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Definition of mentall illness

Mental illnesss refers to mental health conditions that have a

negative on the way an individual thinks, feels, and behaves. Just like
the phrase “ physical illness” might describe a vest array of physical
health conditions, mental illness encompasses many different types
of mental illness problems.

Causes of mental illness

The causes of mental health problems are many things, ranging from
violence against children and women, especially :

1. Sexual Violence

2. Pornography

3. Drugs Abuse

4. Addiction to electronic media and social networking

5. Psychological distress

6. Senility and so on that are not getting enough attention or

neglected because of incomprehension.

The kinds of mental illness

- Bipolar and related disorders

- Depresssive disorders
- Sexual dysfunction
- Personality disorders
- Pharapilic disorders
- Axiety disorder

How to cure the mental illness

Mental health first aid is the assistance given to peole mental
health problems by someone who is not health doctor or does not
have a health background, but someone who is in the social
sphere of the sufferer. First aid is given until the sufferer. First aid is
given until the sufferer gets approciate professional assistance.

Families and society can play a role by learning mental health first
aid, which consists of 5 steps:

1. Approach
2. detection, and help with any crisis.
3. Listen without judgement
4. Provide appropriate support and information
5. Encourage sufferers to get appropriate professional help.


mental health is a condition that experienced by someone who is not

get a disoder or mental illness, as well as able to develop that
potetial owned in a hormonious and balanced manner. Unstable
mental health or impaired mental health can affect physical health
and spirituality. With physical healing the patient is hampered and
the patient’s spiritual health disturbed. Chemoterapy patients with
unstable mental health or impaired mental health has spiritual needs
that can be fulfilled by using a mental approach and religion/
psychology. Spiritual needs patients with worship services consist of
prayers from severaldimensions of meaning, hope, connection with
god through worship, and forgiveness

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