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Non-linear multivariate curve resolution analysis of voltammetric pH

Jose Manuel Dıaz Cruz,* Josep Sanchıs, Elena Chekmeneva, Cristina Ari~no and Miquel Esteban
Received 12th February 2010, Accepted 23rd April 2010
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

First published as an Advance Article on the web 28th May 2010

DOI: 10.1039/c0an00088d

A new chemometric approach is put forward, dealing with the non-linear behaviour observed in the
multivariate curve resolution (MCR) analysis of certain overlapping voltammetric signals obtained in
titrations of metal complexes where pH is progressively changed. In such cases, non-reversible
reduction signals move along the potential axis as a consequence of the involvement of H+-ions in the
electrochemical process and cause a dramatic loss of linearity, which hinders accurate MCR analysis.
The method proposed is based on the least-squares fitting of peak potential vs. pH datasets to
parametric linear and sigmoid functions through the decomposition of the data matrix into both
a concentration profile matrix and a unit signal matrix, in a similar way as in the alternating least-
squares algorithm of MCR (ALS). Such calculations are carried out through several home-made
Matlab programs which are freely available as Supplementary Material of the present work†. The fitted
parameters, along with the evolution of resolved concentrations and potential shifts with pH, provide
valuable information on the complexation/reduction processes. The method is tested first on the
relatively simple Cd(II)–NTA system and then applied to the study of the binding of Cd(II)-ions by
glutathione (g-Glu-Cys-Gly, GSH) and the phytochelatin PC2 ((g-Glu-Cys)2-Gly).

1. Introduction designed for spectroscopic data,5 once it was adapted to

voltammetry,6 it produced a series of excellent results in the
Voltammetric techniques provide valuable information on the analysis of many metal–biomolecule systems.3,7
binding of heavy metals by biomolecules. However, the presence In a first approach, the correction method was applied to the
of many overlapping signals makes the interpretation of this study of electrochemically labile complexes, where the uncon-
information difficult and requires the use of chemometric strained fitting of potential shifts produced values that were
methods.1–3 Unfortunately, most of these methods are based on further adjusted by means of the DeFord–Hume method to
the assumption of the linear contribution of all species to the calculate the corresponding stability constants.4 Another inter-
overall signal, which is not always true in electrochemical esting application was the correction of the non-linearity intro-
measurements. duced by the movement of anodic signals in the study of metal
Among the possible sources of non-linearity, the displacement binding by thiol-rich peptides.8 In both cases, the unconstrained
of the signals along the potential axis deserves special attention, character of the fitting was not a problem, as long as signals were
since this is a common situation in the presence of fast inter- moving inside well-separated potential ranges. In contrast,
conversion equilibria or changes in electrochemical reversibility. further experiments in the presence of many overlapping and
For this kind of non-linear system, intrinsically non-linear che- moving peaks highlighted important weaknesses in the correction
mometric methods like artificial neural networks (ANN) can be methodology, which easily ‘confuses’ signals as they get closer.
used or, instead, linear methods like partial least squares (PLS) A typical example of this is the voltammetric pH titration of
can be adapted with a high number of latent variables to model a heavy metal ion / thiol-peptide system, i.e. the addition of
non-linearity. However, since these approaches require an a strong base (or acid) solution to a mixture of both metal and
extensive and time-consuming calibration, in a recent paper we ligand and the registration of voltammograms at different pH
proposed a simpler strategy for the analysis of non-linear elec- values. This usually results in a great deal of overlapping and
trochemical data through the shiftfit program.4 This is based on moving signals with markedly non-linear behaviour (an asymp-
a least-squares correction of the potential shift of moving signals totic decrease of singular values is seen when principal compo-
and the further analysis of corrected data by means of linear nent analysis, PCA, is applied), which render the correction
methods such as multivariate curve resolution by alternating procedure useless. Voltammetric pH titrations contain informa-
least squares (MCR-ALS). Although MCR-ALS was originally tion about the stoichiometry of the complexes, especially when
H+-ions are involved in their electrochemical reduction. In this
Departament de Quımica Analıtica, Universitat de Barcelona, Martı i case, pH variation produces important shifts (DE) in the peak
Franques, 1-11, E–08028 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: josemanuel.diaz@ub. potential of the signals.9,10 From the slope of the DE vs. pH plot,
edu; Fax: (+34) 93 402 12 33; Tel: (+34) 93 403 91 16
a semi-empirical equation9,11 is used to estimate the ratio between
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional
figures and pHfit programs including tutorial and sample data. See the electrons and H+-ions involved in the reduction.9,12–14 In the
DOI: 10.1039/c0an00088d presence of overlapping signals, deconvolution is required for

