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Mission Directorate
o Ifational Health Mission, 0rlisha
7- e Department of Health & Family Welfare,
sro10 qqr 66]e.
Government of 0disha.

Letter No.: OSH &.FWS/ t69)L Date: 97,08'11

From e+ln
Shalini Pandit,
Mission Director
NHM, Odisha.

The Directors, Health Services/Family Welfare/ Pubtic Health / Nursing /
SIH&FW / Capital Hospital / RGH, Rourkela
The Superintendents, SCB MCH / MKCG MCH / VIMSAR / SLN MCH /
All CDMO & District Mission Directors,
The ADMo (PH), CHS,
Berhampur/ Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack/ Rourkela/Sambalpur

Sub: Implementation of ESI Act 1948 for NHM staff - regarding.

kt DO No-G-27034/1 82201 8/l'l HM (F) dt.02.08.2019.

Sir /
With reference to the subject cited above, please find enclosed herewith the
DO No-G-27034/'182/2018/NHM (F) dt.02.08.2019 of Additional Secretary &
Mission Director (NHM), MoH&FW, GoI regarding implementation of ESI Act 1948
which is self-explanatory. According to the said letter, it is clarified that, all casual
and contractual staff (who is earning wages up to Rs.21,000/- per month or
Rs.25,000/- in case of differently abled employees) engaged under NHM are covered
under the ESI Act, 1948 provided they are engaged through a contractor registered
under ESI Act,1948 and not directly as contract workers by the State/ District Health

Therefore, you are requested to skictly adhere to the said guidelines.

Yours faithfuily,

Etrcl: As abooe.
Mission Director,
NHM, Odisha.

SIHFW Annex Building, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751012

Phone: 0674- 2392480/88/79(Fax), E-ntail: Web:

MemoNo.: lOOg4 DaE:)7,64,q

Copy forwarded to all Colector & DMs for information. ,
MernoNo.:lo2gt1 Datrl2Y,(*,Q
Copy forwarded to all DPMUs for information and necessary action.

Ivtissidf Director,
MemoNo.: lO24' Date'2Y'08'/7
Copy forwarded to all CPMUs for information and necessa4r action.

Mieeion Diredor,

SIIlFtlr Arncr Bulldlni, N.yrp.lll Bluhirrr.r-751012

PtoDe 067+ 23!rlls/ttfzr(F$ F-orll: EEg!!&g&rirlLiE ld&: ! 4!,rrI!OdLl!&!LE
o{, rsrccn \.{ qR-qn o-cqt
,L ffiir q6q. T{ kcm
c-+q srf,rfi NIR AN BHAVAN, NEW OELHI " 110011
Manoj Jhalani
qq-{ vFq v{ fr{rn f+tvro D.0. No. . G-"7O341182/2018/NHrvl tFl
Additional Socretary & Massion Director (NHi,l) Dated rhe 02'" Augusr, 2019

Thrs rs rn reference to Ehe clarification on the applicability of che ESI Act

1948 regandrng coverage for- tlre NHM Staff forwarded to che Employees State
lnsurance Corponation (Mrnrstry of Labour and Employmenc) vide 0. O, letten ot
even no. dared 27'n June 2O19.

ln [hts context, the reply has been received fnom Employees Sbate
lnsurance Corpor.iLron (lMinr:;try of Labour and Employment) vrde No. X
11/1411 112016 P&D rlated 1 7'" July. 2019 sraring rhar rhe Ernplovees
States lnsur.anoe Scheme of lndra rs a nlulLi-d imensronal Social Secur^iEv Scheme
whlch rs uniformly apphcable Eo einployees of tactones and notafied
establishments, located in implemente(J area who is earning wages up to Rs,
21,OOO^ per month (Rs, 25,0OOl in case of differently abled employees).
Furthenmore, all casual and conlract,ual sLaff enga-eed by NHVI ane covcnable
under the ESI Act. 1948, provrded chey are engaged through a contractor
regrstered under ESI Act. 1948 and not direc*ly as contract workers by the
State/Oistrict Health Societies. All the State/ District Health Societies
should be inlormed that the ESI Act. 1948 is not applicable to those
contractual employees that are directly engaged on contract by them.

