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- Oh hey there, let's get up.

My name is Max from Real Social

Dynamics, and in this video

we will be speaking about

women manipulating you.

We will not only be speaking

about why they manipulate you

and how society has an

amplifying affect on that,

but we will also be speaking about

how you can turn that

around, turn the tables,

overcome that, and actually

use it to your advantage.

Now this is gonna a little

bit of a longer video.

This is not some nice little

nine-minute BuzzFeed video

about the one little trick

to instantly make a girl

fall in love with you,

that's not the kind of

channel that we're doing here.

We're gonna teach you the truth here.

Before we're gonna crack

into that, please do consider

hitting that subscribe button

right underneath this video,

right next to Daddy's little bell symbol.

Click that too, that way

you always get notified

when I upload a new video for you.

Now here's the thing, too.

I gotta say that before we're

gonna get into that, look,

if you're some sort of

red-peeled, butt-hurt guy
who doesn't get laid,
who just wants to click

on another video to
feel good about himself

because he truly thinks

that women are evil,

and you should stay away from women, well,

you're gonna resonate

a lot with this video.

The second half, you're gonna hate me,

because I'm gonna call

you out on your bullshit.

If you're some sort of mainstream dude

who has never really gone out,

and who thinks everything is fine

and everybody is the

fairytale world pandas, wee,

then you probably haven't even clicked

on this video in the first place.

It's also not gonna be for you.

I'm not gonna go into some sort

of political ideology here.

I'm gonna tell you the fricking truth.

The dirty, messy, fricking truth.

Take it or leave it,

thank you for watching.

Here's the thing, let's get

to the first point here.

The uncomfortable truth here, okay?

Why are women manipulative?

Why do they psychologically

manipulate you?

The very simple answer

is: because they have to.

Very, very simple.

Biologically speaking,
women have to revert

to manipulating men, and

other women, basically, why?

Well, because they're upper body strength

is practically nonexistent.

So a couple thousand years

ago, when we're in tribes,

if you're a guy or a man,

you come into that tribe,

I don't like that motherfucker,

boom, kill him, dead, gone.

You can't do that as a woman.

Your upper body strength

isn't really that strong,

so you have to revert to

much more covert means of

making your agenda go through,

if you really think about that.

Now, it's crazy because,

speaking about biology,

women are biologically

equipped way better than us men

when it comes to social interaction

and to understanding social dynamics.

If you actually read a book,

it's called The Female Brain,

by Dr. Louann Brizendine,

I hope I pronounce your

name correctly, ma'am,

it's a great book, and

she talks about a concept

called the female gaze.

The female gaze means that

toddlers that are female

develop something that is

called the female gaze.
They're looking at their counterparts,

with which they're communicating,

be it their father,

the mother, or other human beings,

they're looking at their

faces much, much more,

in fact up to 20 times
more, than male toddlers.

Why are they doing that?

It's called the female gaze

because their facial expressions

are teaching the female toddlers

what is wrong with them.

Are they doing something wrong?

Are they doing something right?

Is that person happy with

my behavior, or unhappy?

Now, scale that up starting

from a toddler's age

all the way to teenage years,

the females naturally develop

far better social calibration,

far better social

understanding, than us men.

We men are a little retarded

when it comes to that.

We don't look at our

communication counterparts,

we don't have the female gaze,

we're just doing whatever

the fuck we want.

So you can see here, it's

biologically ingrained in women

to understand social dynamics better

and to kind of work with social dynamics

in order to let their agenda come through.

We men, we don't have
that, we're just like

stick in the other guy's face,

fuckin' throw a stone

at the other guy's head,

and try to make shit happen that way,

which is also why many young men

have so much trouble being social,

which is why so many young men

have trouble understanding

women, and attracting girls.

So basically having a say,

we're biologically (beep).

We're gonna beep that

out, thank you, YouTube.

Now here's the thing,

that effect is amplified

by the societal structure we're in, right?

Here's the problem: a hot

female, she's objectified,

and it's very easy to

have her needs fulfilled.

A hot female, she wants

money, she has access to money

via some beta male cuck that

has willingly given her money.

She has access to high-paying jobs,

where she really doesn't

have to work a lot,

she just has to look pretty, right?

Models, cocktail waitresses,

actresses, et cetera.