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accurate determination of peak potentials. As the high non- ligand. For instance, process iii) becomes negligible at too high
linearity of the data prevents the use of linear methods for the pH values (the concentration of H+ is too small to protonate
overall analysis of the full dataset, individual deconvolution has either the ligand or the complex) or too acidic pH values (the
to be carried out for each voltammogram,15–18 which implies ligand is already protonated in the complexed form or
a risk of inconsistent results if the deconvolution criteria are not complexation is negligible), whereas processes ii) and iv) are
uniform throughout the full dataset. unaffected by pH variation. These considerations are confirmed
The study reported here sought to upgrade this methodology by the sigmoid evolution of many experimental DE vs. pH plots.
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

by attaining a simultaneous and consistent analysis of the full set To model this behaviour, we chose a parametric sigmoid equa-
of voltammograms and also by dealing with non-linear DE vs. tion in the form:
pH relationships. This was done through a new program, pHfit,
which essentially uses the same strategy as shiftfit,4 but forces the DE ¼ þ d (2)
1 þ eb ðpH  cÞ
fitted DE values to follow a fixed relationship with pH, according
to linear and sigmoid functions whose coefficients are optimized. with a, b, c, d being adjustable parameters. In the vicinity of the
In addition, the physical meaning of such coefficients is discussed inflexion point, the sigmoid can be approached by a straight line,
in order to get valuable information about the complexation/ whose slope is given by:
reduction processes under study.
max: slope ¼  (3)
2. Theory Then, shiftfit program4 was modified to include five different
types of peaks simultaneously, depending on their evolution with
Let us consider a metal ion Mn+ that is reversibly reduced at
pH (pHfit program):
a mercury electrode to M(Hg) and also reacts with a ligand HmL
- Type 0: The peak does not move; DE is always zero.
to form the electrochemically inert and electroactive complex
- Type 1: The peak moves in a non-prefixed way, so that DE
ML(nm)+ in solution. Electrochemically inert means that the
values are adjusted individually for each pH value and are not
association-dissociation kinetics of the complex are so slow that
forced to follow any parametric equation.
it practically does not dissociate during the time scale of the
- Type 2: The peak moves according to a linear DE vs. pH
electrochemical measurement. If the protonation equilibria of
relationship, so that a straight line is fitted inside a particular
the ligand are involved in the electrochemical reaction, the
range of pH values.
reduction of Mn+-ions can take place according to different
- Type 3: The peak moves according to the sigmoid evolution
simultaneous processes:9,19,20
predicted by eqn (2): a, b, c and d parameters are fitted inside
a range of pH values.
i) Mn+ + ne % M(Hg)
- Type 4: The peak undergoes a sigmoid evolution, but the
reference signal is placed at either the highest or the lowest DE
ii) MLHmn+ + ne % M(Hg) + HmL
value (d equals zero).
In the case of signal types 2, 3 and 4, the slope obtained in the
iii) ML(nm)+ + mH+ + ne % M(Hg) + HmL
fitting can be used to apply eqn (1) and calculate electron-to-
proton ratios, whereas for types 3 and 4 an additional parameter,
iv) ML(nm)+ + ne % M(Hg) + Lm
inflexion point c, can be used to relate it with the pKa values of
the functional groups involved in metal binding.
Usually, reaction i) takes place at potentials quite less negative
Fig. 1 summarises how the pHfit algorithm works. In the
than those of processes ii)–iv), thus producing a separate signal
proposed example, the three signals, A, B and C, are of types 3
for the reduction of the free metal ion, which, for the totally inert
(sigmoid), 0 (immobile) and 2 (linear), respectively. The experi-
case, remains at constant potential. In contrast, processes ii)–iv)
mental matrix Iexp contains all measured currents and has as
are simultaneous and compete with each other to produce
many rows as voltammograms (i.e. considered pH values) and as
a signal which moves along the potential axis, depending on their
many columns as scanned potentials. From the visual inspection
relative predominance. Despite the inherent complexity of the
of Iexp, pure signals of reference are established and arranged into
problem, many authors assume a semiempirical relationship
V0 matrix. This can be arbitrarily chosen and is usually done at
between the peak potential of the signal (Ep) and pH:
pH values where the signal is well defined and does not suffer
Ep ¼ k  0:058 pH (1) strong overlapping with other signals. For this purpose, the
n peakmaker program can be useful.4 It allows one to fit Gaussian
with k being a constant related to the formal reduction potential peaks with a mouse at both sides of every peak maximum by
of the metal ion. This means that the slope of an Ep vs. pH linear visual inspection of the superimposed experimental data matrix.
plot leads to the obtaining of the ratio between the protons and Besides the pure voltammograms of the reference, the behav-
electrons exchanged in the electrochemical reduction of the iour of each signal is required, and this is done in the first row of
complex, which is useful in the formulation of complexation the isshift matrix (numbers from 0 to 4). The second and third
models. rows define the existence range of every component (row
Unfortunately, experimental systems do not behave in such numbers where the signal appears and disappears) and the range
a simple way. Indeed, the situation is quite dependent on the to be used for fitting parametric equations. These ranges are
distribution of the differently protonated species of the free defined initially by inspection of the experimental data matrix

