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Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Ruth i Freda na temat wspólnego mieszkania.
Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli
(R - Ruth, F-Fred).

W hich person: R F

1 lives w ith more than one person?

2 raises a financial issue?

3 says som ething positive about the other person?

4 suggests a tem porary solution?

5 accepts an invitation?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat restauracji i jedzenia poza domem. Do każdej
wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A explains w hy he/she finds eating o u t tiring.

B has a business plan.
C w orks in a hotel.
D avoids eating out.
E enjoys only one kind o f restaurant.

1 2 3 4

Zadanie 3. (0-6)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

Where is everybody going? W hat is Beth concerned about?

A To an airport. A The security o f the house.
B To a shop. B The way the house smells.
C To a coast. C Her brother's situation.

Recording 3 Recording 4

This speaker is W hich sentence is TRUE about this situation?

A encouraging people to give some money. A The custom er is unable to buy something.
B trying to persuade people to change their B The w orker Is taking a break.
behaviour. C Normally there are more people w orking in the
C explaining w hy a species is endangered. shop.

Recording 5 Recording 6

The speaker thinks This announcem ent is made

A the situation isn't his fault. A on a vehicle.
B everyone should stay together. B on a construction site.
C the best solution is to w a it a little. C at a station.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4, (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o muzycznie uzdolnionych słoniach. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych
części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


They say elephants never forget. Now w e’ve discovered a nother surprising skill
that they possess - m usical ability.

Elephants in T hailand have been living closely w ith people for a long tim e.
T h a t’s because Thai elephants used to be a key part of industries that involved
transporting resources. W orking elephants are m uch less com m on in the 21st
century - but that m eans few er people are taking responsibility for them .

As a result, a num ber of elephant sanctuaries have opened in Thailand. At one

of the sanctuaries, one of the co nservationists becam e convinced that
elephants enjoy listening to m usic and he began to w onder if they w ould enjoy
playing m usic too. To answ er th a t question, he asked a New York-based
scientist and m usician called David S oldier to create giant, super-strong
m usical instrum ents especially for them .

David m anaged to m ake large m etal versions of traditional Thai instrum ents for
the elephants - but he didn’t th ink it w ould be easy to get elephants to produce
music. He said: “ I thought, ‘W e’re going to have to give them a banana every
tim e they play a n o te ...’. It w as nothing like th a t at all. I w ould play the
instrum ent, hand an elephant the stick and m aybe point. T h a t’s it. T hey were
playing w ithin a few m inutes.”

No elephant is m ade to play music. Just as with people, how m uch elephants
like m usic varies from individual to individual. A nother w ay they resem ble us is
that they are highly social. Those that like playing m usic seem to p articularly
enjoy doing it in a group. Som e elephants focus on particular instrum ents. One
even becam e able to play three drum s at the sam e tim e and keep rhythm!






Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze środowiskiem pracy. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią

tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

No m atter how well you speak at a job interview, it w on’t count for
anything if your body language is negative. Here’s som e advice for creating the
right im pression.
• Before the real thing, ask friends or relatives to ‘interview ’ you and m ake notes
about any distracting m ovem ents you make.
• A t tim es w hen you have to listen to the interviewer, lean forward slightly to
show you are interested.
• W hen an interview er takes you on a tour or show s you to or from the interview
room, keep to the sam e pace as him /her. If you fall behind, you’ll look bored,
shy or uninterested.

1 This te xt tells readers

A how to prepare answers to interview questions.
B how to avoid talking to o much.
C how fast to w alk in interview situations.


M r Pum blechook appeared to conduct his business by looking across the street
at the saddler, w ho appeared to run his business by keeping his eye on the
coach-m aker, w ho appeared to get on in life by putting his hands in his pockets
and contem plating the baker, w ho in his turn folded his arm s and stared at the
grocer, w ho stood at his door and yawned at the chem ist. The watchm aker,
always bent over a little desk with a m agnifying glass at his eye, and always
inspected by a group of people at his shop window, seem ed to be about the
only person in the High Street w hose trade held his attention.