I'm not saying these jobs are not tough,

they're really, really tough,

but you primarily get them

simply because you get pretty.
So you can see, there's not
many attractive women out there

that are willingly devoting

their time and energy to

personal development, to reading books,

and getting really, really educated

because many hot, attractive

women in their young age,

in their young, naive age,

they go down the easier route,

the path of least resistance

of just saying, well,

I could go to university
and work my ass off,

and study my ass off,

and eventually I'll get

a decently paying job,

or I'm just gonna be super hot and pretty,

show my ass on Instagram

and get free shit there,

and then have, hopefully, some beta cuck

that is ready to commit

to me until I'm 30,

and then, you know, I won in life.

Now of course there's exceptions to that.

There's many, there's

thousands, ten thousands,

beautiful women that are

also highly educated,

but you get the gist, it's

so much easier for women

through that societal situation

that we're in right now

to just say, yo, I'm just gonna be pretty.

I'm just going to revert to

communication on a social level
and have my agenda get through that way.

Okay, so let's talk about

the second point here

because there is a light

at the end of the tunnel.

Now when you're hearing the first point,

you might be inclined to fall in

some sort of victim mentality.

Oh, women are evil, the

gynocentric society, boo, boo, boo.

Stay away from them as much as you can,

but this is victim

mentality, dude, no es bueno.

It really is not going

to bring you anywhere.

The truth is, again the

dirty frickin' truth is,

there's a lot of manipulative

evil people out there,

and you hear that I said people.

There's a lot of insecure,

manipulative people out there.

It happens, just because of said reasons,

that usually women revert

to that communication better

because they're biologically

better equipped,

but there's men out there too

that will manipulate the shit out of you.

But here's the thing,

here's the good light

at the end of the tunnel.

A high-quality man will

always be able to identify

these low self-esteem people and stay away

from these low self-esteem people.

Oh, he's just saying that
because he wants your money.

Don't approach women, they're evil, man.

Just focus on making

money and buy escorts.

Fuck man, scam (record scratches).

No, this has nothing to do

with buying some pickup program

or buying some book or any of that.

The way you can learn how to distinguish

between the low self-esteem

manipulative people

and the high self-esteem good people

is by simply going out and taking action.

You need to become a people-knower,

someone who understands people.

You need to learn social dynamics.

And you see the

fundamental difference here

between somebody who's butt-hurt

and who subscribes to some sort

of lifestyle without women,

he just gives up.

He says, you know, gynocentric, fuckin',

all these women are evil, fuck that.


It's not the way you

should live your life.

The way you should live

your life is say, okay,

you know what, I am

going to open my heart.

I am going to risk being

hurt and being fucked over,
but the lessons that I
will gain in that process,

those are the lessons that make me a man.

Those are the lessons that

make me a wise motherfucker.

And with those lessons, you can go ahead,

and you can get the best of two worlds.

You can understand that there's some women

out there that manipulate you,

but you can also understand

that there's good women,

and you can learn how to appreciate those.

What's the alternative?

Being a naive, inexperienced cuck

who stays at home and lives

with his mom in her basement?

Doesn't really sound like that.

Yes, it's scary.

Yes, you're gonna get rejected a lot.

Yes, you're probably gonna

get fucked over, too.

But if you learn social

dynamics, if you go out,

if you actually get into situations

where women display manipulative behavior,

maybe even if you get

heartbroken, if you get fucked up,

but you also have some sort of guidance

through a good friend who understands you,

through a free YouTube video,

forums, whatever it is,

you can learn these lessons.

You can learn how to interpret them,

and you can become a better,

more interesting person

in the process of that;

it's about the process, man.

It's not about staying away from pain.

You gonna stay away from the gym

because I don't like to sweat,

because it hurts when I have

to lift the little weight.

You gonna stay away? No.

You're gonna do it, you're

gonna expose yourself to it,

you're gonna go through it,

and you're gonna come out

stronger at the end (coughs),

and the cool thing about this is that

the key is to actually go out, take action

and experience most of this firsthand.

Surely, with some guidance,

but at the same time,

actually experiencing it
firsthand because look,

you can watch tons of videos

like these that kinda tell you

this is a red flag, this is a red flag.

You and I with our dick-thinking,

we're gonna have a really pretty girl,

and you kinda see the red flag,

and you're like nah, nah,

this is an exception, right?

And then we go get heartbroken,

and she's gonna go fuck us over, right?

And again, like here,

don't shut yourself off

from these experiences,

it's part of life, man.
Go out, take action,
learn how to distinguish

between the bad ones and the good ones,

and that, my friend, is the

light at the end of the tunnel.