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Fig. 1 Flowchart of the proposed methodology for non-linear multivariate curve resolution analysis of a voltammetric pH titration dataset by means of
pHfit and pHcalc programs. The proposed example includes three kinds of signals depending on their evolution with pH: sigmoid (A), immobile (B) and
linear (C).

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and can be changed prior to each new run of pHfit. As for the 3. Experimental section
potential ranges where the maximum of every peak is expected,
they are selected inside the pHfit program by clicking with 3.1. Chemicals and instruments
a mouse on a plot of the data matrix. A proper selection of this All reagents were Merck, Sigma-Aldrich or Panreac analytical
range is especially important to avoid ambiguities with respect to grade. Stock solutions of Cd2+ 102 mol L1 were prepared from
neighbouring signals. Cd(NO3)2$4H2O and standardized complexometrically. 1 mol L1
The next step is the initial estimation of potential shifts (DE) and 0.1 mol L1 HNO3 and KOH solutions were prepared from
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

for all moving signals in all voltammograms. This is done by Titrisol (Merck). Phytochelatin (PC2, (g-Glu-Cys)2-Gly) as tri-
searching each voltammogram for relative maxima inside the fluoroacetate salt was provided by DiverDrugs S.L. (Barcelona,
regions determined by the pH and potential existence ranges. Spain), with purity of 91.8% (HPLC-MS). Ultrapure water
Then, DE is computed as the difference between the potential of (Milli-Q Plus 185, Millipore) was employed in all experiments,
each maximum and the peak potential of the corresponding pure which were carried out at room temperature (20  1  C). All
signal in V0. When potential shifts are expected to follow a linear solutions were deoxygenated with purified nitrogen (Linde N50)
or sigmoid relationship with pH, such initial estimations of DE and subsequently stored tightly closed.
are used to compute initial values of the parameters a, b, c and Measurements by differential pulse polarography (DPP) were
d (sigmoid) or a0 and b0 (straight line) to start an iterative least- carried out with 757 VA Computrace (Metrohm) attached to
squares optimization based on the lsqcurvefit tool of the Matlab a personal computer with data acquisition software (Metrohm).
program.4 This is done by the two home-made programs, pHfit The working, reference and auxiliary electrodes were a static
and pHcalc. The former computes at each pH value the pure mercury drop electrode (SMDE), Ag/AgCl/KCl (3 mol L1) and
voltammogram of every component shifted from its reference a glassy carbon electrode, respectively. Unless otherwise indi-
position by the DE value predicted by the sigmoid or linear cated, instrument parameters were as follows: voltage step of
function with the initial set of parameters. Then, the voltam- 0.006 V, pulse amplitude of 0.05 V, pulse time of 0.04 s and drop
mogram measured at this pHi (Iexp,i) is decomposed as a product time of 1 s. Glass cells (Metrohm) were used in all the
of a vector Ci, containing the concentrations of all components, measurements. pH values during the experiments were measured
with the matrix VshiftT containing all shifted pure voltammo- by means of an Orion SA 720 pH meter.
grams (‘T’ being transposed matrix) plus an error. The product
Ci VshiftT is the reproduced voltammogram at this pHi (Irep,i).
3.2. Voltammetric titrations
When all reproduced voltammograms have been evaluated, they
are column-wise integrated into the reproduced matrix Irep. In Measurements were performed at different pH values for fixed
a similar way, the concentration values computed at every pH are metal-to-ligand ratios. At the beginning of every experimental
integrated into the C matrix. The reproduced and experimental run, 25 mL of a solution containing Cd2+and the ligand in the
matrices are then compared by means of the percentage of lack of right proportion and also 0.1 mol L1 of KNO3 were poured into
fit (lof), defined as usual.5–7 the cell and deoxygenated with purified nitrogen for 20 min, and
Then, the pHfit program changes the initial values of the a DPP scan was recorded. Then, HNO3 and KOH solutions were
sigmoid and/or linear parameters, uses pHcalc to compute the added successively to change steadily the pH of the cell solution
experimental and reproduced matrix and will keep the iterative inside the range 2 to 11. After every addition, purified nitrogen
process running until a satisfactory lack of fit is achieved. From was passed through the solution for 1 min, pH was measured by
the optimal values of a–d and/or a0 –b0 , useful parameters like the means of the glass electrode and a new DPP curve was recorded.
m/n ratio or the pH of the inflexion point can be estimated.
Additionally, a matrix corrected for non-linearity, Icor, can be 3.3. Data treatment
obtained as:
DPP curves were baseline-corrected and converted into data
T matrices by means of home-made programs implemented in
Icor ¼ C V0 (4)
Matlab.23 Some details about the peakmaker program and the
which can be further analysed with linear chemometric tech- algorithm of unconstrained potential shift correction can be
niques like MCR-ALS or PLS. found in ref. 4–8. As for the constrained correction, the processes
It must be pointed out that immobile components are depicted in Fig. 1 are carried out by means of a set of home-made
described by a pure signal, which is not changed throughout the programs implemented in Matlab23 and available as supple-
entire optimization. As for type-1 components (with uncon- mentary material† of the present paper.
strained potential shifts), they require two iterative steps: first,
the parameters of sigmoid- and linear-behaving components are 4. Results and discussion
optimised by use of fixed values for the unconstrained potential
4.1. Preliminary tests with the Cd(II)–NTA system
shifts (those obtained in the initial estimation); and, second, these
unconstrained DE values are optimised by use of the optimal Prior to considering overlapping moving signals, the relatively
potential shifts achieved in the first step for the other simple Cd(II)–NTA system was chosen as a preliminary test for
components. pHfit. Fig. 2a shows the structure of the NTA molecule.
The standard deviations associated with the main optimised Previous studies19,20,24,25 demonstrated that Cd(II) and NTA
parameters were computed from the Jacobian matrix, following form quite a stable 1 : 1 ML complex and that the 1 : 2 ML2
the usual methodology in non-linear least squares fitting.21,22 form is produced only in the presence of a large excess of

