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Ayu Parwanti (P27220017007)

Lathifa Kurnia P (P27220017024)

Nurse. : "Can you do the NGT in stallation?"

Student : "Not yet, nurse"

Nurse : "I will tak action to install a NGT"

Student : "Can I join?"

Nurse : "Yes sure"

Student : " What tools need to be prepared?"

Nurse : "The tools are NGT hose, jelly, gauze, handscoon, tissue, tape, stethoscope, and 50 cc syringe."

Student : "Alright, I help prepare"

Nurse : "We will insert a NGT hose into the patient's me because cannot swallow the food. I will start"

Student : "Yes, nurse"

Nurse : "We measure the hose frok the nose to ear until the put off the stomach and mark it with

Student : "Why does it have to be like that?"

Nurse : "So that the hosecan reach the stomach."

Student : "Okay nurse"

Nurse : "The insert a NGT here into the patient's nose. Previously, we spread with jelly."

Student : "Does the jelly affect the patient's body?"

Nurse : "No, because the jelly is only for lubricants so that the NGT hose is easier to enter. Do you want
to try?"

Student : "I will try it. Like this nurse?"

Nurse : "Yes. Then claim the hose then set the 10 cc air on the leaf syringe to enter the hose."

Student : "Do you use the claim to keep the fluid from the stomach out of the nurse."
Nurse : "Yes, that is true."

Student : "Then what is the air regulation for?"

Nurse : "That's to make sure the hose is in or not. Then push the syringe quickly while listening to the

Student : "What will that sound later?"

Nurse : "If you hear a blup sound, the hose has entered the stomach."

Student : "Yes nurse, this is already bluping."

Nurse : "If you have l, do the pixation of the hose in the nose and place the syringe next to the patient."

Student : "Yes nurse."

Nurse : "If it's already done, let's clean the tools."

Student : "Yes nurse. Thank you for your guidance."

Nurse : "No problem."

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