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YEAR 2011/2012


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Acquire

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Department of Teacher Training
And Educational Science Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

By :
Aprilia Budi Astuti

Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change
themselves. ( Qs.Ar-Ra’du: 11)

There is will; there is way (the writer)

With a great of love, this thesis is especially dedicated to:

o My beloved father, Turut Budianto, and my beloved mother, Kastri, thanks

for your love, support, advice and pray.
o My young brother, Ahmad Nafi Hasan, thanks for your love and support.
o My friends in Suronegaran 7 thanks for your support.
o All my friends in class C who make my life more colorful.


Title……………………………………………………………………... I

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………. Ii

Ratification Sheet………………………………………………………. iii

Motto…………………………………………………………………… Iv

Dedication…………………………………………………………….... v

Statement……….………………………………………………………. vi

Acknowledge...………………………………………………………..... vii

Table of Content………………………………………………………... ix

List of Table…………………………………………………………….. xii

List of Chart……………………………………………………………. xiii

Abstract...……………………………………………………………..... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION………………………………………. 1

A. Background of the Study…………………………….. 1

B. Identification of the Problem…………………………. 3

C. Reason for choosing the topic………………………… 3

D. Limitation of the Problem…………………………….. 3

E. Problem statement …………………………………... 5

F. Objective of the Study………………………………. 5

G. The Significance of the Study……………………….. 5

H. Definition of key term ………………………………. 6

I. Organization of Thesis………………………………. 7


A. Teaching and Learning Process……………………… 9

B. Reading……………………………………………… 11

C. Media ………………………………………………. 12

D. Comic …………………………................................ 13

E. Genre ……………………………………………… 16

F. Text ………………………………………………... 17

G. Narrative text ………………………………………. 19

H. Conceptual framework ……………………………… 21

I. Hypothesis…………………………………………… 21


A. Type of research…………………….......................... 23

B. Variables of the research …………………………… 23

C. Population and Sample..………………………….. 24

D. Sampling Technique…...…………………………….. 25

E. Research instrument…………………………………. 25

F. Technique of Collecting Data……………………….. 27

G. Technique of data analysis..…………………………. 28

H. Time and Place Taking Data..………………………. 29


A. Data Description……………………………………... 30

B. Data Analysis………………………………………… 35


A. Conclusion…………………………………………… 51

B. Suggestion…………………………………………… 51




Table 1 Classification of students’ achievement 30

Table 2 Pre test and post test result of experimental 31


Table 3 The result pre test and post test of control 32


Table 4 Post test result of experiment group and 33

control group

Table 5 Post-test result of experimental group and 33

control group

Table 6 The Frequency distribution of students’ score 35

in post test of experimental group

Table 7 The Frequency distribution of students’ score 35

in post test of control group


Chart 1 The frequency range of post test in 42

experimental group

Chart 2 The frequency range of post test in control 43


Chart 3 The frequency range of post test in 43

experimental group and control group

Astuti, Aprilia Budi.2012. The Effectiveness of Using English Comic Strip for
Teaching Narrative Text at Second Grade Students of MAN Kutowinangun
in the Academic year 2011/2012. A Thesis. English Department, The
Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science, Muhammadiyah
University of Purworejo. Consultant: Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

Teaching English in Indonesia was started since elementary school. Based

on this fact, English is important language nevertheless students still found
difficulties in learning English. Teacher can used media in teaching English to
convey the lesson. Comic strip is one of medium that could be used for teaching
narrative text.