1656 | Analyst, 2010, 135, 1653–1662 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
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increasing pH values, the signal of the free metal decreases (due

to increasing complexation) and moves to more negative
potentials (due to increasing complex dissociation). As for the
signal of the complex, it increases with pH (due to increasing
complexation) and moves to more negative potentials (due to
the pH-dependence of electrochemical kinetics). Although both
signals progressively move with pH, they do not overlap with
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

each other, so that the evolution of the respective peak

potentials is easily monitored by classic, univariate procedures
of peak evaluation. The results of this conventional strategy are
depicted as points in Fig. 3d. Despite that the absence of signal
Fig. 2 Structures of the molecules NTA (a), GSH (b) and PC2 (c).
overlapping makes it unnecessary to use multivariate tech-
niques to determine the evolution of peak potentials, this gives
ligand. The ML complex is electroactive and its association- us a chance to test the reliability of the proposed pHfit
dissociation kinetics are intermediate between the (electro- algorithm.
chemically) labile and inert cases with a strong dependence on When pHfit was applied to the matrix in Fig. 3a, it produced
pH. Low pH values decrease its inert character by increasing consistent results with a (quite low) lack of fit of 3.57%. Fig. 3d
ML dissociation, whereas higher pH values get the system compares the sigmoids adjusted by pHfit with the regression
closer to totally inert behaviour. As a result, two separate lines obtained from the conventionally measured points.
signals are measured by DPP in mixtures of Cd(II) and NTA: Finally, Fig. 3c shows the pH evolution of the corresponding
a first one, at more positive potentials, corresponding to the concentration profiles as computed by pHfit. The comparison
reduction of free Cd(II)-ions coming from the solution and of Fig. 3c and 3d shows a clear sigmoid behaviour of the
from complex dissociation; and a second one, at more negative potential of the free metal signal, with maximum variation
potentials generated by the reduction of the complex. coinciding with the region of faster decrease in free metal
Fig. 3a shows the evolution of both signals during the DPP concentration. The signal of the complex also appears to follow
pH titration of a Cd(II)–NTA mixture at 2 : 1 ratio. At a sigmoid relationship, but in this case the upper part of the

Fig. 3 Experimental data matrix (a) measured for the Cd(II)–NTA system in a DPP pH titration at a metal-to-ligand ratio 2 : 1(total Cd concentration
2  104 mol L1). The application of pHfit program produced the potential shifts (d) and the concentration profiles (c) shown in the graph. In (b)
a comparison is made between the normalised singular values of the experimental (C) and the corrected matrix (B). In (d), points denote the potential
shifts of the free metal signal (O) and the signal of the complex (B) as compared to reference peaks and measured in the traditional, non-multivariate
way; solid lines show the fitted sigmoids according to pHfit program and dashed lines denote regression lines obtained from a fraction of the
conventionally-measured points.

