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Typescript compiler tsc converts code to - JavaScript
TypeScript is - Object Oriented
TypeScript is a - Super-set of JavaScript
We can rename a .js file to .ts file generally - true
The value of TypeScript is writing - Safer code
TypeScript was made public by - Microsoft
A JavaScript file cannot be renamed to a TypeScript file - false
During run time, __checking is done - Dynamic Type
Which type is assigned to variables with null type - None of these
Annotations can be implemented as - length: number
Generics allows to accept arguments of - Different types
Type Annotations allows us to - Record the intended contract of the function or
A type system is a set of - Rules
Static type checking is done at - Compilation time
Generics are _ - Template
Which of the following is the right way of defining enum? - all
Syntax for a decorator is - @symbol
Which of the two is used appropriately in JavaScript code: - function reverse(s:
string) : string;
" var jarvis = function (x: number, y?: number): number {} " showcases - both
Inheritance is implemented by using which keyword? - extends
Which of the following is the wrong way of defining variables in TypeScript - var
Which keyword is used for Inheritance in TypeScript? - extends
Which of the following are inherited from base class? - all
Which keywork is used to access base class properties? - super
The code snippet " if (value && typeof value == "string") {}; is used for _ -
TypeScript uses prototypical inheritance instead of classical inheritance. - false
Compiled .js of .ts containing class will also have class. - false
Accessing a class of a module from outside is impossible in TypeScript. - false
Likewise other elements, Interface of TypeScript is usually converted to
JavaScript. - false
Contextual typing in TypeScript is a form of - not Type Checking************
Decorators provides a way for - both
Which of the following is a wrong way to declare the variable in TypeScript? - var
What is the form associated with @expression? - Decorators
Optional parameter can be defined by using "?". - true
Which one of the following code snippet is safer? - function fn(x: () => void)
{ x(); }
How can we access a class of module from outside? - By using "export"
Enum organises - Set of related values
During compilation, TypeScript code gets converted to assembly language.- false
_ in command line enables experimental support for decorators. - " tsc –target ES5
–experimentalDecorators "
Type System is a - Set of rules
Which is not a type that TypeScript supports - integer
What is true about Mixins in TypeScript? - all
Why optional parameters are added? - not To avoid assigning value for parameterised
“any” is type of generic. FALSE
"any" type is assigned to the variable in case of - not initialising variable
(wrong answer)
Which is not a type that TypeScript supports? enum (wrong anser)
During compilation time, _______checking is done. static
TypeScript is a open source programming language. TRUE
To a declaration, at most how many decorators can be applied? Multiple (wrong
Which of the following demonstrates function overloading, if possible, in
TypeScript? var a=function(n1:number,n3?:number):number{})
What type of checking does Java programming language use? static

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