The goal of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using comic
strip for teaching narrative text on the second grade students of MAN
Kutowinangun in academic years 2011/2012. In this research, the writer took two
classes as the sample. One class was experimental group and other as control
group. Each class consists of 33 students. So, the number of sample was 66
students. While the instrument that was used in this thesis, was test. In collecting
the data, the writer used pre-test and post-test. Before conducting post-test, the
writer gave treatment for experimental group using comic strip and common way
for control group. After getting enough data, the writer calculated the data using t-
test polled- variance.
Based on the previous computation, the mean score of experimental group
was 73.93 and the mean of control group was 62.93 to see whether the hypothesis
was accepted or rejected, the t-value was consulted to the t-table at the 0.05
significance level. It shows that the t-table was 1.99 and the t-value was 6.32. It
means that t-value was higher than t-table, that was 6.32 > 1.99. So, it can be
concluded that the use of using comic strip for teaching narrative text at the
second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic years 2011/2012
was effective

Key words: teaching, narrative text, comic strip



A. Background of the study

Language is a system of sounds and words used by humans to

express their thoughts and feelings (Homby, 1995: 662). Based on the

Homby’s definition, we can conclude that language is as tool to communicate

among the community in relationship. By language, we can convey what we

think and what we feel and by language we can understand what people want,

so it will create a relation.

There are many languages that used in this world, nevertheless just

one that used as international language. English is language that used to

communicate between different countries which have different language. As

an international language, English has important role in the world. Nowadays,

English is applied in every aspect, such as industry, technology, science, etc.

So that mastering English is necessary.

Based on the importance of English in the world, the national

education has decided that English learned started from elementary schools

up to university. Hopefully the student can communicate using English. There

are four component in learning English which should be mastery by students.

They are listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill.


Listening skill is the ability to comprehend what people said in English to the

students. Speaking skill is the ability to produce what they want to say in

English. Reading skill is the ability to read English written. Writing skill is

the ability to express their ideas in English written. Basically, the four skills

is an unity, every skill related each other.

Reading is one of some factors that important in learning English.

In junior high school up to university, student is gave some kinds of text to

read and to understand the text. There are many reasons why getting students

reading English text is important part of teacher’s job. In the first place, many

of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for

study purposes or simply for pleasure. Reading text also provide good model

for English writing. Reading text also provides opportunities to study

language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation etc. Lastly, good reading text

can introduce interesting topics, stimulating discussion, excite imaginative

response and be the fascinating lessons.

Teaching reading in senior high school is not easy. The teacher can

use some media that help them to convey the message to achieve the goal of

learning process. But, nowadays, conventional method in teaching learning

process is still used. It will give impact to the student. The student will be

bored and they are not interest on the subject. Especially, in teaching

narrative text where the student gets the subject of narrative text since they

are in the junior high school.


As we know, there are many kinds of media, but not all media can

use to teach narrative text in reading skill. One of media that can use is comic.

Based on the form of comic, comic are divided become five. They are comic

strip, comic book, graphic comic, graphic novel, compilation comic and web

comic or online comic. Among the five kinds of comic, the writer thinks that

only comic strip which can be applied to teach narrative text. The reason is

comic strip handier to be applied in limited time.

Based on the statement above, the writer is interested to conduct

the research entitled “The Effectiveness of using comic strip to teach

narrative text at the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in

academic year 2011/2012”.

B. Identification of the problem

In teaching learning process, there are many factors that influences,

such as environment of the school, school’s facilities, class condition etc. but

the most important is teaching concept. The concept will guide the teacher

how they will treat the students’ by their way but their student can understand

the subject. To making it, the teachers need a method which chooses based on

the student need. Nowadays, some of teachers still use conventional method

that makes student uninterested in the subject. When we use a method, it will

appear media which will make easier the teacher in teaching. Therefore, the

writer is interest in using media in teaching learning process.


C. Reason for choosing the topic

Factors that influence learning achievement can be divided into

two general groups. They are internal factor and external factor. Internal

factor come from the student themselves, such as talent, inelegancy,

motivation, etc and external factor come from the student environment.

Media, infrastructure, curriculum, etc are some of external factor.

