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Work Instruction for Conducting R&R

1.0 Purpose: -

This Work instruction is intended to draw guidelines for conducting, analyzing and providing the criteria for
acceptance of measure system analysis. Also to understand the variability caused by the measuring system in
comparison with process variation.

2.0 Scope: -

All Measuring systems / equipment’s / instruments used for measuring characteristics directly influence the
product quality and have potential influence in acceptance of product.

3.0 Definitions

(1) Repeatability :- Repeatability is the variation in measurements obtained with one measurement
instrument when used several times by an appraiser while measuring the identical characteristic on
the same part.

(2) Reproducibility: - Reproducibility is the variation in the average of the measurements made by
different appraisers using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic
on the same part.

(For more details please refer Measurement System Analysis – MSA Reference Manual sanctioned by the
Chrysler/Ford/General Motors in line with the requirements of QS 9000.)

4.0 Pre – requisites before conducting a MSA Study: -

4.1 Environment

All aspect of environment should be similar to the usage condition and kept constant while collecting data.

4.2 Selection of Measuring Equipment

Measuring equipment must have a discrimination that allows at least one-tenth of the expected process
variation of the characteristic to be read directly.

4.3 Selection of part

Parts selected for R&R study must represent the complete process variation.

4.4 Selection of Appraiser – Operator

The appraiser chosen should be selected from those who normally operate / use the measuring system.

4.5 Marking serial number on part

Serial number should be marked on each part considered for the study. The measurement s should be made
in random order to ensure that any drift or changes that could occur will be spread randomly throughout the
study. The appraiser should be unaware of which numbered part is being checked in order to avoid any
possible knowledge bias. However person conducting the study should know which numbered part is being
checked and record the data accordingly.
Work Instruction for Conducting R&R
4.6 Selection of number of appraiser, samples and trials

Number of appraiser, samples and trials are based on the nature of process, sample profile, and the criticality
of the characteristic. It depends also on the time of inspection.

Generally for a short-term study, with one trial, number of samples are taken between 5 to 10, number of
appraiser are minimum 2 or more. For long-term study number of trails increases to minimum 3. For
attribute type of characteristic, number of samples should be minimum 10.
5.0 How to conduct the Study
5.1 Obtain the sample, which represents the actual or expected range of variations.
5.2 Refer the appraiser as A, B and C and number the parts 1 through 10 so that the numbers are
not visible to the appraiser.
5.3 Calibrate the gauge if this is a part of normal gauging procedure.
5.4 Sequence of taking measurement by appraiser A, B or C, one by one or by one appraiser all
samples and then next appraiser, can be decided based on the feasibility and availability of apprasier.
The data will be recorded on the format as per annexure – 1.
5.5 The person who is conducting the study should record observation.

6.0 Analysis
The Average and range method is a mathematical method, which will provide and estimate of both
repeatability and reproducibility for a measurement system. Unlike to the Range method, this will allow the
measurement system to be decomposed into two separate components, repeatability and reproducibility, but
not their interaction.
The ANOVA method can be used to determine this interaction between gauge and appraiser. However, both
the average and range method and ANOVA method will provide information concerning the cause of
measurement system or gauge error.
For example, if repeatability is large compared to reproducibility, the reasons may be:
1) The instrument needs maintenance.
2) The gauge should be designed to be more rigid.
3) The claming or location for gauging to be improved.
4) There is excessive with in part variation
If reproducibility is large compared to repeatability, the reasons may be:
1) The appraiser needs to be better trained in how to use and read the gauge instrument.
2) Calibration on the gauge dial is not clear.
3) A fixture of some sort may be needed to help the appraiser use the gauge more consistently.
7.0 Acceptance criteria
Guidelines for acceptance of gauge repeatability and reproducibility (% R & R) are:
 Under 10% error - the measurement system is acceptable.
 10% to 30% error - may be acceptable based upon importance of application, cost of gauge, cost
of repair, etc.
 Over 30% error - Measurement system needs improvement. Make every effort to identify the
problem and have them corrected.
8.0 Records

8.1 A list mentioning the current status of all measurements systems will be maintained.
8.2 A frequency sheet for all studies will be maintained.
8.3 A log of all studies will be maintained.
8.4 Individual measurement system report sheet will be maintained to address the improvement for each
measurement system.
Please refer annexure 2 and 3 for the formats of all above record sheets.

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