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Table 1 Parameters fitted to the potential shifts obtained in DPP pH titrations of the Cd(II)–NTA system according to the linear and the sigmoid (pHfit)
approaches. For all three metal-to-ligand ratios, the KNO3 concentration was 0.1 mol L1, whereas the total concentrations of Cd(II)/NTA were 0.2/0.1,
0.1/0.1 and 0.1/0.2 mmol L1, respectively. Standard deviations from respective fittings are given in parentheses. Linear fittings were carried out on sets of
7–8 points and produced r values between 0.993 and 0.998

Slope M signal Slope ML signal Inflexion point pH

M : L ratio Lof (%) sigmoid fit Linear fit Sigmoid fit Linear fit Sigmoid fit M signal ML signal
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

2:1 3.57 0.014 (0.001) 0.016 (0.001) 0.059 (0.002) 0.055 (0.001) 4.28 (0.01) 4.66 (0.06)
1:1 3.23 0.013 (0.001) 0.016 (0.001) 0.061 (0.002) 0.057 (0.001) 4.26 (0.01) 4.61 (0.05)
1:2 4.12 0.015 (0.001) 0.018 (0.001) 0.064 (0.002) 0.064 (0.001) 4.46 (0.01) 4.63 (0.02)

sigmoid is poorly defined because it corresponds to the region a function of pH had to be monitored by deconvolution of
where the concentration of the complex is negligible. Fig. 3d individual voltammograms, a relatively imprecise and subjec-
also shows that the sigmoid is a better description of DE tive method.15
evolution than the linear approach, since it works accurately In the present work, the Cd(II)–GSH system was studied
throughout the entire experimental range and coincides very under conditions similar to the reference ones.15 In the exper-
well with the line near the inflexion point. Fig. 3b compares the imental matrix obtained at 1 : 1 ratio (Fig. 4a), three peaks are
normalised singular values obtained in the decomposition of clearly distinguished: i) the anodic signal of the free ligand L,
both the experimental and the corrected data matrices. In the initially at ca. 0.35 V, ii) a peak at ca. 0.65 V attributed to
first case, the system is far from linear, since at least three the ‘‘labile metal’’ (metal free plus weakly bound to 1 : 1
components are required to describe the evolution of two complex), and iii) a peak around 0.8 V corresponding to the
processes (i.e., the reductions of the free metal and the ML2 complex. It should be noted that, in contrast with the
complex). If two components are selected, only 88% of data experiments at fixed pH,15 the smooth evolution of signal ii)
variation is explained. In contrast, the corrected data matrix does not allow one to differentiate between free and weakly
appears to be perfectly linear, since two components explain bound metal.
more than 99% of data variation. The application of pHfit allows a satisfactory resolution of the
Table 1 summarises the numeric results obtained in the system with a lack of fit of 5.43%, much lower than the value
application of the pHfit program to the DPP data and compares 13.04% of the reproduced PCA matrix using three components.
them with the results of the linear fit applied to conventionally Fig. 4b and 4c summarise the evolution as a function of pH of the
measured potentials. The inspection of the table suggests quite optimised potential shifts and concentrations for all three
a low lack of fit in the application of the pHfit program and good components. Additionally, Fig. 4d shows the distribution of the
agreement between the slopes computed by linear and sigmoid species of the free ligand as computed from the acidity constants
methodologies. of GSH found in the literature28 (pK1 ¼ 2.09, pK2 ¼ 3.48, pK3 ¼
In conclusion, this preliminary study demonstrates that pHfit 8.67, pK4 ¼ 9.54).
can satisfactorily extract the potential shifts of non-overlapping Given the structure of the molecule (Fig. 2b), the first two
peaks from the experimental matrix and convert it into a cor- dissociations of H4L correspond to carboxylic groups and the
rected linear matrix. The next step will be to verify whether the third and fourth dissociations are a mixed contribution of
program still works properly in the case of several overlapping ammonium and thiol groups. Fig. 4b and 4c show that, at pH
and moving peaks. values lower than 5, there is no significant complexation. The
only remarkable fact in this pH region is the large and almost
linear potential shift of the anodic signal related to the presence
4.2. Application to the Cd(II)–GSH system
of free ligand.
Although the binding of Cd(II) by GSH has been extensively At pH values higher than 5, both a decrease in the labile
studied, the complexity of the system still generates discrep- fraction of the metal and an increase in the fraction of the inert
ancies about some of the postulated species.26 Voltammetric ML2 complex (Fig. 4c) suggest a progressive binding of Cd(II) to
studies make clear that in most cases an inert ML2 complex is the thiol group of GSH, probably with some contribution of the
formed, which is reduced at potentials more negative than amino group. Although the formation of the ML2 complex
those required for the reduction of the free metal ion.15,27 clearly starts at a pH near 5, Fig. 4b shows that the corresponding
Under certain conditions, a second complex with stoichiometry peak potential remains practically unchanged until pH values are
1 : 1 can be observed with characteristics intermediate between close to 6 and then starts an important shift towards negative
labile and inert behaviour. This produces a signal strongly potentials until pH values are close to 9 by following a sigmoid
overlapping the free metal signal.15,27 At fixed pH, MCR-ALS pattern. The signal of labile metal also suffers a sigmoid potential
allowed an accurate resolution of the overlapping signals. shift in this range, but with much lower amplitude.
However, in the experiments in which pH was progressively Fig. 4d helps explain these facts. At pH 6, carboxylic groups
changed, most signals were moving towards negative potentials, of GSH are deprotonated, whereas thiol and amino groups are
which caused a dramatic decrease in linearity (shown by a large protonated. At pH higher than 6, a progressive deprotonation
number of components in PCA) that hindered the application of thiol/amino groups starts, which finishes at a pH slightly
of MCR-ALS. Then, the evolution of peak potentials as higher than 9. This means that inside this pH range (6 to 9),