Which brings us to the third

point, finally, beautiful,

turning the tables and creating

an advantage for yourself

in the situation that

society's put you in.

Understand that manipulation

doesn't necessarily mean

negative manipulation.

In fact, there's positive

and negative manipulation.

Look at the concept of yin and yang.

Yang is usually associated

with the masculine.

A penetrating force, go
getting shit done, la di da.

Very direct, like we gave

that example earlier,

throw a stick at the guy's

face, throw a rock at his skull,

that's yang power at its finest.

If you look at the yin,

if you read up on that,

usually it says something like this:

yin is characterized as slow,

soft, yielding and passive,

usually associated with femininity.

What I'm trying to say

here is that, first point,

yin manipulation is very covert, right?

Remember the female gaze.

Remember women are better
at social dynamics,

so a woman is not gonna charge

you with a stick, very rarely

She's more gonna try to manipulate

you in a very covert way.

Here's a cool thing, and like I said,

there's a positive version

of this yin manipulation.

There's a positive yin manipulation, okay?

The good news here is for

you, that you, on your path,

on becoming a high-quality
man, you are able to decide

what kind of manipulation is

going to have an affect on you.

Are you going to walk

around, little beta male,

with little options, letting a pretty girl

basically do whatever
she pleases with you,

and basically open yourself up

for negative yin manipulation?

Or are you going to be a smart guy,

who gets to meet a lot of women,

who sifts through the bad ones

and stays with the good ones,

and now, you're basically

gonna be a target

of positive yin manipulation.

What does positive yin

manipulation look like?

Negative yin manipulation,

I'm gonna give you a real life example,

negative yin manipulation, excuse me,

it was at New Year's Eve, years ago.

I was a very insecure
little idiot, very horny,

met a beautiful girl who was

kind of partying with us there.

She had long, beautiful

black hair, perfect body,

and I was throwing firecrackers

'cause it was New Years Eve,

and we were standing outside

a nightclub in Austria,

I'm from Austria, little cow town,

and she said, you know what, Max?

You know what would be

really sexy right now?

If you walked into this nightclub

and you throw the firecrackers inside.

Now, these firecrackers, they

were big, they were dangerous.

You had to stay away from

them if you fired them.

And in my head I'm like

Jesus Christ, I'm happy

that I'm not that insecure.

Imagine you're so insecure,

you have so little options,

that you would do anything

to impress that girl.

You walk in, and you

throw these firecrackers,

maybe you injure somebody just

to impress this random ho.

Negative yin manipulation.

Another example is, oh, I really wish

you would give me more presents, you know?

It would really turn me on

if you bought me a lot of nice things.

Then I would totally
wanna have sex with you.

You've probably heard that,

maybe, in some sort of variation

it's a little extreme example

to bring across the point.

Negative yin manipulation.

Now what does positive yin

manipulation look like?

Let's give a real life example as well,

from a very high-quality,

very high self-esteem woman

that I've met.

I was on my way to a team meeting.

I have a company, I have to

manage a team, and I was...

The weight of the world

was on my shoulders,

and I was burnt out.

I'm like, oh, okay, I

gotta go to a meeting,

but before I left the door,

before I got out there,

she'd stopped me and she's like,

I love how you're always a fighter.

You see a negative situation

and you plow through,

and you just conquer the world,

I'm really impressed by that

And you really see small, little

stings that a woman can do

can have a huge effect on you.

And you see, it's passive,

it's yielding, the energy.

And all of a sudden I

felt like, you know what,
thank you, you reminded me of
the fact that I'm a fighter.

You reminded me that I have

it within me to crush it,

even if I'm burnt out.

You see, women manipulate you either way.

The good news is, you

as a high-quality man,

or someone who's learning to

become a high-quality man,

will be able to distinguish from that.

You can either, a, not go out,

not get a lot of experience,

and just kind of carry a lot

of hatred for women within you,

and then kind of be forced

to be with a girl that

just puts up with you,

to be with a girl who steps

into your life and just say,

well, there's nothing better

for me anyway, I'll take it,

and thus opening yourself up

to a potentially low self-esteem woman

with very highly negative

yin manipulation.

Or, here's a great point, you can go out,

you can get to know a lot of women.

You can learn how to distinguish

the red flags from the good flags.

You can learn to separate the

bad ones from the good ones

and then choose, out of all

these women that you've met,

to be with those that nurture

you, that support you,
that fully unfold their positive
yin manipulation onto you.