( Rane: 2010)

In teaching, choosing appropriate media based on the student need

is important. Media will help the teacher to transfer what the message are

conveyed by the teachers. According to James (2010) in” types of media used

in teaching and learning for its conductive environment”, media divide into

four types, there are print media, visual media, audio media, and audio-visual

media. Printed media include text books, magazine, newspaper, journal,

bulletins, web pages, blogs, etc. Visual media composed of photographs,

graphics, maps, models, spacemen, game puzzle, artifacts, wall charts etc.

audio media included audiotapes and telecommunication tools. Audio-visual

media included video, film etc

The writer think that comic strip include visual media. By using

comic strip as media in teaching reading will make student interest on the

subject and the student can understand the text.


D. Limitation of the study

In the limitation of the study, the writer wants to limit those

problems in order to focus on the subject of the research. The writer just

focused on the effectiveness of using comic strip for teaching narrative text at

second grade student of MAN Kutowinagun .

E. Problem statement

Based on the background and the limitation above, the problems

that will be analyzed by the writer are stated as followed:

Is comic strip an effective media for teaching narrative text at second grade student

of MAN Kutowinangun

F. Objective of the Study

To find out whether comic strip is effective to teach narrative text at second

grade student of MAN Kutowinangun

G. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes the result of this research can be useful for the English

teacher, the students, and for the other researcher.

1. For the English teacher

This study will add the information for English teacher about the use of comic

strip as media in teaching narrative text

2. For the students

a. The teaching learning process is more effective and more interesting.

b. The students will improve their responsibilities and spirit of togetherness

as a team work.

c. The students can be more active in participation of the learning to build

their knowledge.

3. For the other researcher

The result of this research also contributes to other researchers to give

references to the next researchers to conduct further researcher.

H. Definition of Key Term

1. Teaching and Learning

Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning in enabling the learners to learn,

and sitting the conditions for learning (Brown, 2000:7). Learning is to gain

knowledge or skill by study, experience, or being taught (Hornby, 1995: 671).

2. Reading

Reading is to look at and understanding the meaning of written or printed

words or symbols (Hornby, 1995: 727).

3. Media

Media is the main means of communicating with large numbers of people,

such as television, radio, newspaper etc (Hornby, 1995: 727).

4. Comic Strip

A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to

display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons

and captions ( Maharsi, 2010: 15)

5. Genre

Genre is term to grouping texts together, representing how writer typically

use language to respond to recurring situation (Hyland, 2004: 5).

6. Narrative Text

A narrative text is a piece of text which tell story and, in doing so, entertains

or informs the reader or listener (Anderson, 1997: 3).

I. Organization of Writing

The writer divides her thesis into five chapters. They are:

Chapter I is Introduction. It contains the Background of the Study,

identification of problem, the Reason for Choosing the Topic, the Statement

of the Problem, Objective of the Study, the Limitation of the Study, the

Significance of the Study, Definition of Key Terms, and the Organization of


Chapter II is a review of related literature. This chapter gives the

readers underlying theories of the research. This part tries to place the

problems into theoretical framework which consist of the definition of

teaching and learning, reading, comic strip, the theory of genre, text,

explanation text, conceptual framework, and hypothesis.

Chapter III is research method. It consists of type of research, time

and place of the research, population and sample of the research, sampling

technique, and variable of the research, research instrument, and technique of

analyzing data.

Chapter IV research finding. It consists of descriptive analysis,

inferential analysis, test of hypothesis, and the interpretation of the research


Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. It consists of conclusion

and suggestion of the research.




A. Teaching and Learning Process

a. Definition of teaching

According Brown (2000:7) teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.

While Chambers and Gregory (2006:40) said that teaching is a complex of

activities, strategy, mechanism, invitation, stimuli and rhetorical, ploys

designed to help students learn and to become better learners. In general,

oxford advance learner’s dictionary (1995: 1225) explained, to teach means to

show somebody how to do something so that they will be able to do it

themselves. Based on the definitions above, the writer concludes that teaching

is activity which help student to understand and able to do something.

b. Definition of Learning

The word “learning “derived from the word “learn”. Learning is

acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience,

or instruction.