Theretore, all uhe States/UTs are requested to follow the gurdelrnes ano
clanfrcatrons pnovided bv the I\rrn'st"ry of l-abour and Employment letter [copy
enclosed) for applrcabrlit.y of ESI Acr.
Yorrns farthfLrlly
Encl: As Above Sd/
[[Vlanot ,lhalarr]

Addl Chief Secnetar yrl Prrncrpal Secnetary/ Secr^etany IHealch and Famrlv
WelfareJ - All Srates/UTs

coPv to:
1. lvlissron Dll.eoEor, NH[/l of All States/UTs
2. DtrecEon Publtc Heail-h of All St \i,

{f,ianoi Jhalani}

lFt'S qRd-lFnq qr{f,

Telela x : 23063687 23063593 E-mail

/20,I9/NRHM.FlNANCE ,\_.r
""- a(s UF.L
' ' .t ,./,
PA,IGHOEEP BHAYAII, CtG RO O, llEW r]ELHt - 1r0 r)02
wr, o{,lill:
No. X-11/1ar11tr016 - P&D oatedi 17.07 2019
AddL So€r"lryy f Uhdon DF c{o. (NHM)
Mht ty ot tt sffi & F*rily Vrletbn ,1
N&rnan &ranan
N6te O.#rt - 110 Otl
8ub: Gourge of contnc,,rl ridlulro arr drrwtoig fig; r& to Rt. 21,000/ - pcr montt
unlor i$fll lardtll tlr f,hirtry o{ Lrbou & Btrpbymcnt - I!g.
I 8m diBc,led to ret* to oo No. G27034/.t 82201€yNHtrr(F) @H 27 06.2019 eddfef,s€., ro the
Oircc'tor Genccal, ESIC sd fib OfEDe €€dicr r€ply vld6 EtLr of everi no. dated 30 01.2019 ateboraring
Ul6 dn tra .pdbab{ily of lh$ A6l !o abovedEntbn€d Eublecl (copy eflcbs€d)

ln 0*a conbxt it b cubmltlc<t thrt Empf4€es' State lnsurance Sch€nle ot lndB ls a muti
dirnansioral Socl'al Seonfy Sdtanr tr$or€d to in the
o.g.nhd qilmt fE orants of ridnrtr, mahmity, dbsuern€nt a'ld d6dr dt!€ to snptryrnor ifliury
and to abo Fuddafi$ff.m_toth6 ilsurrd €rnpbrscr r.x, ttxir.furilbr. Tho A.i appkx
of hctpria6 rnd rffi€d edab*$men8, bcffi imptorn6nH ares to Rs
prr mofilh (es 2S,ffir in .aae a{ $tuanAy oblad emptoyees} ESt ,qd 6 t nitomly rpplbeue in
I ndlt{ad afira b str fectork B end to whlch ir 3 applrcable and thor6 i3 rs prwisbn$
to mal(6 optirml Epph.t,t of €Sl A&t in the 8&ea

A6 &rch, a*l casrd grd coritraci.Ial sbf en NHM sre sverabb under the ESI Aci. 1948
plovH€d lfray 6rl thtougtr s cdlfactor GgbtE cd under ESI Ac1 1948 snd nol dil€dv as cont act
worl(efs by th€ State/Di8tricl Heetttt
le6 -_.4-a-=:--

Yours liv
Errl: a/a
2 \)
\.a a
(PR Sinhaj
Dy- Direclor (P&O)
1 437293/201 9/NRHM-FINANCE

PAr{Cl.DEEp B}l,rva}l CE ROID, twt, DEL*11t002
,?x..rL-!lGiA Gd; dr-o[@cda:trklr
No. X-ll/ l{l1l12016 - P&D Ooted: 3O01.20i9
$fi lytmol Jholord
Add,. Secretory & tvlBdon Dk€ctor (NHM)
Mhhghy ot H€slth & F<rnfiy t JefolB
t0rnon Bho\#on
illaw Dehi - l]0011

31d,: CorlEgr of cddroctud rHl who a. drowtlg wogu up b Rs. A,mO/ - pu,nonth
fidor NHM irtrl.d !4, ilr f,ftrklry of l.lbour f Cmpiormd*. tfe.
1 orn directed fo re.ter lo DO No. G27(Erl/ 182/1018/NifvttF) dored l2.l2r0l8 Odctr€66€d
tD the Dkector G€n€{ot. Esc on th€ sublect fi}enlitn€d obove.

