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1. Using a writing process. The writing process has 6 different steps to follow.

steps include: analyze the rhetorical situation, invent your ideas, organize and draft your
paper, choose an appropriate style, design your document, and lastly revise and edit
your work. These are all important because its the key to writing a successful paper. 2 of
the most important steps is invent your ideas and revise and edit your work. Only
because when you receive a topic to write about you need to generate different ideas to
start your paper off. Revise and edit your work is the next biggest one because you
always need to double check and reread your work and make sure you don't have no
grammatical errors, punctuation mix ups or even just to make sure the sentences flow
with each other.

2. What am I writing about. When writing anything it is key to know what you are writing
about. The importance of this is this is what starts you off and how you begin to write the
paper. Also if you are given different options to write about you should pick the one that
intrigues you the most. Once you have picked that topic you should learn more about it
and plan out your writing. An important thing to keep in mind about your topic is even if
you don't know to much on the topic, you can create a map about your topic and start off
with everything you know about it. This helps a lot because its makes it easier to write
your essay.

3. What do I want to accomplish? When writing you should always have a purpose for it.
Whether it's you actually writing something, texting or even talking there's a purpose for
it. I think this important because let's say we are assigned a topic but there are certain
requirements we have to me it's important to know what we have to accomplish for that
paper. This also helps for job resumes, you have to know what you need to accomplish
in order to get the managers interested in you. Personally I use this every time I start to
write, what do I need to accomplish in order to get a good solid grade on this paper.

4. Are you Informing or persuading? This is a key element to know when writing. Especially
when given a topic you have to know whether you are supposed to inform people or
persuade them. This also helps you develop the importance of the paper. It's also very
important to know the difference between these papers. Informing papers have to do
with advising, explaining or even informing people. Persuading papers have to do with
arguing, convincing and even persuading someone.

5. Thesis Statement. Your thesis statement is what shows your readers what the main
point of your paper is. The thesis statement usually appears in your introduction
paragraph. Also it could even be presented in the conclusion paragraph based on what
theisi you are writing.There are 4 different types of thesis statements you can write:
Informative thesis, argumentative thesis, question or open ended thesis, and an implied
thesis. These theis are all impot to keep in mind because like I said before your thesis
statement is your main claim. If your theis doesn't match the type of writing you are
supposed to be writing it could totally throw off the flow of the essay and potentially ruin
6. A brief reader profile. To create this you could use the five W’s and how a questions to
see and describe who is reading your writing . This helps out because you want to know
who will be reading your paper. There are different questions to ask yourself but the
main ones in my opinion are the ones who are my readers, what are their expectations.
Only because if I had to write a paper on the studies on humans I wouldn't let someone
who's in junior high read it because most likely they wouldn't understand it. The paper
would be more for my professor because if he assigned it to me he would be most
understanding of it. For what are their expectations you want to make sure you go above
and beyond for them so they are impressed with your writing.

7. Social and political influences.This is important because topics like these are what bring
the reader into your reading and make them want to continue to read it. Here are a few
trends: Social trends, economic trends, and political trends. Each of these trends have a
connection with the real world. Also all of these trends bring people into reading because
it has to do with stuff that is occuring now. These writings are important because they
have to do with society today and everyone wants to know about the social, economic,
and political trends.

8. Looking through the text. When looking at the text you want to look at the main different
things of it to discover the importance of it. Like the genre which gives off the style of the
book and the design of it. The Persuasion strategies which is what appeals to the
readers like the reasoning and the emotions. Lastly the style of it. The style of it is what
brings the whole passage together which is the words and the different kinds of phrases
used like a metaphor, sang and even irony. This is important because when you write
you want to have the dreamers be able to identify everything important so that way they
get the meaning of the text and they have a general idea of what they are going to read.

9. Reading critically: seven strategies. Personally I think strategy 1,3, and 4 are the most
important. Strategy one is just reviewing and previewing the text so like the different
chapters,heading, genre, and the author. Strategy 3 is annotate the text which is very
important if you have to do a research paper. You can simply highlight and write key
elements from the text to help you remember and also to include it into your paper.
Lastly strategy 4 to analyze the proofs in the text. You want the reasoning which is the
importance of the text, the authority which you want to be able to see if the author
included anything personal and last emotion you want to see how the author is going to
sway your emotions. These are all important because it helps break down the paper
being read and can even help you get an understanding on how your paper should be
set up.

10. Choosing the appropriate Genre. The importance of this is you want the appropriate
here for the purpose of the paper. You can start off by identifying your topic which is
what starts off your paper. Narrow your topic meaning the topic you chose make sure it's
appropriate to what you were assigned. Develop your angle which is the writers
perspective on the topic and issue. All those steps are what leads you to the importance
of figuring out your genre.

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