnancy, which

increases pressure in the midfoot region and overloads the knees, ankles, and feet. Leg

cramps are more likely to occur and are made worse by the increased stress placed on the

ankle's plantar flexors.

Although Korgavkar and Wang (2014), up to 90% of women experience striae

gravidarum (SG), or stretch marks that appear during pregnancy. SG can be disfiguring

and cause emotional and psychological distress, despite not being medically dangerous.

There aren't many studies, particularly during pregnancy, that deal specifically with SG

prevention. Furthermore, it is unknown how SG's molecular pathogenesis differs from

that of striae from other causes. We review topical treatments that have been specifically

employed for SG prevention during pregnancy in light of these factors. We identify two

main strategies (end points) that are addressed by these modalities: I preventing the

development of SG from scratch; and (ii) lessening the severity of SG that have already

Nevertheless, Choo and Dando (2017) stated that although it is common for

pregnant women to report a change in taste (such as an increased response to bitterness or

a decreased response to sweetness), details of any taste variation with pregnancy remain

elusive. Here, we review research on taste during pregnancy and talk about how

physiologic changes that take place during this time may affect taste signaling. By

comparing methods and results, we hope to bring together research on human pregnancy

and "taste function" (studies of taste thresholds, discrimination, and intensity perception

as opposed to hedonic response or self-report). Most studies, especially in the early stages

of pregnancy, report either no change or an increase in threshold/decrease in perceived

taste intensity, suggesting a potential decrease in taste acuity during pregnancy.

On the other hand, Vanky et. al (2012) breast growth and breastfeeding between

the metformin and placebo groups were not different. Body mass index (BMI) was

negatively correlated with the duration of partial breastfeeding, but breast size increment

was positively correlated with both exclusive and partial breastfeeding duration. The

levels of DHEAS, testosterone, and the free testosterone index (FTI) during pregnancy

did not affect the growth of the breasts or the quantity of time spent breastfeeding. In

comparison to women whose breast size increased, those whose breast size did not

change were more obese, had higher blood pressure, serum triglycerides, and fasting

insulin levels, and breastfed for a shorter period of time.

The latest study by Watson, Broadbent, Skouteris and Tyszkiewicz (2016) the

following themes were drawn from the qualitative data: (1) women's body image

experiences during pregnancy were complex and changing, and they were influenced by

the salience of particular body parts, the women's expectations for future changes to their
bodies during the perinatal period, the functionality of the body, and their experience

with maternity clothing; (2) women were able to negotiate the changes to their bodies as

they recognized the functionality of the pregnant body; and (3) women's experiences with

maternity clothing.

In the study of Oswald, Higgins and Assimakopoulos (2013) Pregnant women's

centers of mass shift anteriorly as they enter their second and third trimesters, increasing

lumbar lordosis and resulting in lower back and pelvic girdle pain. More recent research

supports the efficacy and safety of using manual therapy to treat this pain. For pregnant

women experiencing mechanical pelvic and low back pain, massage therapy and

chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, are extremely safe and effective

evidence-based treatments.

On the study of Rungsiprakarn, Laopaiboon, Sangkomkamhang and Lumbiganon

(2016) Itching all over the body that is not brought on by a systemic illness or skin

lesions is a fairly typical pregnancy symptom. The effectiveness and safety of

pharmacological interventions for treating this condition, however, are not supported by

randomized controlled trials, which should serve as the practice's primary source of

information. To assess the efficacy of topical and systemic pharmacological interventions

as well as any unfavorable effects of the interventions, well-designed randomized

controlled trials are required. Such studies ought to take into account crucial outcomes

like itching relief, women's satisfaction, sleep disturbance, and negative effects.

Teenage Pregnancy
However, Bitzer, et al. (2016) in this article, that sexual and reproductive health

care should empower and enable all people to have as safe and enjoyable a sexual life as

possible. Regional and societal limitations frequently prevent adolescent from achieving

this aim. Barriers to teenage contraception access, availability, and acceptance were noted

by the Global CARE (Contraception: Access, Resources, Education) group, not just at the

political and societal level, but also within health care practice. The team gathered and

summarized successful local methods and technologies that could be used in other areas.

