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Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two persons. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions
will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book
and choose the correct answer.

1. (man) What do you think of Professor Martin’s lecture on the migratory habits of
(woman) I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

2. (woman) Are the exam corrected yet?

(man) No, but they’ll be corrected by noon.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

3. (woman) How are you able to pay your college fees?

(man) I was fortunate to get a scholarship.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

4. (man) What did the professor do in the first class? I missed it because I was late.
(woman) She outlined the course requirements.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

5. (woman) Did Bob memorize every detail in the chapter?

(man) He wasn’t able to master the lesson.
(narrator) What does the man say about Bob?

6. (man) How much was the tuition increased for next month?
(woman) More than I can afford.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

7. (woman) The lights are flashing, and every one’s going in.
(man) We should take our seat now before the second act starts.
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

8. (woman) You know, this is the second time this week that you’ve been late to class!
(man) It was impossible to find a place to park before the ten o’clock class!
(narrator) What does the man mean?

9. (man) Do you know what happened during the lightning storms?

(woman) Yes, several trees were destroyed.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
10. (woman) I’d like to open an account.
(man) Would you like a savings account or an interest-bearing checking account?
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

11. (woman) Will the students be able to get hold of the books that they need?
(man) The librarian had them reserve the books for two days.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

12. (woman) Are you really hungry?

(man) I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

13. (woman) Are you going to take out the trash?

(man) I have no time to do it.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

14. (man) Have you seen the headlines yet today?

(woman) I haven’t had a chance to read a word.
(narrator) What are they probably discussing?

15. (man) Was Gary prepared for the debate?

(woman) It is no surprise that he was unprepared.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Gary?

16. (woman) I think it’s possible for me to pass this class.

(man) You should never say “impossible.”
(narrator) What does the man mean?

17. (woman) Did Mark do well in Professor Frank’s class?

(man) Mark barely passed the history exam.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

18. (woman) Are you enjoying the dessert?

(man) Never have I tasted such delicious cake.
(narrator) What does the man say about the cake?

19. (man) How do you do in the race?

(woman) Only one person was faster.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

20. (woman) Do you know where Debbie is?

(man) Her purse is still here, so she must still be in the apartment.
(narrator) What does the man say about Debbie?

21. (man) I’d like to take a trip down the coast this weekend.
(woman) Me, too
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

22. (woman) My car is making some funny noises.

(man) Why not take it to a mechanic?
(narrator) What does the man suggest to the woman?

23. (woman) Are we supposed to read all ten chapters before the exam?
(man) As far as I can tell, we are.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

24. (woman) Did you get to the airport in plenty of time?

(man) There was scarcely enough time to get there.
(narrator) What does the man imply?

25. (man) I just finished carrying the last piece of furniture.

(woman) Then, you have moved into a new apartment.
(narrator) What had the woman assumed about the man?

26. (man) How is your boss feeling about his retirement?

(woman) Oh, he isn’t too unhappy to be retiring.
(narrator) What does the woman imply about her boss?

27. (woman) Do you think we’ll be able to get tickets for the concert?
(man) I wish there weren’t so many people in line in front of us.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

28. (woman) I don’t think that the letter that I mailed last week arrived?
(man) If you had put enough postage on it, the letter would have arrived.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

29. (man) The new neighbors have just moved in.

(woman) Maybe we should call on them.
(narrator) According to the woman, what should they do?

30. (man) I was fifteen minutes late for class today.

(woman) Better late than never
(narrator) What does the woman mean?


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation,
you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you
hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the correct answer.
(narrator): Questions 31 through 33 are based on the following conversation.

(man): Sorry- you can't park your bike here, lady.

(woman): Huh? Why not? There are a lot of bikes already here.
(man): Yeah, but they all got Lot H stickers.
(woman): They've got what?
(man): Lot H stickers. Permits to park here in Lot H- see?
(woman): Oh. Well, where can I park instead?
(man): Nowhere. You ain't got no sticker. You gotta have a permit for some
parking zone before you can park that thing anywhere on campus.
(woman): Ok, then...well...can I get one today, do you think? Where do we get them?
(man): If you got your student ID card for this term, yes, you can get one today....
(woman): Yeah, I've got that, yes....
(man): And you can apply for it at the Campus Affairs Office.
(woman): Where's that?
(man): Just next to the Student Union, on the west side of it.
(woman): That little brown building?
(man): Yes, that's it.
(woman): And- are they free?
(man): Nope, 'fraid not.
(woman): Do you know how much they cost, then?
(man): It depends. The main building zones are ten dollars, I think, and the outer zones
are five- but you'll have to check with them.
(woman): OK. Thanks.

(narrator): Question 31. What initiated this conversation?

(narrator): Question 32. What does she need to get a sticker?

(narrator): Question 33. Where will the young woman go next?

(narrator): Question 34. Who is the man?

(narrator): Questions 35 through 38 are based on the following conversation.

Now, listen to a conversation between two students at their university

(woman): Hi. Did you get the classes you wanted?