n irb Contgxt, rt is sLllrnlfiaC thoi

l. A6 p€r Sectlofr i(4) of thg ESI Act, l9a8 opp$e6 to oll ,Uctorl€s ond estquhnm€nh.
includho trciorh tleloogtnq fo tn6 G6iernrng()t, olfigl tt6n Seosond Fdclorles A
'Foctory' os pg Selion z(la b dennad os Any pfsr$er rlcudnq tB etcrrcts
thelBot ,./hetaon tan or moB p€6ons ob Orqllo-}lBd or wsi0 6r{ohlEd,0n qrv @ ot
tfe gecadrg h.,th,q* rnon|rB, ord h Ony port of \{f ch o mmufocturtrg pttc{ts is
beir€ coflbd trl or h dliorll/ so coFi€d on, but does rr, lnc{de o mirE $rbl6ct to
ihe operollon 6f lha Mlnes Acr. 1Q52 (3.i ot !952). or a rollurry R,s1r .}g sf€d;
2. Aport f.(;.n bclc|ks, ES Ac1 b oiso oppllcouc io ony orh€. estoDii$lme.,t, or closs ot
esiobtlst\:nenls, induslrtol, co{Ttrn€leiol, ofrlcrdh"rd or stherh&, il tho SpIootisna
Gorerffnent mcy, lr, con$"itioilcn Wth fE Corpoloftn {*rd !*f€re lhs @oFtrld€
Gcvemment is o -$ot6 Go/anrncnt. wtlh ,fhe @pi(hJol of tr$ Csrdio{ GoJe.trtsnt.
ofter glr4oc orE monlh's nolics of ilr htsr*bn of so dohg by notmcoion 11 the Ofllctol
Gozette oxi€nds lhb provbions ot th€ Act tc lt€nn os pe{ S€ctbn 1($"
3. 6) Emplrr/'c tfur ac//on 2€) is;
Ariy person €rnpbl,Bd for woge$ !n q in coff€ctl)n with the wort of o covered
foctory ar estobtshm€fit, ond:
Drectty empb@ by the PrlrcPot €.rrploy6r, on ony u,E k of ffE Fsctory or
egtot i$yn€.rt witllln th6 prenEec or 6borfr€r6. oa in ony psrt. d€por?rn$t or trdrch
doollng with odn*1istrc,tk}fl, prrrg-tro9o ot rCI\{l, n'E oricis. sob oi cftlrE{rtbn ot the
pfo<,rcts of ltl€ toctory of.€srobfthrnant,
Rrdoye€| of lriolnmedlolo ernpkryer;
efldoyed ln fho p[€rnh€s on o^y u/a* ol the ircto'y or s'lqbfi6hrner*;
EnHo!€d oJls& lfB ilbr{sa! on gly v/arL of fhs focbry or 6clclblShfn€rrr mdet rtt€
sJperv,lsl|m of fho ftficipd ernplol€r o. fe oggtt
Emok)yees lgnt or lot on hke b ttE pnrcipot emplo)B on ony v'6rk o{ the lbctfiy. or
empklye$/ plab6sbnoion corfioc, oi servic€,
Pqb Urectori of o corng)ny,
Erctu$ons: (l) An Atrl€,tlric.e eryqd undF/t lhe Aop,'entfco Act lg0l ad Q) a't
orqrot€a Qoveg Hegqs eo4€ the @rg rbr c€uBrogo pBscr&€d by ll1E Cenftol
Go+emmenl. €rnplo!€es/ ffis9lorE8 I8rlderfg ssrvlcat /tr conr/ocl /u'r son b9.
1 437293/2ol 9/NRHM'FINANCE


t) hffi/r erffi undar secflon 2(13) r! d€fined os;

