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Flash Fiction


Joan F. Paras

It's 5:30 in the morning and I am walking towards the sea to witness the sunrise.

I looked around in the area and feel the beautiful scenery that I have always love in this place.
There was a young girl standing not so far from me, she was calmly looking at the sunrise while humming a
familiar rhyming song. As I was looking at the young girl, I can clearly see myself in her.

When I was at her age, I can say that life was so easy, everything was so perfect and full of fun, playing around
and enjoying the life of being a young one. You could almost say that it's so nice to have your old life back but
then you can't because if going back on your life of being a kid means you cannot see what exactly is the
meaning of life for you now.

"Hi" the young girl approached me.

I didn't notice that I was looking at her for too long and I didn't even realize that the sunrise was already done. I
look back at her and gave her my genuine smile.

"Hi, what's your name?" I ask her

"I'm Elizabeth" she answers softly

"Hmm what a lovely name, I'm Catherine by the way. Ahm may I ask you why are you so up this early?" The
young Elizabeth was curiously looking at me then smile at me afterwards.

"Yea, well I love watching the sunrise, when we moved here this was my favorite spot every early in the
morning" she said

"You know what Elizabeth? You remind me so much of myself when I was at your age" I told her, then she look
back at me and I can see the different emotions in her eyes, amazed, shock, curious but at the same time her
eyes we're so full of happiness.

"Really?" asked the young girl.

"Yes" I said, and she was carefully listening 'Awee so cute Elizabeth'

"When I was at your age, I used to go here and same as you I love watching the sunrise then afterwards my
friends will come then we will play and enjoy the day" after I said those things, Elizabeth became sad so I got
curious and I asked her.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" and then she smiled sadly while
looking at those kids who we're playing.
"Why don't you go and play with them?"

"I- I can't" she said softly

"But why?"

"B- because the doctor said I c-can’t and that I am sick" she sighed deeply, I was not able to respond
immediately about what she said and I was lost of words.

"Elizabeth! Why didn't you wake me up? I was so worried-" The young lady didn't finish her sentence when she
saw me.

"I -I'm sorry, who are you?" The young lady asked.

"Mommy this is my friend Catherine, Catherine this is my mommy Sheena"

"Hi" I simply greeted

"Hi Catherine it's nice to see you, would you mind if I take my daughter into our house? She needs to drink her

"Uh sure, It's okay. Bye Elizabeth take good care of yourself okay?"

"Hmm bye Catherine! See you"

I watched the reflection of the sun into the sea and think about Elizabeth's condition.

Life was truly unfair, you can't see it unless you we're the one or someone you knew experienced the cruelty of

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