1658 | Analyst, 2010, 135, 1653–1662 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
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Fig. 4 Experimental data matrix (a) measured for the Cd(II)–GSH system in a DPP pH titration at a metal-to-ligand ratio 1 : 1(total Cd concentration
1  105 mol L1). The application of pHfit program yielded the potential shifts (b) and the concentration profiles (c) shown in the graph. In (d), the
distribution of free GSH species as a function of pH is shown (acidity constants taken from Ref. 28).

protonation of the ligand can play a role in the reduction of the 4.3. Application to the Cd(II)–PC2 system
complex. Ideally, if ML2 complex was formed exclusively by
After some experience was gained in the application of pHfit to
two Cd(II)–thiol bonds and all thiol groups in the free ligand
the systems above, an exhaustive pH study was carried out on the
were protonated, the proton-to-electron ratio would be 1 and
especially intricate Cd(II)–PC2 system. Unlike GSH, PC2 has two
the maximum slope of the sigmoid would be 0.058. However,
thiol groups (Fig. 2c), which greatly increases the possibilities of
Fig. 4d suggests that a fraction of the thiol groups of the free
metal coordination and produces a large number of overlapping
ligand is deprotonated as pH moves from 6 to 9, which should
signals in voltammetric measurements. The application of MCR-
cause a progressive decrease in the proton-to-electron ratio.
ALS was especially successful in the resolution of DP voltam-
Such a decrease is difficult to quantify, since the acidity
mograms recorded during titrations of Cd(II) with PC2, and vice
constants K3 and K4 are average parameters that do not
versa, at constant pH.29 However, the strong non-linearity of the
correspond exactly to the microscopic dissociation of thiol and
data obtained in voltammetric pH titrations prevented the
amino groups, respectively. Moreover, a hypothetical contri-
application of MCR-ALS to get complementary information. To
bution of amino groups to the binding could also modify the
obtain such information, in the present study DP voltammetric
ratio. The experimental value for the slope was 0.037 (Table 2),
pH titrations were performed at several Cd-to-PC2 ratios and
which means a proton-to-electron ratio of 0.64, somewhat lower
pHfit was used to analyze the resulting data matrices, which are
than 1, as expected. Table 2 shows the results of additional
shown in Figure I of Supplementary Material.†
experiments carried out at metal-to-ligand ratios different from
A look at the data matrices suggested that, despite the large
1. Although the slope of the ML2 signal is in all cases lower than
number of signals present, most of them are common to many
0.058, it considerably increases at increasing metal proportion,
experiments. Indeed, 6 kinds of signals could be identified, which
which could be related to a different contribution of amino and
were numbered according to their order of appearance along the
carboxylic groups to the binding.
potential axis:

