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Edsall AP Euro Unit II: Renaissance

First Semester, Unit II: The Renaissance

Reading Guide and Calendar

Essential Skills:
1. Thesis Writing
2. Short Answer
3. Causation
4. Comparison
5. Long Essay Question Organization
6. Introduction to argumentation

Essential Vocab/People:
Edsall AP Euro Unit II: Renaissance

Renaissance Brunelleschi
Estates Michelangelo
Individualism Printing press
Secularism Petrarch
Humanism Leonardo Bruni
Civic humanism Niccolo Machiavelli
Neoplatonism Jean Bodin
Hermeticism Baldassare Castiglione
Pantheism Francesco Guicciardini
New monarchies Vernacular literature
Nepotism Geometric perspective
Lorenzo de Medici Naturalism
Vernacular Pieter Bruegel the Elder
City-states Jan Van Eyck
Machiavelli (The Prince) Leonardo da Vinci
Erasmus (In Praise of Folly) Borgia Family
Christine de Pisan Pope Julius II
Gutenberg National Monarchy
Treaty of Lodi Gabelle
Marsilius of Padua Fuggers of Austria
Petrarch Ferdinand & Isabella
Florence Spanish Inquisition
Boccaccio (The Decameron) Sir Thomas More (Utopia)
Lorenzo Valla
Edsall AP Euro Unit II: Renaissance

Reading Guide Questions:

1. What characteristics distinguish the Renaissance from the Middle Ages?
2. What Major Social Changes occurred during the Renaissance?
3. How did Machiavelli’s works reflect the political realities of Renaissance Italy?
4. What was humanism, and what effect did it have on philosophy, education, attitudes toward
politics, and the writing of history?
5. What were the chief characteristics of Renaissance art, and how did it differ in Italy and
northern Europe?
6. Why do historians sometimes refer to the monarchies of the late fifteenth century as “new
monarchies” or “Renaissance states”?
7. What were the policies of the Renaissance popes, and what impact did those policies have on
the Catholic Church?
8. How did Renaissance art and the humanist movement reflect the political, economic, and
social developments of the period?
9. What was the pattern of political development in Renaissance Italy?
10. What new political practices did the Italians contribute to Europe, and how were these new
political practices reflected in the work of Machiavelli?
11. What was the relationship between Italian Renaissance humanism and Italian Renaissance
Reading Guide/Calendar for Unit I
Date Content/Focus Agenda HW
9/9 Social Changes in 1. Introduce Ren. Read p. 339-344 &
Renaissance, 2. Discuss Social Changes start on reading
Characteristics of 3. HIPP Christine de Pizan guide
9/10- Italian States 1. SAQ Quickfire Read p. 344-350 &
9/11 during Ren. & Birth 2. Brain Map Italian States Work on reading
of Mod. Diplomacy 3. Discuss Mod. Diplomacy guide
and Machiavelli
4. HIPP: Machiavelli
5. Edsall’s version of
Humanism (Cheesecake)
9/12- -Isms 1. SAQ Quickfire Read p. 350-357 &
9/13 2. Discuss 15th Century -isms work on reading
HIPP Petrarch, Pico della guide
Mirandola(p348), Laura cereta
(p 349)
9/16 Art of the 1. Discuss Art of the Read p. 357-361 &
Renaissance Renaissance (presentation) work on reading
guide (Bring
Computer next
9/17- Review Art & Art 1. Recap/review/finish Art Read 361-364 &
9/18 Webquest presentation work on reading
2. Art webquest in G-4 guide
3. Discuss political
developments in Eastern
9/19- Renaissance and 1. Discuss Heresy and Finish reading
Edsall AP Euro Unit II: Renaissance

9/20 the Church reform guide

2. Spoiler alert: Renaissance
church leads to
protestant reformation.
3. Take AP Classroom
9/23 Review/review 1. Review assessment Study!!!
review results as a class.
2. Review rotations
 HIPP analysis Courtier
 LEQ Quickfires
 MC Practice
9/24- Test 55 MC Question test (stimulus Read p. 367-371
9/25 based)
1 3-part SAQ

Essay/Quickfire Practice (not going to be turned in):

1. Analyze how Italian renaissance humanists prompted a revival in classical literature and
created new philological approaches to ancient texts.
2. Explore the role that the humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts had on challenges to the
institutional power of universities and the Roman Catholic Church. Most notably how the
focus of education shifted from theology toward the study of classical texts.
3. Analyze how the admiration for Greek and Roman political institutions supported a revival of
civic humanist culture in the Italian city-states and produced secular models for individual
and political behavior.
4. Explore the role the printing press played in the dissemination of new ideas.
5. Explore the impact of vernacular language on development of national cultures.
6. Analyze how visual arts incorporated new ideas of the Renaissance and how they were used
to promote personal, political and religious goals.
7. Compare the Renaissance to the late medieval period.
8. Analyze how the influence of the classics and growing trade broadened the views of
Renaissance citizens.
9. Compare the Political structures in form from region to region, in Renaissance Europe.
10. Compare medieval and Renaissance art.
11. Compare Northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance.

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