2 The author describes the High Street as

A full o f busy workers.
B popular as a m eeting place.
C lacking in customers.

T ekst 3.
At Electronic Arena, we have no traditional ‘m anagers’. Everyone is
equal and everyone w orks on w hatever project they th ink Is the m ost im portant
or interesting at the time. We ask each other questions to m ake sure everyone
is doing som ething w orthw hile. These discussions allow people w orking on the
sam e project to give each other scores for w ork rate, technical know ledge and
team -w orking skills and these scores decide w hat paym ent you receive for your
work. You can w ork anyw here in the building that is convenient or feels suitable
for you. T h a t’s w hy all our w ork stations have wheels.

3 A t this company, it's normal fo r workers to

A judge how well th e ir colleagues are w orking.
B do their w o rk from home.
C give their colleagues instructions.

Zadanie 6. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


Two m en occupied the back room of V ictor G agnon’s store. O ne w as the owner, w ho
w as sm all and quick-thinking, and had an expression on his dark face indicating
anger. He w as sitting by the fire holding his hands out to the w arm th. The other man
w as beside the window. N am ed Jean, he w as incredibly tall and w earing grey
w olfskin from head to foot. His w ide shoulders were broadened so much by the fur
that he looked a giant. Below his long black hair, his face w as as som bre and strong
as the w orld to w hich he belonged.
The room was untidy. The bed stood at one end and the blankets on it looked as
though they had not been straightened for w eeks. Victor w as looking down at a
w ooden container w hich stood at the big m an's feet.
‘And w hy didn't she com e along with you?”
“M aybe because she’s cleverer than any of us. M aybe because I didn’t w ant her to.
There’s som ething we need to discuss, Victor.” The big man spoke quite calmly, but
his calm ness had a dark quality.
“C leverer indeed!” said Victor, ignoring the last part of the o th e r’s words.
“That's w hat I said,” w ent on the giant. “ Davia reckoned it w asn’t safe to just
disappear in case those guys discover th ey’ve been robbed of th eir goods. She’s
staying around to put them off the trail. They all enjoy being with her and aren’t likely
to suspect w ho ’s got the stuff w hile she’s around.”
V ictor nodded and began to look less angry. He knew Davia w ould serve him well.
“But that isn’t the only reason,” the big m an continued. “ I w anted her to stay. W e need
to talk in private, V ictor G agnon. It’s nearly three years since you and Davia w ent into
business together. You said you’d m arry her w hen you were independent of the
company. You said it didn’t w ant m arried traders on its books. A nd you had no money.
T h a t’s w hat you said. T hings are different now, so w hen are you going to m ake her
your w ife?”
“You're pretty rude,” said Victor, with an unpleasant laugh.
“W e speak our m inds in these parts,” answ ered Jean. “ Davia is now as sick of your
gam e as me. She didn’t go into it for an adventure, but to please you. I’ve been
w atching you to m ake sure you treat her well. And th a t’s w hy I’ve done all your d irty
w ork in this latest schem e. Now w e’ve got the stuff, you're going to do the right thing
w ith Davia, o r - ”
“O r w ha t? ” interrupted Victor.
“O r you w on’t get one ce n t’s w orth of w h a t’s in this chest.”

1 W hich sentence is TRUE a bo ut V ictor and Jean?
A One was much bigger than the other.
B One o f them h ad n't slept.
C Both o f them were wearing clothes made from animals.
D Both o f them w orked at the store.

2 W hy was Davia not w ith V ictor and Jean?

A She fe lt like being sociable.
B She w anted to look innocent.
C Jean ordered her to stay behind.
D She needed to find a hiding place fo r som ething.

3 Jean accuses V ictor o f

A lying about h ow rich he is.
B using Davia to make money.
C failing to keep to his w ord.
D having a bad memory.

4 Jean threatens to
A tell people about Victor's crimes.
B keep the contents o f the container from Victor.
C use violence against Victor.
D stop helping Victor.

5 In the extract, the author

A describes a tense m eeting between V ictor and Jean.
B reveals how V ictor feels about Davia.
C explains w hy Jean w ants Davia to be happy.
D shows w hy Davia w ants to marry Victor.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do
żadnej luki.

