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Maryland Association of Health Underwriters

Board of Directors
President Jessica Engelbrecht
President Elect/Vice President Sean Ruder
Secretary Deborah Hebb
Immediate Past President Alan Schulman
Treasurer Matt Aucoin

Regular Meeting Minutes

Date: May 10, 2017

Time: 9 am
Location: Teleconference



I. Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:03 am.

II. Roll Call

Board Member Attendance:

Jessica Engelbrecht President

Sean Ruder Vice President ☒ Present ☐ Absent

Alan Schulman Past President

Deborah Hebb Secretary
Matt Aucoin Treasurer
Maryland Association of Health Underwriters

Committee Chairs in Attendance

Susan Duffy Membership/Retention ☐ Present ☒ Absent

Sean Ruder Legislative Chair ☒ Present ☐ Absent

Dan Fitzgerald HUPAC ☒ Present ☐ Absent

Kitty Bollinger Professional ☒ Present ☐ Absent
Jeff Merwin LTC Advisor/Liaison ☐ Present ☐ Absent
Nicole Williams Awards ☒ Present ☐ Absent
Jeremy Feldman Director at Large ☒ Present ☐ Absent
Christina McJimpsey Director at Large ☐ Present ☐ Absent
Michael Brashears BAHU President ☒ Present ☐ Absent
Alexandra Matthai ESAHU President ☐ Present ☐ Absent
Colette DeCastro GWAHU President ☒ Present ☐ Absent
☐ Present ☐ Absent
Joan Smith ☒ Present ☐ Absent
Bryson Popham ☒ Present ☐ Absent
☐ Present ☐ Absent
☐ Present ☐ Absent
Maryland Association of Health Underwriters


III. Approval of Minutes

A. March Minutes on hold until next month for Board Member updates.
B. April Minutes

Ayes: Nays: 0

I. State and JLC Update – Bryson Popham and Joan Smith

A. Bob Moffit is the new chairman of MHCC.
B. Joint Governor Hogan Reception is scheduled for June 12 at the Naval Academy
Stadium Flag Bridge.
1. Need invites to go out to all MAHU members via Star Chapter system. Joan,
Jessica and Deb to work together to learn the system and send the invite.
2. Estimated cost is $5000 to $6000 divided by the three Producer PACs.
C. Bryson recommends we look to ways to increase PAC contributions for future
V. MAHU Financial Update – Matt Aucoin
A. Dues down by 3% compared to last year.
B. Waiting on approximately $4000 in additional revenue from Expo vendors.
C. Expo made approximately $800 less than last year.
D. Sean Ruder made motion to approve finances and Kitty Bollinger second. Approved by
board members.

VI. President Report

A. Benefit Expo
1. Generally positive feedback from participants and vendors.
a. Lunch was good but not as good as last year.
b. 2 day format recommended for next year.
c. The Hotel will be open at that time for individuals to stay the night.
d. Recommended different vendor pricing based on floor location.
e. Vendors wish there was more participants.
f. Kitty will take lead on Venue for next year. Sean will give her the contact information
for Maryland Live
B. NAHU conference is June 24-25th in Orlando Fl. Nicole and Colette are scheduled to go.
Scholarship funds are available if someone may want to go but doesn’t have funds for the trip.
C. PAC funds
1. Current balance is $2000 which is the estimated cost of the Hogan event for MAHU.
2. Jessica suggested we consider a MAHU PAC program similar to the NAHU where monthly
contributions are automatically taken from accounts.
3. Promote the MAHU PAC link on the MAHU site for member contributions.
4. Sean will contact the chapters regarding PAC contributions to the Governor’s event.
D. Region II activities
1. NJ State Confernce is 5/15 through 5/17 in Atlantic City
2. VA State Conference is 5/22 through 5/24 in Virginia Beach
3. Region II Meeting is 8/3 through 8/4 at Hotel DuPont, in Wilmington DE. Jessica
Maryland Association of Health Underwriters

encourages as many individuals to attend as possible as the Delaware chapter is trying to

restart. Meeting agenda will follow.

IX. Membership– No report

X. Awards Update Nicole Williams –

Nicole is meeting with other regions to learn how to achieve NAHU recognition.

X. Chapter Reports
A. ESAHU – No Report
1. May 23 is a CE Program for Members
2. Board Induction is scheduled for the June Meeting. Bryson is also scheduled for the
meeting but his availability has to be confirmed.
1. May meeting was an Ethics CE. Approx 30 attendees
2. June 12 is the annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser
3. Future meetings include a vendors fair and Live from NAHU. Colette asked if the other
chapters would be interested in a joint meeting for the Live from NAHU at a central
Region II Events
IX. New Business to report –
1. Sean reported that Katherine Stewart from UHC wants to become active in MAHU.
Suggested she joins the next meeting to learn more about MAHU. The Membership
Committee may be a good fit.
2. Reminder that the next meeting is mandatory attendance. Schedule for 9 am on June 8 at
Kelly and Associates.

IX. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:53 am.

Minutes Certification:

Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,

Deborah C Hebb 06-05-17

Board Secretary /Recording Secretary Date

Approved by the Board of Directors on <Date of Meeting>.

Board Secretary Date

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