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Black-Tailed Deer Characteristics

Odocoileus hemionus Appearance: Reddish brown in summer; gray in

winter; large ears; dark tails with white
underneath; males have dark brown antlers
Black Tailed Deer are native along the
Size: 40" in length, 2'-4' tall
Pacific Coast, from Central California to
Location: Commonly seen near CFTA; will
British Columbia. They inhabit about
75% of California’s wild. Black-tailed browse for food anywhere
deer are primary consumers and are an Season: Year-round; fawns born in spring
integral part of the food chain. They eat
herbaceous plants along with acorns, o Native
berries, fungi and woody growth. They
are prey for the mountain lion, black
bear and coyote.

Fun Facts Sources

These deer are also California’s most popular Article by Karen Mihaylo
game animal and bring in approximately $450 Natural History Museum
million annually. Picture: Jessica Cliff

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