Table 2 Parameters fitted to the potential shifts obtained in DPP pH titrations of the Cd(II)–GSH system according to pHfit approach. For all three
metal-to-ligand ratios, the KNO3 concentration was 0.1 mol L1, whereas the total concentrations of Cd(II)/GSH were 10/5, 10/10 and 10/20 mmol L1,
respectively. Standard deviations from respective fittings are given in parentheses

Mlabile ML2

M : L ratio Lof (%) Slope Inflexion point Slope Inflexion point

2:1 3.54 0.024 (0.001) 8.60 (0.02) 0.049 (0.001) 7.96 (0.04)
1:1 5.43 0.006 (0.001) 7.42 (0.06) 0.037 (0.001) 7.31 (0.02)
1:2 7.42 0.022 (0.001) 7.23 (0.04) 0.027 (0.001) 8.02 (0.02)

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1. At ca. 0.45 V: immobile anodic signal of PC2 (type 0). As an example, Fig. 5 summarises the results obtained in the
2. At ca. 0.60 V: anodic signal of PC2, fitted as type 1 or 2 application of pHfit to the data obtained at 1 : 4 ratio. The
signal. experimental matrix (a) shows strong overlapping of the 6 signals
3. At ca. 0.68 V: immobile signal of the free Cd(II) (type 0). mentioned above. The use of the peakmaker program allowed us
4. At ca. 0.75 V: signal of weakly bound Cd(II), fitted as to define the pure signals of reference shown in Fig. 5e. The
type 2 or 3 signal. application of pHfit generates, with a lack of fit of 16.7%, the
5. At ca. 0.80 V: anodic signal of PC2, fitted as type 3 reproduced matrix shown in Fig. 5b and the corrected matrix of
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

signal. Fig. 5c. The comparison of the singular values of the experi-
6. At ca. 0.90 V: signal of strongly bound Cd(II), fitted as mental and corrected matrices (Fig. 5d) suggests an important
type 3 or 4 signal. increase in data linearity after the application of the pHfit

Fig. 5 Experimental data matrix (a) measured for the Cd(II)–PC2 system in a DPP pH titration at a metal-to-ligand ratio 1 : 4 (total Cd concentration
5  106 mol L1). The application of pHfit program by using the reference pure signals in (e) yielded the reproduced (b) and corrected (c) matrices, the
potential shifts (g) and the concentration profiles (f) shown in the graph. The singular values of the experimental (C) and corrected (B) matrices are
compared in (d). The distribution of free PC2 species as a function of pH is summarised in (h), as computed from the acidity constants taken from
Ref. 30. All components are denoted by numbers, whose meaning is explained in the text. In (g), black circles denote the initial values of DE computed
from the maxima of experimental voltammograms inside the potential estimation ranges.

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Table 3 Parameters fitted to the potential shifts obtained in DPP pH titrations of the Cd(II)–PC2 system according to pHfit approach. For all metal-to-
ligand ratios, the KNO3 concentration was 0.1 mol L1, whereas the total concentrations of Cd(II)/PC2 were 0/20, 20/10, 10/10, 10/20 and 5/20 mmol L1,
respectively. Standard deviations from respective fittings are given in parentheses

M : L ratio

0:1 2:1 1:1 1:2 1:4

Lack of fit (%) 12.6 11.8 11.4 15.4 16.7

Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

Slope Signal 1 — — — — —
2 0.070 (0.001) — — 0.051 (0.003) 0.048 (0.001)
3 — — — — —
4 — 0.063 (0.001) 0.082 (0.001) 0.057 (0.001) 0.050 (0.001)
5 0.053 (0.001) — 0.034 (0.001) 0.046 (0.001) 0.070 (0.001)
6 — 0.039 (0.001) 0.036 (0.001) 0.028 (0.001) 0.041 (0.001)
Inflexion point 1 — — — — —
2 4.44 (0.02) — — — —
3 — — — — —
4 — — 5.13 (0.01) 4.93 (0.01) —
5 8.60 (0.01) — 9.54 (0.05) 8.65 (0.06) 8.33 (0.02)
6 — 8.13 (0.03) 8.02 (0.02) 8.16 (0.02) 7.97 (0.02)

