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Art Reviewer

Pre-historic Era – all human existence before the emergence of writing.

Examples: 1.) Cave of Lascaux, 1 {5000-10000 BC} it was discovered on September 12,1940

Paintings from Ancient Egypt – mostly focuses on death after life or underworld.
Ex: 1.) Paintings from Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen XVIII dynasty

Paintings from classical greek era – mostly found in vases, panels and tomb.
Ex: 1.) Fresco- water based pigments usually on walls
2.) Encaustic- to fill hot wax on ships (used by greek ship builders) Vase Painting- Kerch Style
3.) Judgment of Paris Panel Painting- paintings on flat panels
of wood
Paintings from the Roman Era-imitated from Hellenic Greek paintings Tomb painting- uses methods in frescos
Ex: 1.) Mosaic- assemblage of small pieces to create an image like tempera (water based) or encaustic
-Head of Alexander (wax)
-Fresco from the villa of mysteries
-Boscotrecase pompeii

Byzantine Painting- lively style of painting in Greek and Rome about christian subjects
Ex: 1.) The court of empress Theodora

Romanesque Painting- largely placed mosaics on the church walls that follow a formal pose
Ex: 1.)Christ in majesty

Paintings from the Gothic Era- paintings of cosmopolitan style, elegant mannered and sophisticated.
Ex: 1.) Lady and the Unicorn tapestry
2.) Rose window from the North transept
3.) The shepherd David


Prehistoric sculptures- materials vary due to region and locality
Ex: 1.) Venus of Willendorf
2.) Venus of Brassempouy

Sculptures from the Egyptian era – mostly represent Gods and empty spaces were filled with
Ex: 1.) Queen Nefertiti
2.) The Pharaoh Menkaure and his Queen.


Greek Sculptures- tensed and stiff mostly hellenistic style
Ex: 1.) Myron, The discobulus

Roman Sculptures- made of monumental terra-cotta

Ex: 1.) The Portnacio Sarcophagus
2.) sarcophagus from cervetiri, c.
Byzantine Sculptures- religious, everyday life scene and motifs from nature
Ex: 1.) The Barberini Diptych

Romanesque Sculptures- reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes and votional images

Ex: 1.) Last judgment

Gothic Sculptures- greater freedom of style (no longer stick to the wall)
Ex: 1.) Resurrection of the Virgin


Prehistoric architecture – based on megaliths greek word “lithos” (stone) and “megas” (big)

Three main types of megalithic stones:

1.) Menhir – a huge stone standing vertically
2.) Dolmens- originated from the word “taol maen” which means stone table
3.) Cromlech- circle of standing stones

Egyptian Architecture- it was developed during the the pre-dynastic period 4,000 BC
Ex: 1.) Pyramid of Giza
2.) Mastaba

Greek Architecture- central shrine or room in an aisle surrounded by row of columns

Either: Doric, Ionic or Corinthian
Ex: 1.) The Parthenon

Roman Architecture-sturdy stone structures

Ex: 1.) The colosseum

Byzantine Architecture – mostly mosaic decorations

Ex: 1.) Hagia Sophia (means Holy Wisdom)

Romanesque Architecture- doorways or Romanesque churches

Ex: 1.) the groin volted crypt of Worcester Cathedral

Gothic Architecture- usually pointed arches and higher ceilings

-has rich architecture designs
-splendid stained glass windows
- thousand of sculptured figures
Ex: 1.) Cathedral of Chartres

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