There were also proposed elements of best practice for administering contraception

independent of setting or regional limits, such as required skills, knowledge, and

attitudes. Sharing evidence-based best practices in contraception delivery, advancements

in health care provider education, and cross-national sharing of experience would

hopefully assist to overcome the hurdles to appropriate and effective adolescent

counseling and treatment.

Furthermore, Salvador, Sauce, Alvarez, and Rosario (2016), teenage pregnancy

has been a worldwide issue, urging numerous campaigns and public awareness efforts to

reduce its prevalence. This phenomenon is becoming more common with each passing

year. The Philippines is one of several Asian countries in a similar situation. According to

the National Demographic and Health Survey, one out of every five young Filipino

women aged 15 to 19 is already a mother or is pregnant with her first child. As a result,

the government, in collaboration with various non-governmental organizations, should

make efforts to resolve this issue. Teenage pregnancy is frequently linked to social

development issues such as a lack of adequate education and poverty. This frequently
leads to single parenthood, which creates conditions that cause mothers to become


In the journal of Ampatzidis, Georgakopoulou, and Kapsi (2021), students all

over the world demonstrate a poor conceptual understanding of sexual reproduction.

Risks such as STIs and unintended pregnancies have been linked to a lack of

understanding of how the human reproductive system works. They investigate

reproductive physiology and anatomy knowledge among postgraduate educational

sciences students in this paper. After showing 65 postgraduate students in educational

sciences images of the internal and external genitalia, they administered a questionnaire

to assess their knowledge of (a) the organs of the male and female reproductive systems,

and (b) the organs responsible for producing sperm, eggs, and fertilized eggs.

After all, Maxwell, Makatu, and Takalani (2016) looked at the prevalence of

behaviors that put secondary school students at risk for illnesses and poor health, and

found that a significant number of a young people engage in unprotected sex. The study

also showed that one in three teenagers had gotten pregnant before turning 20 years old.

It went on to say that 11% of abortions were carried out by girls under the age of 18. The

same study, done in 2008, revealed that 24.4% of the girls asked acknowledged becoming

pregnant. The study’s goal is to evaluate students’ knowledge about TP prevention

through sex education programs. The goal of the study was to determine whether

teenagers were aware of the various pregnancy prevention strategies.

In addition, Ramos et al. (2021), examine that many youths are affected by teen

pregnancy, which has become a public health issue. The goal of this study is to

investigate the various environmental factors that influence early pregnancy among
teenagers in Echague Isabela’s selected barangays. Through a non-probability

convenience sampling technique, a descriptive-correlational study was done among

selected youths in barangays X, Y, and Z of Echague Isabela. The Likert scale is used to

assess four contributing factors: economic factor, familial factor, peer pressure factor, and

educational element. The information was acquired both online and in person. The

study’s findings revealed that there was no statistically significant association between

the factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy and their profile age or educational status

when C>0.05 was used in the research. When the factors that related to teenage

pregnancy were categorized according to their profile age and educational standing, there

was no significant difference (F > 0.05). It implies that the age and educational position

of the respondents have no bearing on the factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy. It

acted as a resource, raising awareness and perhaps providing information for couples,

students, health providers, instructors, and parents.

Synthesis of Reviewed Literatures and Studies

This synthesis was created by the researchers in order to conclude that the

gathered literature and studies above have various similarities and differences to the

current study.

According to the data gathered, many young people are affected by teen

pregnancy, which has become a public health issue. The purpose of this research is to

look into the various anatomical changes that influence early pregnancy in teenagers.

Sexual and reproductive health care should empower and enable all people to have a

sexual life that is as safe and enjoyable as possible.

With each year that goes by, this problem becomes more widespread. The

Philippines is one of many Asian nations in a comparable circumstance. Five out of every

ten young Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 19 are either pregnant with their

first child or have already given birth, according to the National Demographic and Health

Survey. As a result, the government should work with numerous non-governmental

organizations to try to find a solution to this problem. Teenage pregnancy is typically

associated with social development problems including poverty and inadequate

schooling. This typically results in solitary parenting, which breeds an environment

where moms act irresponsibly.

