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Proper Waste Segregation of HUMSS 12 Students in Ramon

Torres- Senior High School

I. Context and Rationale

The general situation that makes us develop

this research proposal is the students lack of

discipline, the absence of organizations to

maintain the proper waste segregation of the

school. That is why we develop this proposal to

help improve the school as environment-friendly

to prove that we are globally competitive.

Through this proposal it can give information

needed of those students who wants to make a

change and develop their behaviour upon the

school. Using the proper waste management we can

be able to save Mother Earth.

The unity of students is needed as we

propose the 3Rs or the reduce, reuse and recycle.

To help bring out the real beauty that comes from

nature and help become our school productive.

Significance of Research

This study will benefit the following:

Students- It will help the students to improve

their creativity by using recycled materials and

develop the nature lover behaviour to be more

productive in every work they will do.

Teachers- It will help them to save time in

teaching the students how to do proper waste

disposal and maintain the school cleanliness.

School- It will help save money to the used of

recycled materials in making the school beautiful

and competitive enough to be the saver of Mother



1. What should be done to the students who are

not following the proper waste disposal?

2. What was the student supposed to do if they

are not putting garbage in proper waste

disposal after eating something disposable?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The research proposal of us entitled “Proper

Waste Segregation of HUMSS 12 Students in Ramon

Torres- Senior High School” is all about the

improvement and develop our behaviour by making

our responsibilities in accordance. To make a

change and greatest motivation of this proposal.

We will make an organization to help

improvised the students who are not following the

proper waste disposal. The garbage cans will be

checked in every rooms. By giving enough garbage

cans made in recycled materials.

IV. Action Research Methods

The research method that we have been

developed is an evaluative research method

because it is use to help improve and develop

students behaviour. For example, implementing to

a student with this proposal is used to conduct

observable method that will result in possible

change in environment.

A. Participants or Other Sources of Data and


The target participants here in our

proposal are the students who are poor

knowledge in Proper Waste Segregation. We

have chosen them because of the situation

which was there are some students who don’t

know Proper Waste Segregation and lack of

garbage can.

B. Data Gathering Methods

In data gathering we used observation

method where the students did not answer the

truth checklists is used to after

C. Data Analysis Plan

It is important to know the proper

waste segregation, this proposal that we

have been developing is more on loving and

caring our nature, to save Mother Earth. It

can provide needed information to those who

want to help save our environment by doing

reuse, reduce and recycle. Through this, it

will be easy for us to become progressive

and make creative works that will benefit

ourselves and the school. Evaluative method

is the best approach in this proposal

because through this, we evaluate what and

where is the students supposed to do with

their garbage.

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timeliness

Days 1-2 Review the research plan

Days 3-5 Make observations on students who are

not aware of proper waste segregation

Days 6-8 Inspection of garbage cans

Days 9-12 Conduct an observation in school


Days 13-16 Choosing proper treatment

Days 17-20 Application of Treatment

Days 21-25 Treatment Analysis

Days 25-30 Observation and improvement

VI. Cost Estimate

Materials needed for Observation:

Paper P80

Ballpen P20

Total Expenses: P100

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

The main purpose of this study is to improve

and develop behaviours of students by advocating

the importance of Proper Waste Segregation and

informing the benefits of recycling that will

create a big impact in our society.

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