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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

A. Paraphrase the poem;
B. Single out imagery and poetic devices used for unity of effect;
C. Discriminate positive and negative values;
D. Arrive at the meaning of words through context clues;
E. Sustain interest in learning new things; and
F. Perform actively the task given.


Topic : Literature
The Road Not Taken
by: Robert Frost
Reference : Functional English for Today Textbook pp. 252 – 255
Materials : visual aids, boxes, Manila paper, chalk and chalkboard


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Motivation
Good afternoon class!
Good afternoon sir!
Have been in a situation wherein you are
confused in making your decision? If so, how do
handle the situation?
Yes sir, I handle it by making my
decisions well.
That’s great! I have here two boxes, one is
wrapped with colorful paper and another box
wrapped with a crumpled newspaper.
I want you to choose one, and then cite your
reason for choosing the box.
Sir, I picked the one wrapped with
colorful paper for the reason that I was
impressed by the physical appearance of it.
Great idea! What about the other who decide
on the other box?
Sir, I picked the box wrapped in a
newspaper for the reason that I believe there
is something beautiful stuff inside in spite of
having that bad physical appearance.
Very nice idea! Now, I am going to reveal to
you what’s inside the boxes. The box wrapped in a
newspaper contains a silver bracelet while the other
box has a green pepper inside it.
Now, who among you did the right decision
of choosing the box with jewelry inside?
Sir, I failed to choose the right box
for the reason that I was hooked by the
physical attributes of the colorful box
hoping that it will have nice stuff inside.
You are correct! It’s not always important to
depend on the outside appearance, for the reason
that it may only be a trick hooking my eyes.
What about the other who use to pick the
other box. Did you made the right decision?
Yes sir, because physical appearance
is not always important.
That’s brilliant! Knowing to decide right
will never be easy mostly if you’re confused of
choosing between two different things.

B. Lesson Presentation
Do you know this man in the picture?
(The teacher will post the picture on the board.)
Yes sir, he is Robert Frost.
Very good! What can you say about Robert
He is one of the great American
writers who wrote variety of literary pieces.
You are correct! Can you give some of his
works or writings?
- Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening

- Asking for Roses

- The Bear
- The Black Cottage
- Acquainted with the Night
All of your examples are correct! I have here
one of his marked literary piece. it’s a poem
entitled: The Road Nit Taken. I will be the first to
read it and then you will follow afterwards.
The first band third stanzas will be read by
the boys while the second and fourth stanzas will be
chorally read by the girls.
Class, listen carefully as I read the poem.

(The teacher will post the poem on the board and

will read it.)
(The students’ will listen carefully and
The Road Not Taken
by: Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Vocabulary Building
Direction: Which phrase is closet in meaning to
the italicized words?
1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
a. differed in material construction
b. departed from a common point
c. came together
d. form a zigzag
- b. departed from a common
2. One road led to an undergrowth.
a. tall tress in the forest
b. grass and herbs in the meadow
c. low-growing plants and shrubs under
d. wide orchard
- c. low growing plants and shrubs
under trees
3. In leaves no step had trodden black.
a. a foot lever
b. convey from one place to another
c. movement of a foot in walking
d. to step or walk on
- c. movement of a foot in walking
4. I shall be telling this with a sigh.
a. being tired
b. thinking something good
c. deep audible breath
d. deep thinking
- c. deep audible breath
Now class, how many roads are mentioned
in the poem?
There are two roads mentioned in the
You are correct! What are those roads?
The two roads are the one traveled
by many and the one less traveled by.
Very good! Which road did the traveler
took? What is his reason for that?
The traveler took the road less
traveled by because he wants to experience
something different afar from the rest who
took the other path.
That’s great! I f you were the traveler, are
you going to take the same road or you are going to
take the road traveled by many? What makes you
decide to take that road?
If I were the traveler, I will also
travel the road less traveled for the reason
that just like the man in the poem I want to
experience something different in my life.
Very nice idea! How about the others?
If I were the traveler I will take the
path crossed by many for the reason that
reaching my goal using that road is going to
be easy.
That’s brilliant! All of your decisions are
correct because that’s what your heart and mind
whispering you to do. And that you believe that
once you decided there is no turning back and it
cannot be undone anymore.
What is your interpretation of the poem?
Anyone from the class?
It is an expression of individualism.
Very nice idea! Take note of this class.
Individualism is the exercise of one's goals and
desires. It is very true in the Poem of Robert Frost
because of the fact the traveler only do what he
wanted to do without minding other people
surrounds him.

C. Language Focus
Now, we are going to analyze the poem. to
do this you need to learn a process called
paraphrasing and what is it all about.
Paraphrase is restatement of a text or
passages, using other words.
It is derived from the Latin"paraphrasis"
from the Greek para phraseïn, meaning "additional
manner of expression".

Read the following lines from “the
Universal Prayer” by: Alexander Pope and the
paraphrase below.
Teach me to feel another’s woe
To hide the fault I see
The mercy I to others show
That mercy show to me.
The author/speaker ask the Lord to help him
sympathize with others and to forgive their faults or
shortcomings, so that God will also be merciful to

D. Enrichment Activity
Here are lines from Robert Frost “Stopping
by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep

How does the poet describe the woods?

The poet describes the woods as
lovely, dark, and deep.
Very good! How is he affected by the
In the woods he feel sleepy but he
has promises to keep.
That’s great! Why is he unable to do what he
For the reason that he needs to travel
miles of walk before going to sleep.
Very nice answer! Now in a ½ sheet of paper
paraphrase the following lines.

Activity # 1
1. I am master of my fate
I am captain of my soul
-William Earnest Henley
2. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep
- Robert Frost
Activity # 2
Class, count 1-4, and proceed to your
respective groups. What you’re going to do is to
paraphrase the poem, The Road Not Taken.
Group 1 – first stanza
Group 2 – second stanza
Group 3 – third stanza
Group 4 – fourth stanza
I will give you 10 minutes to paraphrase
your assigned stanzas and after the time expires the
first group will read their work. Your work will be
written in Manila paper. Is that understood class?
Yes sir.
(The students will do the task.)


With the same group. You are now going to

have a choral interpretation of the poem The Road
Not Taken. I will give you 15 minute to prepare and
after it the first group will present their work.

Your performance will be graded based on

the following rubric:
(The students’ will do the task.)

Search for a short poem and paraphrase it.

your work will be written in 1 whole sheet of paper
and will be submitted next meeting.
Have an advance study about kinds of
sentences and conjunctions.
That’s all for today, goodbye class!
Goodbye sir, thank you sir,
see you tomorrow.

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