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3rd. GRADE

NAME _________________________________________________________. GROUP ________

I. Look at the pictures and predict where the students from Secondary 09 are going to
go this week-end.

I. Where do you think the students are going in the field trip?
a) To a museum
b) To a circus
c) To an eco-safari
d) To an amusement park

II. Look at the Camp Masai poster and answer the following questions.
Tomorrow´s schedule
Activities start at 8:00 am
You will be able to choose from these diverse options:
 Drive in an open Land Rover with your professional guide and Masai Mara tracker.
 Walk, escorted by your guide and by your tracker, in the majestic savanna with its breathtaking scenarios.
 Custom made safaris for bird watchers.
 Tailored safaris for novice and professional photographers.
 Visit a village of the Masai and learn about their culture.
 Go horse-back riding.
 Have dinner in the bush with your friends.
 Stars gazing

III. According to the schedule mentioned on the previous, how would you distribute
the activities: walking, driving, horse-back riding, bird watching, have dinner, star
gazing, getting to know the Masai Mara culture, so you can have fun, admire the
natural beauties, yet not have problems with the high temperatures in Africa.

8:00 a. m.____________________ 6:00 pm _____________________

10: 00 a. m.__________________ 8:00 pm _____________________
5:00 p. m.____________________ 10:00 pm ____________________

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