Brown stated (2000:7) learning is human activity which is done

since they were doing until they die. Brown (2000:7) proposes a composite of

the definition of learning as follows:

1. Learning is retention of information or skill.

2. Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive, organization.


3. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events

outside or inside the organism.

4. Learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting.

5. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.

6. Learning is a change behavior.

c. Teaching and Learning process

Teaching and learning has a close relationship each other, if there is

a learners process, there must be a teaching process. Teaching and learning

activities is a condition that is created designedly. Learning process is

happens because there is an interaction of an individual to the social


According Edi Suardi in Zain and Bahri (2006:39-41) the

characteristics of teaching learning process are:

1. Teaching learning process has a goal that is to form the student in certain


2. There is a planned procedure that is designed to achieve intended goal. In

order to achieve the goal optimally, so interaction needs a procedure.

3. Teaching and learning activities are characterized by processing a

particular material. In this case, material is designed to achieve the goal.

4. Students’ activity. There is no advantage in teaching and learning process

if the students are passive. Because the students who learn so they must do


5. In teaching learning activities, teacher is as mentor. Teacher should give

motivation to their students for making favorable interaction.

6. In teaching and learning process needs discipline.

7. There is limited time. Each goal will be given a certain time, when the goal

must be achieved.

8. Evaluation. Evaluation should be conducted to know the achievement of

the goal.

B. Reading

According Johnson (2008: 3) Reading is the practice of using text

to create meaning. The key words are creating and meaning. If there is no

meaning being created, there is no reading taking place. While Hornby

(2000:1097) stated that reading is a particular way in which you understand a

book, situation, etc.

Depending on the purpose of reading Brown (2000:210) classified

into two types of activities, those are:

1. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is usually a classroom oriented activity in which

students focus on the linguistic or semantic details of passage. Intensive

reading calls students’ attention to grammatical forms, discourses makers, and

other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal

meaning, implications, rhetorical relationship and the like.


2. Extensive reading

Extensive reading is carried out achieve a general understanding of

a usually somewhat longer text (book, long article, or essays, etc). Most

extensive reading performs outside of class time.

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that reading is

activities to understand a meaning of the books, articles, etc. the types of

reading that perform in senior high school includes in intensive reading.

C. Media

Media derived from the word “media” which comes from Latin and

is the plural of “medium” which means intermediary or introductory. So,

media is distributor of information and message. Media has function as way

to achieve the goal of learning process. Based on the belief that teaching and

learning process using media will enhance students’ learning activities in a

long time. It is means that teaching learning activities using media will

produce a good process and output than does not use media ( Zain and

Djamarah,2006 : 121 -122).

As an instrument in the learning process, media have several

functions. Nana Sudjana in Zain and Djamarah (2006 :134) formulates the

function of media into six categories, they are:

1. The use of media in teaching learning process is not an additional function.

It has own function as instrument to create the effectiveness of learning


2. The use of media in teaching learning is a part of whole interaction of

teaching situation. It is means that media is one of element that should be


3. It is used appropriate with the goal of the lesson content. This function

implies that the use of media should look at the goal and materials lesson.

4. The use of media is not as entertainment or to complement the learning

process to attract the students’.

5. The use of media in teaching learning is more to accelerate the teaching

learning process and assist student in accepting the explanation.

6. The use of media in teaching learning is to improve the teaching learning

quality. By using media, students’ can memorize what they achieve in long

time. The writer concludes that using media in teaching learning process

help teacher to convey the subject.

D. Comic

In the book entitle” comics and sequent art”, Eisner defines the

comic as sequent art that is arrangement of pictures and words to tell a story

or describing an idea. Scout McCloud in Maharsi (2010: 3) defines the

sequential art and comics is as "juxtaposed Pictorial and other images in

deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an

aesthetic response in the viewer”

Maharsi (2010:7) stated that comic is more than just an

entertaining picture story or leisure reading. Comics are a form of visual

communication that has the power to convey information in a popular and


easy to understand. Collaboration between the text and pictures that compose

the story line is the power of comics. Pictures make the story easily absorbed.

