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Choose the correct answer.

1. Are those operations designed to support and assist in the performance of the line functions, Staff members are
necessarily advisors who are typically assigned to planning, research, legal advice, budgeting, and educational
services. Staff members are often civilians with specialized training who serve within the department but do not
deal with daily operations on the street.
a. Auxiliary functions b. staff functions c. primary or line functions d. all of the above
2. Are those that perform primary or line functions. (Ex. patrol, traffic, investigation and vice control.
a. Operational units b. administrative units c. service units d. none of the above
3. The word_____was derived from Greek word POLIS which means “city-state”.
a. Polis b. politea c. enforcer d. police
4. A group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives, also is a form of human association for
the attainment of goals and objective. It is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed,
defining and delegating responsibility and authority establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling
people work effectively.
a. Organized b. group c. organization d. agency
5. A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of
the laws and the prevention of crimes.
a. Law enforcers b. organizations c. police organizations d. agency
6. Period which an officer is excused from active duty by any valid/acceptable reason, approved by higher
a. Time-in-grade b. leave of absence c. sick leave d. length of service
7. The “backbone” of the police department; they include such operations as patrol, criminal investigation, and
traffic control, as well as supervision of the personnel performing those operations. Line functions are carried
out but “line members,” including the patrol officer, the detective, the sergeant, the lieutenant, the captain, and
the chief of police.
a. Primary or line functions b. patrol c. auxiliary function d. service function
8. The police service, its nature, which requires that the officer be excused from the performance of his active
regular duty.
a. Special duty b. on duty c. off duty d. tenure
9. Regards police as the first line of defense of the criminal justice system, an organ of crime prevention. Police
efficiency is measured by the decreasing number of crimes. Broadens police activities to cater social services and
has for its mission the welfare of the individual as well as that of the community in general.
a. Old concept b. modern concept c. centralized d. decentralized
10. In any organization, discipline is necessary to promote coordination. Understood as comprising behavioral
regulations, it is imposed either by command or self-restraint to insure supportive behavior from people
composing the organization.
a. Discipline b. discretion c. doctrine d. mutual cooperation
11. All personnel of the police department who have oath and who possess the power to arrest.
a. Superior officers b. commanding officers c. sworn officers d. officer-in-charge
12. Organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying the regulations of the Department of State; this was armed and
considered as the mounted police. Years after, this kind of police organization discharged the duties of a port,
harbor and river police.
a. Guardia civil b. carabineros de seguridad publica c. cuardillo d. guardrilleros
13. NAPOLCOM is composed of a Chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners, and the Chief of PNP as ________.
a. ex-officio member b. ex-officio capacity c. chairman d. board
14. which shall provide technical services to the Commission in areas of overall policy formulation, strategic and
operational planning, management systems or procedures, evaluation and monitoring of the Commission's
Choose the correct answer.
programs, projects and internal operations; and shall conduct thorough research and analysis on social and
economic conditions affecting peace and order in the country.
a. Planning and research service b. legal affairs service c. crime prevention and coordination service d.
none of the above
15. Which shall provide the Commission with staff advice and assistance on budgetary and financial matters,
including the overseeing of the processing and disbursement of funds pertaining to the scholarship program and
surviving children of deceased and/or permanently incapacitated PNP personnel.
a. Budget division b. financial service c. legal affairs service d. planning
16. The Commission shall establish a formal administrative disciplinary appellate machinery consisting of the
National Appellate Board and the Regional Appellate Boards. The National Appellate Board shall decide cases on
appeal from decisions rendered by the PNP chief, while the regional appellate boards shall decide cases on
appeal from decisions rendered by officers other than the PNP chief, the mayor, and the People's Law
Enforcement Board (PLEB).
a. National appellate board c. disciplinary appellate board c. regional d. all of the above
17. On the average nationwide, the manning levels of the PNP shall be approximately in accordance with a police-
to-population ratio of one (1) policeman for every five hundred_____ persons.
a. 1000 b. 500 c. 1500 d. 300
18. The PNP shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by______deputy chief, and shall be appointed by the
President upon recommendation of the Commission from among the most senior and qualified officers in the
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 1
19. Doctors of medicine, members of the Bar, and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of _____ in their
particular technical service.
a. Senior inspector b. police captain c. police major d. police lieutenant
20. Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is
established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position
commensurate to his or her grade within eighteen (18) months after such demotion in position shall be retired
or separated.
a. Attrition by demotion of position b. attrition by non-promotion c. attrition by other means d. medal
of valor
21. All except one are districts of NCRPO.
a. Western police district b. southern police district c. region 1 d. QCPD
22. Any PNP personnel designated to any key position whose rank is lower than that which is required for such
position shall, after six (6) months of occupying the same, be entitled to a rank adjustment corresponding to the
position: Provided, That the personnel shall not be reassigned to a position calling for a higher rank until after
two (2) years from the date of such rank adjustment: Provided, further, That any personnel designated to the
position who does not possess the established minimum qualifications therefor shall occupy the same
temporarily for not more than six (6) months without reappointment or extension.
a. Promotion by merit b. promotion by virtue of position c. promotion by medal of valor d. both a and
23. Any complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of the PNP shall be brought before the
following except one;
a. Chiefs of police b. mayor’s office c. PLEB d. katarungang pambarangay
24. People's Law Enforcement Board, as created under Section 43 hereof, where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination
thereof, for a period exceeding thirty_____days; or by dismissal.
a. 15 days b. 30 days c. 40 days d. 180 days
Choose the correct answer.
25. Any member or officer of the PNP who shall go on absence without official leave (AWOL) for a continuous period
of thirty____days or more shall be dismissed immediately from the service. His activities and whereabouts
during the period shall be investigated and if found to have committed a crime, he shall be prosecuted
a. 15 days b. 20 days c. 30 days d. 40 days
26. Be the central receiving entity for any citizen's complaint against the officers and members of the PNP. Subject
to the provisions of Section 41 of Republic Act No. 6975.
a. NAB b. RAB c. DAB d. PLEB
27. 1901 – _______ recommended for the immediate establishment of an organization to be charged with the task
of maintaining peace and order. Thus, Organic Act No. 175 was enacted creating the Philippine Constabulary.
a. Henry allen b. vice governor luke wright c. teodulo Natividad d. douglas mcarthur
28. Police service gives the impression of being merely suppressive machinery. This philosophy advocates that the
measurement of police competence is the increasing number of arrests, throwing offenders in detention
facilities rather than trying to prevent them from committing crimes.
a. Modern concept b. old concept c. reactive d. pro-active
29. An organization exists because it serves a purpose. This purpose is viewed by society as beneficial to it. This
becomes the social legitimacy for the organization to perform its functions in the society. It constitutes
recognition by an agreement with the public on the rationality of its existence.
a. Mutual cooperation b. authority c. service d. law
30. An officer who is in command of the department, a bureau, a division, an area, or a district.
a. Ranking officer b. commanding officer c. superior officer d. sworn officer
31. This is the maximum number of years in holding a position.
a. Length of years b. tenure c. attrition d. rank
32. This defines the organization’s objectives. It also provides the very source of various actions which are
performed to assure organizational coordination. Hence, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the
organization are based on the statement of doctrines.
a. Discipline b. doctrine c. authority d. mutual cooperation
33. A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.
a. District b. route c. area d. beat
34. An organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating
efficiency connotes bureaucratic structure and behavior, relatively routine decision-making and maintenance of
the internal order.
a. Operational b. management c. administration d. organization
35. Functions involve the logistical operations of the organization. These include training, communications, jailing,
maintenance, record keeping, motor vehicles, and similar operations.
a. Primary or line functions b. staff functions c. auxiliary function d. service function
36. Largest organic functional unit within a large department.
a. Division b. section c. bureau d. units
37. Another Greek word POLITEIA which means___________.
a. Condition of the state or government b. officer de la paix c. government of the city d. city or state
38. Are those that perform the following functions? (Ex. personnel, finance, planning and training).
a. Service units b. operational units c. administrative units d. budget division
39. Functional group within a section where further specialization is needed.
a. Division b. unit c. section d. bureau
40. Police officers are considered as servants of the community who depend for the effectiveness of their functions
upon the express wishes of the people. In this theory, police officers are civil employees whose primary duty is
Choose the correct answer.
the preservation of public peace and security. This is practiced in England and in United States of America,
where the governmental structure is decentralized.
a. Continental theory b. home rule theory c. old concept d. modern concept
41. It prescribes the vertical hierarchy of organizations. It defines an unbroken chain or scale of units from top to
bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Unity of command b. scalar principle c. span of control d. delegation of authority
42. Police officers are considered servants of the higher authorities and the people have little or no share at all in
their duties, nor any direct connection with them. This theory prevails among countries like France, Italy, Spain,
where the governmental structure follows the centralized pattern.
a. Home rule theory b. continental theory c. span of control d. modern theory
43. Scalar process refers to the growth of the chain of command resulting in the creation of additional levels in the
organizational structure.
a. Span of control b. delegation of authority c. unity of command d. functional principle
44. It defines a hierarchical system in which a subordinate is accountable to one and only one immediate superior.
This is indispensable to achieve effective coordination.
a. Unity of command b. span of control c. delegation of authority d. functional principle
45. A system of determining guilt and innocence in the ancient times which was based on painful test of skills. It is
usually accompanied by harsh punishment. For instance, suspects were required to place their hands in boiling
oil or water. When not hurt, suspect should be acquitted, when hurt, it indicates guilt and the suspect placed
under punishment. The word “ordeal” was derived from the Medieval Latin word “Dei Indicum” which means a
miraculous decision.
a. A test b. trial c. trial by ordeal d. challenge
46. . Maintenance of intended delegation requires that decisions within the authority of individual commander
should be made by them and not be referred upward in the organizational structure.
a. Authority level principle b. directorial staff principle c. principle of balance

d. orgnization

47. Judge selected to hear cases which were formerly being judge by the Shire-Rieve and task to travel through and
hear criminal cases. This was the first instance of the division of the police and judicial powers.
a. Shire-reeve b. travelling judge c. legis henrici d. westminster
48. A system of policing whereby a group of ten neighboring male residents over twelve years of age were required
to guard the town to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the people.
a. Mark system b. statute of 1295 c. frankpledge system d. magna carta
49. A system of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to the middle of the street and shouts to call
all males to assemble. The victim reports his complaint to the assembly and gives the whereabouts of the
perpetrator. All male residents would then proceed to locate and apprehend the culprit. When apprehended,
trial is conducted giving the culprit a chance to defend himself.
a. Tun policing b. hue and cry c. frankpledge d. justice of the peace
50. This was a body of rural police by the Royal Decree in 18 January 1836. This decree provided that 5% of the able-
bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this police organization for three years.
a. Guardia civil b. cuardillo c. carabineros d. guardrilleros

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