(r) Gle who @cl,gs ony work inslde th€ prBtnises of th€ p.ftcipol smdover ci --
toctory o, On a$lcbllshment io ''dhkh thh Act opptst or urnCsr tho 9Jp€rv$ion o'
fttr|clEtol E{rptXp, or hh og€nt if tne unob or ony Oori ct ony wo* \,,'$ch i.l
orqflr'o.y parr of ttF Y,ork or lhe foclorY or Btoblshngrt of tho Pilnci:ol Ernplqrtr ct
prdlmlney to tlre work conled ori h ot tlclcl€ntol to tt€ plrpose of, orx/ luch
foclory CI estfblkhmont ond inc&de o polson bv wfi,rm fl€ soruces cf on
emdoy€e v\fio hos €frl€rod iato o eontroct o, serdces wttl"t |rim or lel on hl€ t() the
fttrclpol Emplq/Dt (ond nctuclc o contioctcr).
00 on€ vnp ei|€cutes the xeft ot o ,cctoay cr esfdlshnBnl outslda the plBfrssss
rfr,6r ttE iupdr!iltm of hr p{tlc@ crnplctg ot f* o€Bni;
0D OrE who l(tr on trle tf|e sorvlc€d of hb ompert€es tro lhe orlnctool smpbl,er ol ,;
&ctofy o. 68tob6$an€r* ood
0v) A cwlfltiebr t,1d€i 5ecfloo 2(13) ot Esl Aci.
o, Flilgf,dffiltrrodr.e*t NW ffiory
(A) fr tlrs.c6e of o lffiry, onf of fre folod€;-
OD Morryhg AdBnt ot tr€ o,vnor or occtplet;
(tu) Legol raol€(gliolivB of o dec€osed cMrner or occupl€r:
(v) [ronospf cf tho foctory und6l lh€ Foctortgs Act. l9{8.
(A) h rhe cce ol Etabilshrnenrs babnUltng to d undet lh€ conttol ot Go/e.rmenr d
O ttre Scc*xAurrorrry
$ tho Hgod,grlho Dopdrtrfierlf Gr the 6grce crsBctrH Authotltv)
(C) h the €@!* ollt.r edatfwrmanBr F€ficn r€sporElblg for ltie stpenrion cnd
aff trd {f thT.stoblhhm€nt.
(D) h coso ol S@ (o) llo.ln€t ll) Prcpr-ietor llD Portnars !v) Dkactors O) Monq8,'fiBn i
d the o|ifiot
.1. Ihs Aot opgdor to dl empklt gos orcrorsdd €$obrBhments / fccrprl€i eorning wogss
up Rs. ?!.@f psr rnofith Gi %.@L tn oqs of o0r'fitfienrlv oobd snpt }6tr) rt
mp{s'o to €{td$l$t d oforaoold €6t6lthmaflh/ bclodes eorning \^/69l€0 W to lB
2l.0@/- p6r i6, ,6ml' &l 66 o/ c Bardt ,ffi 6n@t€er locotod tn the
nofiilrd oreos. Af gsent tho Schsme Lr noiltlgd ln '5AQ &trlcls ond it is prop€eerJ to
no#y the eriti.e nofpn by S22.
5. rhe lerm "uroeg5' ho3 beerl deffl€d trder Section 2(22) ,rf lr€ Aci oi o.
rernrmqDliorr poll cr poEbte h cosh 10 on Prndq/€e. it the tefrrE ol lhe conlrccl cl
€rnpqrrnent, eortxe or lmpl6d. urdo ful,tred crid inclucres l(ony ooYmrlf to cr'
sndo],Ee h roipae, of ony p€riod or oumolrs€d 10016. locl*our, strd@ hfilci B ool
nlBgd or lcrytDff ond) c*har oddltloltol rqnunootr]n. ll ony, 2(pokj ct lr ervob nor
€xcsodtng itro nslih6), br, does no| hclude i
(o) ony contrlbutton pc,d bY the ernplot€r lp 6Iy pongon func, ,7 p€vlder$ tLrE. o'
under tl{* Act :
(tr) ony ho\dhg af.otironcs or the \ohJe of ony tl(ndlng concessiffl .
(c) crty &rn pold to tha p€non omPql9o lo qefioY speciol expensos entolleo ort hrrr'
qr th8 nohrb of M omplryrn€fi| I or
(O ony €Ett fy Po$lg ondschorle;

'1t03 t9,NRHT{.FINANGE tL

doy (sndlr $dfi.e Si E dqd- *E!t d


8. snHoyqs {rteqeed arl cqt@tud !{i--rfrdF}s,o{x cmmtn
Lfrqr ft ,Af*. }ryi8



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