Text makes the story easier to understand and the story line to create a

message or information to be conveyed will be easily understood and

remembered. Furthermore, Kusrianto in Maharsi (2010:7) comics also said as

an effective graphical media to convey messages because the power of

pictures language and its written language. Thus the combination of pictures

and stories to produce a story that the message of the comic.

1. Comics based on the form

According to the Boneff in Maharsi (2010:15) comic divided into

two categories: serial comics and comic books. While, Maharsi (2010:15-20)

stated that based on the form, comic divided into 5 types, they are:

a. Comic strip

The term comic strip refers to comic that composed of several panels and

usually appear in newspapers or magazines. The type of this comic is divided

into two categories, which are:

1. Serialized comic strip

Serialized comic strip is comic which consist of three or four panels that

appeared in the newspaper or magazine with serialized stories in each


2. Cartoon comics

According Bonneff in Maharsi (2010: 16) this category is only three or

four panels that are used to protest in joke. Sometimes, this comic is called

as advice through pictures. Furthermore Wijaya in Maharsi (2010:16)

stated that cartoon comics are a composition of images usually consists of

three to six panels containing a humorous comment about an event or issue

that happen in society.

b. Comic book

Comic book is presented in book form that is not part of other print media.

The Packaging of this comic is more like a magazine

c. Graphic Novel

Graphic novel is introduced by Will Eisner. This name was used in

his work entitled “A Contract with God" (Maharsi, 2010:18). Differentiation

between the graphic novels and other comics are on the themes which is more

serious. The length of the story is almost similar with the novel and this

comic just for adult

d. Comic compilation

Comic compilation is a collection of several comic titles from

several different comic artists. The stories in this compilation comic usually

are not related to the other, but sometimes have similar theme though

different stories.

e. Web comic

This comic uses internet media in publications. Thus the cost of

this comic is cheaper than the print media and it is very broad range. This

comic appears since there is a cyberspace in the world of technology and


2. Kind of comics based on the stories.

According Maharsi (2010: 21-28) based on the stories, comic are

divided into some types that are:

a. Education comic

The diversity of pictures and stories is as tool or media to convey

the messages. Comic has two Functions at once. The first is entertainment

functions and the second is educational function. Pictures language and text

in the comic can transfer information and understanding the problem quickly

as compared to use only text.

b. Promotion comic

Comic can develop children’s imagination. So there are comic

which is used for promotional product. The visualization usually uses

character of superhero that is representative the image of the product that will

be promoted. This comic generally show only one page story, while the

technique of presentation combines manual drawing and coloring by


There are many other categories based on the theme included

religious comics, comic legends, etc. The themes of comics burgeon based on

the trend in market that is usually talked about social reality that occurs in the



Genre is tern to grouping texts together, representing how writer

typically use language to respond to recurring situation. For many people, it is

an intuitively attractive concept that helps to organize. The concept of genre

is based on the idea that members of community have little difficulty in

recognizing similarities in the texts they use frequently and are able to draw

on their repeated experiences with such text to read, understanding and

perhaps write them easily.

Today, genre is one of the most important and influence concepts

in language education, signifying what Ann John in Hyland (2004:7) has

recently referred to as “a major paradigm shift” in literacy studies and


E. Text

The ability to use a language is manifested through the text

production. The text in this study refers to a boarder sense, not merely a

reading text as we usually use in studying a language. Words are put together

to communicate a meaning, a piece of text is created (Anderson and

Anderson, 1997:1).

According to Anderson and Anderson (1997:1), there are two main

categories of texts-literary and factual. Within these are various text type has

a common way of using language.

1. Literary texts

Literary texts include aboriginal dreaming stories, movie scripts,

limericks, fairy tales, plays, movies, song lyrics, mimes and soap operas.