Chapter 3

This chapter presented the systematic plan for conducting research. It includes the

research design, sample and sampling techniques, research instrument and data

processing, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

A descriptive research method is one that outlines the features of the population

or phenomenon being examined. To fully grasp the assessment in anatomical awareness,

a quantitative design was adopted in this study. The researchers examine that many

youths are affected by teen pregnancy, which has become a public health issue. To

evaluate and describe the assessment in the anatomical awareness and reducing teenage

pregnancies, a descriptive research design was used in this study. The researcher used a

cross-sectional descriptive design to provide an explicit description and address learner`s

awareness of teenage pregnancy prevention.

Sample and Sampling Technique

In this study, the researchers used purposive sampling, selecting only adolescent

mothers who already have a child and taking up a course in Secondary Education that are

enrolled in the 1st semester of the academic year 2022-2023 of Norzagaray College.

The number of respondents is 20 persons in all academic years.

Survey forms will be given to the young-parent students who already have

children through google form.

Research Instrument
The main instrument that is used for data collection is survey questionnaires with

the respondents. The main topics of the survey forms are awareness and assessment on

teenage mothers. The questions which were closely related to the topic chosen were

picked out and edited. The survey is convenient and easy to prepare to get the desired


In this study, the researchers used adopted research instrument, in which the

validation is conducted by the Master Teacher I and Teacher III and also the researchers

collaborated to make a questionnaire for the young-parent student in Norzagaray College.

The instrument is composed of Part I which is the Demographic Profile of the

Respondents. Part II is what is the level of anatomical awareness of young-parent student

in terms of physical changes.

The Likert Scale used in this instrument utilized the following ratings:

Number Rating Range Interpretation

1 0-1 Not at all Aware

2 1.01-2 Slightly Aware

3 2.01-3 Very Aware

4 3.01-4 Extremely Aware

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The researchers collected this data through a survey to effectively interpret it. The

researchers provided a questionnaire to the respondents who were young-parent

Secondary Education students because they participated in this study. The researchers

handled the questionnaires personally, which was made easier by the retrieval of
responses. The questionnaire will be used to determine whether or not a young-parent

students are aware on their anatomical changes.

To effectively interpret the study`s data, the researchers will use the following

statistical treatment:

Mean and Weighted Mean. Mean is used to identify the mean age and average

impact of early pregnancy to which the respondents belong to. The Weighted mean is

used to identify the average response of the respondents regarding the fulfillment roles of

a young parent by the Likert Scale.

The formula to compute for the mean is given by:

⅀ fX
x̅ = n

where: x̅ is the mean;

f is the frequency;

X is the class mark of every class interval; and

n is the total number of respondents.

Percentage. This is used to show how much and what part of the sample

conveyed the corresponding profile of the respondents. The formula to compute the

percentage is given by:

p = f/n x100%

where: p is the percentage;

f is the frequency of the class interval; and

n is the total number of respondents

Frequency Distribution. This statistical method is used to present the data in its

easiest form, involving the information and data gathered from the respondents about

their profile and perceptions.

T-test. To compare the means of two groups, a t test is a statistical test that is

used. It is frequently applied in hypothesis testing to assess whether a procedure or

treatment actually affects the population of interest or whether two groups differ from

one another. The formula to compute the t-test is given by:

t= x̄ + μ

where: ‘x’ bar is the mean of the sample;

μ is the assumed mean;

σ is the standard deviation; and

n is the number of observations

T-test Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Variable 1 Variable 2

Mean 4 2.5
Variance 22 4.285714286
Observations 5 8
Pooled Variance 10.72727273
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 11
t Stat 0. 803350221
P(T<=t) one-tail 0. 219393526
t Critical one-tail 1. 795884819
P(T<=t) two-tail 0. 438787052
t Critical two-tail 2. 20098516

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