That's the good fricking news.

Yes it is scary, yes

it might take a while,

but at the end of the

day it's always worth it.

And it literally means,

this is what it means

to become a man, to become

something stronger, better,

faster, smarter, whatever it is.

Look, they say behind every

great man is a woman, right?

And I 100% agree with that, however,

I think mainstream society

has watered down this

into complete bullshit,

saying men are stupid,

without women they can do nothing.

That's not what it means.

Rather a more accurate description

of that sentence would be

behind every great man is a

great woman that he chose.

You see the dynamics here:

you can't live without women.

Okay, go ahead, go to some

certain forums on the internet

where men are bitching about women,

and all they wanna do is hire

escorts and stuff like that.

That's not what you're meant

to be, we're social creatures.

We are supposed to be completed,

either by someone of the opposite sex

or by some sort of sexual partner

of the same sex, whatever it is.

You are supposed to have

yin and yang in your life,

not just yang.

Understand that, you

have to understand that.

Yes, it's difficult,

but you need to go out

so you can get a position

where you can choose.

All right, so let's summarize this video

because you've heard a

lot of different ideas.

You've probably heard a lot of new ideas

because you've been brainwashed

by the mainstream narrative so much,

so let's summarize it,

here's what you have to do.

Number one: accept the fact

that this is what women are

biologically programmed for.

They will manipulate you, that's

their way of communication.

Number two: accept the fact

that this has been amplified

by the society we live in.

Number three: stop being a victim.

Don't say this is the reason

why I'm not taking action.

This is the reason why women are evil, no.

Instead, go out, learn

game, approach women,

understand social dynamics,

hone the skill that will allow you

to differentiate the shitty

girls from the dimes,

and then learn how to attract them.

If you're gonna fail, good.

Get back up, brush

yourself off, keep going.

You're gonna fail.

Nobody in this world has ever

gone through this world

without ever failing.

It's totally fine, it's totally cool

if you're doing dumb things.

I've done tons of dumb

things (laughs), okay?

Failing, good.

Learn from it, brush

yourself off, and keep going.

Most importantly, don't get butt-hurt.

Don't become a bitter little

man, don't get butt-hurt.

Gym analogy, let's put

another gym analogy.

You're going to the gym.

You wanna bench press

whatever it is, 90 kilograms.

You can't do it the first time.

Are you gonna get butt-hurt now?

Are you gonna go home, you

stupid gym, never come back?

No, you can't bench press

90 kilograms right away,

okay, you know what, go to

the gym a couple more times,

and eventually, you're

gonna come back stronger,

more energized, and you're

finally able to hit that new PR.
Don't turn bitter, it's
very, very that easy.

And, most importantly,

get someone to help you.

This can be these free YouTube videos.

This could be forums, right,

this could be a good friend.

This could be us here too.

I want to offer you something really cool,

that is a free consultation

call with me and my team.

It's just some sort of a thank you,

because this channel has

been blowing up like crazy,

and there's so much support we're getting,

a lot of hate too, but that's cool too,

honestly I respect
other peoples' opinions.

This is my sort of thank you for you.

There's a link in the description below,

or we're gonna have it

pop up somewhere here.

You click that link, it will

bring you to an application.

You fill out that application,

it takes you two minutes.

And then you actually get

a free consulting call

with Team RSD Max.

These are highly trained coaches.

These are guys that live with us.

Get on a call with us, and

what we're gonna do here is

we're gonna look at your current

situation life with women.
We're gonna look at your
goals, what you want to be,

what are the dream women

you want to be dating with.

How do you feel when you're

walking down the street?

And we'll help you bridge that gap.

We'll develop a battle plan for you,

and all that entirely for free.

And maybe then, if you're a good fit,

if you wanna work with

us on a longer basis,

you can get to join the

RSD Max Mentoring Program,

where I'm continuously mentoring you

over a course of eight weeks

together with my coaches,

but at the very least, you can

get a free consulting call.

You don't have to join

a mentoring program.

You can just get a free consulting call.

Click that link somewhere

here, it's entirely for free.

We'll bring you through the application,

maybe talk very, very soon.

That leaves me with

nothing other to say than

thank you very much.

I hope this video has been educational.

I love you, okay?

Don't get fucked over.

Go take action, man.

It's your responsibility

to create the life
that you want to have, and
it's definitely possible.

GG, and thank you.

(upbeat techno beats)

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