They are constructed to appeal to our emotion and imagination. There are

three main text types in this category, they are:

a. Narrative text types

Tell a story using spoken or written language. It can be communicated using

radio, television, books, newspapers or computer files. Pictures, facial

expressions and camera angles can also be used to help communicate

meaning. Narratives are usually told by a story taller.

b. Poetic text types

Express feelings and impressions of life. A poem can tell story or give the

poet’s views on people and events. Poem can have common structures such as

rhyming the last word of lines or using certain number of line.

c. Dramatic text

Use acting to communicate ideas and experiences. Drama can be spoken or

written. They often use visuals such as facial expression, costumes and sets to

help communicative meaning.

2. Factual texts

Factual texts include advertisements, announcement, and internet

website, debate, etc. The present information or ideas and aim to show, tell or

persuade the audience. The main text types in this category are:

a. Recount text

To reconstructing past experiences by retelling events in original sequence.

b. Explanation

Explanation is text that gives reasons for state of affairs or a judgment.

c. Discussion

Discussion speak or write about a topic and include both sides of the case,

we are creating discussion.

d. Report

Report is text that presents factual information, usually by classifying

things and then describing their characteristic.

e. Exposition

Exposition is text that gives arguments for why a thesis has been proposed.

f. Procedure

Procedure is text that shows how something is done.

g. Response

A response is a factual text that recalls a series of events in the order in

which they occurred.

F. Narrative Text

According Landa in “Narrative Theory” (2005), Narrative itself

means a semiotic representation of a series of events connected in a temporal

and causal way. Films, plays, comic strips, novels, newsreels, chronicles and

treatises of geological history are all narratives in this widest sense.


Narratives can therefore be constructed using a wide variety of semiotic

media: written or spoken language, images, gestures and acting



While narrative text is a piece of text which tell story and, in doing

so entertain or inform the reader or listener. There are many types of narrative

text. They are typically imaginary but can be factual. They include fairy

stories, mysteries, science fiction, romance, horror stories. Fables and moral

tales, myths and legend are historical narrative (Anderson and Anderson,


According to Anderson in text types in English (1997:9) the

language feature and generic structure of narrative text are:

1. The feature of narrative text

a. Specific character

b. Time words that connect events to tell when they occur

c. Verb to show the actions that occur in the story

d. Descriptive words to portray the character and setting

2. The generic structure of narrative text

The generic structure of narrative text consists of three parts that are:

a. Orientation

1. To describe the world of the story

2. To create the atmosphere in such a way that readers are interested

3. Too read or to listen the story


b. Complication

It shows the problem that the character got in the story. It is the reflection of

the real world.

c. Resolution

It shows how the characters to overcome the problems.

The social function of narrative text is to amuse, to entertain and to

deal with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways ( Doddy, 2008:

50). In narrative text, it is not all of them have one complication and one

resolution, but another text may have more than one complication and


G. Conceptual Framework

Media is important element in teaching learning process. The

teachers need media to help them to convey what they will teach. In teaching

reading skill is also need media to make student interesting and making easy

to deliver the message of the text. Comic strip is one of media that can use to

teach narrative text in reading skill. By the pictures that where in the comic

strip will make the student interested to read the text and it will more

effective and more interesting. The comic strip will help the students in

understanding narrative text.

H. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the outcome of a research.

There are two hypotheses as follows:


1. Ho: the use of using comic strip for teaching narrative text on the second

grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year 2011/2012 is

not effective.

2. Ha: the use of using comic strip for teaching narrative text on the second

grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year 2011/2012 is




In this chapter the writer will explain the thesis research methods.

It needs type of the research, time and place of the research; Population,

sample and sampling technique of the research, research instrument,

technique of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

A. Type of Research

They are two types of research. If it is seen from the object of the

research, we can categorize into two types, they are library research and field

research. A research can be called library research if the object of the research

taken from library. If the object of the research is real condition that we can

search them directly, it is called field research.

This research is an experimental research because the writer is

doing experimental. The goal of the study is to know the effectiveness of

using comic strip for teaching narrative text. Experimental research is to

compare the result of the pre-test and the post-test on the second grade

students’ of MAN Kutowinangun in academic year 2011/2012.