The m ain news is that there’s a new pet in the family. W e don’t
know w hat breed she is, but she has beautiful brown curly hair
and is full of energy. My daughter Suzie asked to adopt her quite
a w hile ago. She had been running wild near the a irp o rt for som e
tim e because nobody could catch her. 1 The cat and dog
shelter looked after her for a few m onths and then let us adopt
S he’s called Layla, she’s about seven years old and am azingly
sweet. She doesn't bark, except w hen she has a nightm are, and
is ve ry affectionate. My son-in-law was a little concerned about
his allergies. 2 | in fact he hugs her m ore than anyone!
I just hope they don’t leave her alone in the house for too long. I
w ould offer to look after her on days w hen th ey’re both w orking if
Jim would only agree to it. 3

A I d o n 't know w hy he insists th a t the house should

be neat and tid y 24 hours a day.

B Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any kind o f


C A t first she was a little anxious in her new


D I hope he understands my decision.

E In the end they had to use some drugged food.

V Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


People do all kinds of crazy things to raise m oney for charity,

but one of the m ost straightforw ard ways of persuading
people to give away th eir m oney is to give them a fountain to
throw it in. Judging from the am ount of m oney 1 ) from
one at the Trafford C entre shopping mall in M anchester,
England, the tradition of throw ing a coin into a fountain and
w ishing for som ething is alive and well. Around £360,000
w as thrown into the centre’s 14 fountains betw een its 2)
day in 1998 and 2013. A lthough superstitious thinking
may be the main reason people throw cash into the
fountains, it’s charities that benefit. The Trafford Centre has
set up the Fountain Fund to distribute the cash am ong good
causes such 3 ) ........... the air am bulance service and a
service that gives disabled children days out. Trafford Centre
m anager Gordon M cKinnon said: “W e put the fountains in
because we thought people liked them . This w asn’t
som ething we 4 ) out to do.” 5 ) seem s that any
architects w ho w ant th eir buildings to do som e good in the
w orld should think about installing som e w ater features!

1 A created B collected C caused

2 A introduction B beginning C opening

3 A as B w ith c at

4 A set B g ot c pulled

5 A So B There c It
Zadanie 9. (0-5)
W zadaniach (1 -5 ) spośród podanych opcji (A -C ) w yb ie rz tę, k tó ra jest tłum aczeniem
fragm entu podanego w nawiasie, popraw nie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl lite rę A, B albo C.

1 Have you always been good at basketball? (U m ia łe ś /~ a ś d o b rz e g r a ć ) as a child?

A Were you playing well
B Could you play well
C Can you play well

2 I th o u g h t nobody was at home, then (u s ły s z a łe m /-a m m u z y k ę ) .............

A music was played fo r me.
B I listened to music.
C I heard music.

3 It was very kind o f you, b ut (z b y tn io im nie p o m o g łe ś /- a ś ) .............

A you w e re n 't really helpful to them .
B you d id n 't have to help them .
C you sh ouldn't help them .

4 We stopped going to th e Wednesday class. We ( p o s z liś m y ) to the M onday one instead.

A w ent
B are going
C have been going

5 That's an amazing piece o f w ork! (Jak w p a d łe ś /-a ś na te n p o m y s ł? ) ?

A How did you th in k o f the Idea?
B W h a t were you th inking about?
C How did you choose it?

ZastanawiałeśAaś się nad Twoją przyszłą karierą zawodową i chcesz omówić ten temat
z anglojęzycznym przyjacielem. Napisz do niego list, w którym:
• określisz, jaki zawód (jakie zawody) chciał(a)byś wykonywać i dlaczego,
• wspomnisz o negatywnych stronach takiego wyboru,
• poinformujesz, jaką radę dotyczącą kariery zawodowej otrzymałeś/-aś od przyjaciela lub krewnego,
• zadasz przyjacielowi dwa pytania o jego nadzieje związane z karierą zawodową.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)
oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Dear Mark,
I’ve been thinking a lo t about what job I’d like to do in the future.

I look forw ard to hearing from you.



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