(man): Not really. My Physics lectures are eight to nine in the morning Tuesday and
Thursday. Those're gonna be killers. I'm gonna need two alarm clocks. And I got
a Friday lab from two to four. I couldn't get an earlier one because they conflict
with my Biology course. It's only has one section, so I have no choice there.
(woman): Those Friday classes sure spoil a four-day week, don't they? (Laughs) Want some
(man): Uh, sure. You still got time before you register?
(woman): There's still a few minutes till ten, and they don't let you start early. They're pretty
strict-- they won't let you in there till your time comes.
(man): That's because it's so crowded, I guess. Registering eighteen thousand students in
four days makes it pretty busy over there.
(woman): I'll be right back. (He gets them coffees.) There you are. (Pause) Coffee. I'm
gonna be drinking a lot of that this semester.
(man): Me too, I guess.
(woman): Did you pick up a cafeteria cash card yet?
(man): No, not yet. I've gotta go to the bank first. The biggest card they've got is a
hundred dollars, isn't it?
(woman): I think they've got a two-hundred dollar one this year. Prices have gone up so
much they've added a new denomination-- like Zimbabwe does! But I've still got
some money on my last year's card, so I haven't checked for sure yet.
(man): Well, I'll take out two hundred bucks just in case. Might as well get the biggest
one-- I'll be using it all, that's for sure. I practically live over here. It's a good
place to study.
(woman): Can I sublet your half of the room then? (Laughs)
(man): (Laughs) Gee, maybe we should. Pick up some extra money. They say there's a
real shortage of dorm space this year.
(woman): How come? The student body's about the same as last year, I think. Or smaller--
tuition's gone up again and I'll bet some students just couldn't afford it this year,
with this slow economy.
(man): No, it's because they tore down Dormitory A to put up a new one-- but all they've
got is the shell so far. That plumbers and electricians strike this summer sure
threw a monkey wrench into the construction schedule. It won't be finished now
till the end of December at least.
(woman): Wow! There must've been five hundred rooms in Dorm A! That's a big dent in
campus housing, all right.

(narrator): Question 35. What's wrong with Friday classes?

(narrator): Question 36. What are the two roommates considering for the future?

(narrator): Question 37. Why does the roommate say this: "Can I sublet your half of the
room then?"
(narrator): Question 38. Why is housing limited this year?

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two long talks, and you will hear some
questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four
possible answers in your test book and choose the correct answer.

(narrator): Questions 39 through 44 are based on the following lecture.

(man): Birds use communication for a variety of reasons: to repel other birds, to attract other
birds, to find family members, and to alert other birds to danger. They communicate with
each other in unique and fascinating methods, which include singing, dancing and
strutting. Biologists have only recently begun to compare to understand the implications
of some of these, er, interesting behaviors.

Verbally, birds make noises that scientists label "calls" and "songs." Types of calls are
cheeps, honks, squawks, chips -- I mean chirps -- and tweets. Now, most birds make only
a single call, but some birds, known as songbirds, are able to craft more complex tunes.
In recent years biologists have used tape recorders to better analyze bird noises and study
other bird's re, responses to them. They have discovered that single calls communicate
simple messages, such as "Here I am," or "Watch out for that hawk!" Um, songs, on the
other hand, are performed, or usually performed, only by males, and for one of two
specific reasons: to defend territory or to find a mate. In one experiment, scientists
removed all the male birds of one species from a certain area and replaced them with tape
recordings of their songs. Other males from that species heard the recordings and
wouldn't enter that area.

Biologists have also discovered that male birds will sometimes have a singing con, uh,
singing duel to determine which one gets the best territory. One bird will sing, and then
the other will answer with the same song or a similar one. This counter-singing will go
back and forth until one bird "wins," though no one yet knows how the champion is
determined. Kind of like an avian "American Idol," huh? OK. In another experiment,
biologists put dummies of one type of bird in a field. Half of the dummies played a
recorded version of that bird's mating song, while the other dummies were kept silent.
Female birds flocked to the singing dummies and ignored the quiet ones. I guess girl
birds don't go for the strong, silent type. [groans] Although female songbirds don't
usually sing, they will sometimes imitate a male's song to signal to their mate that an en,
er, predator is coming. The male will think another bird is encroaching on its territory and
hurry back to protect its nest.

Biologists know that baby birds make a cheeping sound to indicate to their parents that
they are hungry or hurt, a behavior that they term "begging." Different kinds of birds beg
with higher or lower frequencies, depending on the location of their nests. Birds with
nests in trees beg louder, using a lower frequency, because they have less worry of
attracting predators. Birds with nests on the ground beg with a higher frequency that
doesn't carry the sound as far, because they are more vulnerable to a predator's attack.
Um, begging birds compete for their mother's attention, to be fed first or to get extra food
or care. Usually, a baby bird that has had enough to eat will quit begging loudly.
However, biologists have recently found that this is not always the case. New studies
indicate that parents often give more food and attention to the most persistent beggars --
the youngsters who cheep longest and loudest. Ironically, human babies often exhibit the
same kind of behavior. We call in whining.6 [laughter]

(narrator): Question 39. What is the main topic of the lecture?

