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Lack of Sleep vs.

Lack of Interest: An Analysis on Which is a More Frequent Cause of

Drowsiness Among Bosconians During Class

Thesis Statement

The research aims to

Research Questions

The research intends to answer the following questions:

1. How many hours do Bosconians sleep at home:

During weekdays?

During weekends?

2. What time do they sleep at night?

Do they stay up late?

If they do, what activities/reasons do they have for doing so?

Do they follow a regular sleep schedule?

3. What time of the day during class hours do Bosconians usually feel sleepy?

During which subjects do they feel sleepy?

Why do they feel sleepy during those specific subjects?


- The research can help students who are having difficulties in their studies due to being

sleepy during classes.

- The research can help educators to find ways on how to motivate students who are

sleepy during classes.

- The research can help parents monitor if their children get proper amounts of sleep

and/or satisfaction in school.

Scope and Delimitation

The study intends to identify the major causes of drowsiness during class among students

from Don Bosco Academy. The study aims to help students who often feel sleepy during class

hours, especially those who are having low marks due to the said problem. Respondents will be

chosen randomly and will not be constricted to only those who always feel sleepy during class.

Respondents will range from grade 7 to 10 students.


Research Design

The research paper is a Quantitative one and under this is the descriptive/Survey method

of research that will be applied in the study. Quantitative research is a formal, objective,

systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world

(Burns, 2005). Quantitative research creates meaning through objectivity uncovered in the

collected data (Williams, 2007). This research design is used for/because our research requires

an objective approach.

Data Collection Method

The research used survey questionnaires to answer the problem of the study. A

questionnaire is a set of systematically structured questions used by a researcher to get needed

information from respondents. Questionnaires have been termed differently, including surveys,

schedules, indexes/indicators, profiles, studies, opinionnaires, batteries, tests, checklists, scales,

inventories, forms, inter alia (Ong’anya, 2009). This data collection method is used for/because

(cite your reason/why you chose this and not other data collection method)

Conceptual Framework

>Surveys will be
handed-out to the


>The respondents
>Survey will be asked to
Papers answer the survey >Conclusio


Null: Bosconians feel sleepy during class hours due to the lack of sleep at home.

Alternative: Bosconians feel sleepy during class because they are not interested in certain

subjects, lessons, or teachers.

Definition of Terms

Introduction with Related Literature

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