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GR: A Name and surname

Teacher: Ferzije Mustafai ___________________________________


1. Make affirmative sentences with Present Simple Passive.

a. The email__________________________ every day. (send)

b. The certificates_________________________after the race. (give)

c. The books ___________________________after each lesson. (collect)

d. The homework ________________________every day. (do)

e. Apples ___________________________ in autumn (pick)

2. Write negative sentences in Present Simple passive

a. the documents / print ___________________________________

b. the window / open______________________________________

c. the shoes / buy________________________________________

d. the car / wash_________________________________________

e. the letter / write________________________________________


3. Make affirmative sentences with Past Simple Passive.

a. The door____________________(lock) yesterday

b. The houses____________________(build) in 1979
c. The concert_________________(finish)
d. The cakes __________________(cook) on Monday
e. The song ___________________(sing) at the concert. (10)____
4. Write passive sentences in Past Simple, negative form.

a. the test / write_______________________________

b. the table / clean_________________________________

c. the cat / feed____________________________________

d. the lights / switch on_________________________________

e. the house / build____________________________________


5. Write questions in Present simple Passive and Past simple passive.

(2-present simple passive, 2-past simple passive, 1-you choose)


b. ._________________________________________________________________

c. ._________________________________________________________________

d. ._________________________________________________________________

e. ._________________________________________________________________


Total points:___________________________ Grade: _________________________

Points 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-43 44-50

Grade 1 2 3 4 5

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