program. Fig. 5f shows the concentration profiles obtained and

Fig. 5g gives the curves fitted to explain the evolution of peak
potentials as a function of pH. The optimised parameters
defining such curves for this and the other experiments are
collected in Table 3.
A good complement to understanding the trends in these
graphs is the distribution diagram of the species of the free ligand
as a function of pH (Fig. 5h), which has been computed by using
the acidity constants given in Ref.30 (pK1 ¼ 2.39, pK2 ¼ 3.18,
pK3 ¼ 4.01, pK4 ¼ 8.75, pK5 ¼ 9.03, pK6 ¼ 10.04). Such
constants are related to the presence of three carboxylates that
become totally deprotonated at pH 6 and two thiols and one
amino group that are progressively deprotonated as pH increases Fig. 6 Comparison of the concentration profiles as a function of pH
from 6 to 10. obtained by pHfit program from DPV measurements on the Cd(II)–PC2
As Fig. 5f shows, the anodic signal 1 is quite important at system at different metal-to-ligand ratios: 1) 2 : 1 (B), 2) 1 : 1 (O), 3)
acidic pH and slowly decreases as pH increases and complexes 1 : 2 (,) and 4) 1 : 4 (>). Dashed lines denote weakly bound Cd(II)
start to form, which suggests that it could be related to the free whereas solid lines stand for strongly bound Cd(II). Every concentration
PC2. The sharp disappearance of component 3 at pH close to 4.0 profile has been normalised by the maximum value of the concentration
confirms the strong complexing power of PC2: even with all thiol of strongly bound Cd(II).
and amino groups protonated, Cd(II)-ions are weakly bound to
PC2. This is confirmed by the appearance of component 4 range in which all thiol groups are protonated, which is consistent
(attributed to weakly complexed cadmium), which predominates with the formation of Cd–S bonds. Additionally, Table 3 shows
until pH 6.0 and then seems to suddenly transform into that the slope of the DE vs. pH straight line is 0.050, quite close to
component 6, assigned to strongly bound Cd(II)-ions. This the value 0.058 that would produce a proton-to-electron ratio of 1.
suggests that, just when the first thiol groups start to slightly This suggests the formation of 2 bonds with protonated groups,
deprotonate (pH close to 6), all weakly bound Cd(II)-ions start to very probably two thiols with a possible contribution of carbox-
form stronger bonds with them, so that at pH not much higher ylates. In the case of signal 6 of strongly bound Cd(II), the
than 6 all these ions are strongly bound. As for components 2 and evolution of the peak potential with pH is clearly sigmoid and the
5, they are anodic signals of PC2 already detected in the absence same happens to the related signal 5. This is not surprising if we
of metal. However, their evolution with pH is strongly affected take into account that, in the pH range in which these components
by the presence of Cd(II), as the fitted parameters in Table 3 predominate, there is progressive deprotonation of all thiol and
show. Additionally, the trends of these components in both amino groups that are related to binding. The maximum slope of
Fig. 5f and 5g are analogous to the evolution of the two kinds of the sigmoid (Table 3) has a value of 0.041, clearly lower than 0.058.
bound metal: signal 2 seems to be related to weakly bound When the concentration profiles obtained at different metal-
cadmium (signal 4), whereas signal 5 seems to be the counterpart to-ligand ratios are compared for both kinds of bound cadmium
of strongly bound Cd(II)-ions (signal 6). (Fig. 6), some general patterns can be deduced. As the ligand
The comparison of Fig. 5g and 5h suggests an important proportion increases (signals 1 to 4), the weak binding of Cd(II)
consideration: signal 4 of weakly complexed Cd(II) changes its starts at lower pH values and begins to transform into stronger
peak potential linearly in its entire existence range and the same binding at slightly lower pH values, too. This is not surprising if
happens to the anodic signal 2 related to it. This happens in a pH we assume that increased excess of the ligand ensures more

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deprotonated groups even at lower pH, which favours the constraints’, which has provided successful results in the analysis
formation of weak and (especially) strong bonds. As for the DE of many kinds of data, so that further adaptations of the
plot (See Supplementary Material†), quite similar behaviour is proposed method to non-electrochemical signals progressively
found at the different ratios, which suggests that the nature of moving along the x-axis can be confidently expected.
both strong and weak cadmium binding is common to different
metal-to-ligand ratios (i.e., it could involve the same functional
groups) and that such a ratio would just determine the propor-
Published on 28 May 2010. Downloaded by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila on 3/26/2019 8:11:23 PM.

tion between the two kinds of binding. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish
Finally, the comparison of slopes and inflexion points (Table Ministerio de Educaci
on y Ciencia (Project CTQ2009-09471) and
3) shows a certain inconsistency with the narrow standard also thank Miquel Grabulosa for some preliminary experiments.
deviations of the fitting. This suggests that the real uncertainty of J. Sanchıs thanks the University of Barcelona for a grant of
these parameters is mostly given by the reproducibility of the collaboration with research groups.
experiments and not by the accuracy of the fitting of a single
dataset. Indeed, some replicates of the dataset given (not shown)
suggested accuracy of ca. 0.01 for the slope and ca. 0.5 for the
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