(narrator): Question 40. How do male birds use songs?

(narrator): Question 41. Why does the professor discuss an experiment with dummies?
(narrator): Question 42. What is true of baby birds whose nests are in trees?

(narrator): Question 43. What does the professor imply about birds' communication?
(narrator): Question 44. Where did this talk most probably take place?

(narrator): Questions 45 through 50 are based on the following lecture.

(man): And one of the most dramatic political events of the twentieth century was the rise and
fall of the Berlin Wall5, which stood between East and West Berlin, and between West
Berlin and East Germany, for twenty-eight years- from 1961 to 1989.

At the end of the Second World War, Germany was partitioned by its occupiers into four
zones- the US, British, French, and Soviet Russian zones- at the Potsdam Conference1, in
the summer of 1945. And Germany's capital city, Berlin, was divided in the same way,
even though the city lay completely inside the Russian zone of the country. At first, there
was a cooperative intention to eventually reunite Germany, but instead, tensions
increased between the Allies and the Soviets, as the Cold War- the war of Communist
ideology versus Capitalist ideology- emerged. In 1948, the Soviets tried to starve the
Allies out of Berlin by closing all the land routes to the city to Allied transport, but US
President Harry Truman ordered a military airlift of supplies2 into the city. He defied the
Soviets and signaled the resolution of the Allies to remain in their isolated sectors, come
what may.

The idea of reuniting the country fell apart. In 1949, Germany was reorganized. The three
Western powers combined their zones and formed the Federal Republic of Germany, or
'West Germany', and immediately after this, the Soviets formed the German Democratic
Republic, or 'East Germany', from their zone. And the city of Berlin was similarly
divided into West Berlin and East Berlin. West Berlin, in the middle of East Germany,
became an island, but at that time the borders were open, and many Berliners crossed
relatively freely from side to side, including some 60,000 East Berliners that commuted
daily into West Berlin to work.
But West Germany prospered very well- in fact, it was labeled an "economic miracle"-
but the economic and social conditions in East Germany failed terribly, so thousands of
East Germans began emigrating from East to West, and the handiest portal- and the
symbol of prosperity and freedom- was West Berlin. By 1961, about two and a half
million East Germans- that's about fifteen hundred people a day - had fled to the west.
East Germany was losing its workforce - in fact, it was losing its population.

At the Vienna Summit in June of 1961, Soviet Premier Krushchev and US President
Kennedy's discussions were so cold that both sides brought up the possibility of another
war, and this danger of war explains the low-key reaction of the Allies on August 13th,
1961, when East German tanks and soldiers suddenly moved up to the boundary with
West Berlin and began tearing up the streets, cutting communications, and constructing a
hundred-and-twelve-kilometer wall around the Allied sector of the city. They finished
their work in twenty-four hours, and West Berlin was completely cut off from East

This first wall was little more than a long barbed-wire fence, and escapes became so
common that a succession of four walls- each more imposing and more impregnable than
its predecessor- were eventually constructed. The fourth and final wall, built in 1975, was
made of reinforced concrete nearly four meters high, and also included a lighted control
strip, a vehicle ditch, three hundred watchtowers, twenty bunkers, a patrol road- and then
a second fence!

During its existence, about five thousand people managed to escape over the wall, but
also, more than a hundred people were shot and killed. As security got tighter, people
devised other methods of escape. They jumped over the wall from adjacent buildings, or
they tunneled under it. One of the most imaginative escapes was by two families who
collected hundreds of remnants of nylon cloth, sewed them together to make a hot-air
balloon, and then floated over the wall to freedom.

Under Erich Honeker's draconian leadership, life just got worse and worse in East
3Germany. But then, in the summer of 1989, Hungary's borders suddenly opened,
immediately creating a broad new escape route. At about the same time, there were loud
student demonstrations in Leipzig demanding that the wall come down. Meanwhile,
Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev had announced that the Soviet Union would no longer
suppress popular movements in its satellite states. This was the time when the Iron
Curtain was starting to show its cracks everywhere.

And on November ninth, 1989, Gunter Schabowski4, who was the leader of the East
Berlin Communist Party, almost accidentally mentioned at a live press conference that
the country's travel restrictions were going to be lifted "immediately" for "private trips
abroad". East Berliners rushed to the checkpoints by thousands, and the uncertain border
guards, wanting to avoid violence, let them pass through to West Berlin.

In the next days and weeks, "wall woodpeckers6" appeared- hundreds of citizens began
to tear down the wall themselves with picks and hammers and chisels. The reunification
of Germany was officially concluded on October third, 1990, and today only remnants of
the Berlin Wall remain as a memorial and as a warning against the evils of

(narrator): Question 45. What is the lecture mainly discussed?

(narrator): Question 46. What happened at the Potsdam Conference?

(narrator): Question 47. What part did US President Harry Truman play in this history?
(narrator): Question 48. Judging from the lecture, which factor probably contributed most

to the destruction of the Wall?

(narrator): Question 49. Who announced the opening of the Berlin Wall?
(narrator): Question 50. Who were "wall woodpeckers"?

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