B. Variables of the Research

According to Arikunto (2006:118), variables are the object of a

research, or the things that become points of attention of a research. There are

two variables of this research, they are:


1. Independent Variable

Independent variable is the variable that experimenter expects to

influence the other (Nunan, 1992: 25). As stated of Arikunto, the independent

variable is the causal variable or free variable (2006:119). In this research, the

independent variable is comic strip that symbolized with “X”

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the variable which the researcher observes

and measures to determine the effect of the independent variable (Nunan,

1992: 26). The dependent variable in this study is the teaching narrative. The

dependent variable is symbolized with “Y”

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Nunan (1992:231), population is all cases, situation,

or individuals who share one or mare characteristics. Furthermore, Arikunto

(2006:130) stated that population is a set (or a collection) of all elements

possessing one or more attributes of interest.

The population of this research is 285 students of the second grade

students of MAN Kutowinagun.

2. Sample

Nunan (1992:232) noted that Sample is subset of individuals or

cases within population. While, According to Arikunto (2006:133-134)

sample is a part of representative of population of the research. If the subjects


of the research are more than 100, it will better if the researcher takes 10% -

20% or 20% - 25% out of the population.

In this research, the writer took two classes as the sample. One

class would be treated as experimental group and other as control group. The

experimental group consists of 33 students and the control group consists of

33 students.

D. Sampling Technique

Arikunto(2006:133) states that sampling is the way of drawing a

sample in the research. He adds that to draw a sample accurately requires

many sampling techniques, which can be chosen in the research such as:

1. Random Sampling

The researcher shuffles the subject of population so all subjects have a

change to be chosen.

2. Stratified Sampling

The researcher assumed that the population is divided into stratification,

the sample drawn from each stratification.

3. Area Sampling

It is sampling by drawing sample of every area in the population.

4. Purposive Sampling

The drawing of sampling is based on specific purpose by considering the

time consumed and other factors.


5. Propositional Sampling

This sample is to complete the area of probability sampling because

sometimes each area has different numbers, the drawing sample in

proportional sampling. It is proportioned to the numbers areas.

6. Quota Sampling

This sampling is based on the quota the researcher needs. The samples

have drawn random at area and stratification.

7. Cluster Sampling

The drawing of sample is based on cluster.

8. Double Sample

Double sample is two samples that is taken at the same time. The number

of first sample is bigger than the second sample. The second sample is to

check the completeness the number on the first sample.

Based on the kinds of sampling technique above, the writer uses

purposive sampling in taking the sample. Purposive sampling is the drawing

of sample that is based on specific purpose by considering the time consumed

and other factors.

E. Research instrument

To carry out the research, there are some ways of collecting the

data. To collect the data, the writer needs an instrument. Arikunto (2006:160)

states that instrument is the tools used by the researcher when conducting a

research method. Some kinds of instrument are test, questionnaires, interview,

observation, rating scale, and documentation.

In this research, the writer chose test as an instrument. According

to Brown (2003:3), test is method of measuring of person ability knowledge

or performance in a given domain. Test is any series of questions or of

exercises or other means to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence,

capacity or attitude of an individual.

The test would use in pre-test and post-test in getting the data. The

pre-test is given before the treatment, furthermore Richards (1990:228) said

that pre-test is the try out phrase of a newly written but not yet fully

developed test, and post-test which is given after the treatment while Richard

(1990:225) states that post test is a test given after learning has occurred or is

supposed to have occurred. The type of the test is multiple choices that

contain 25 questions.

F. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher takes the second grade students of

MAN Kutowinangun which is consist of 285 students, but the writer just

takes 66 students as the sample. The researcher conducted the pre-test before

giving the treatment to the students in the experimental group and control

group. The test contain 25 multiple choice.


After the pre-test the researcher conducted the treatment using

comic strip to teach narrative text in experimental group. The writer divided

the class into small group, each group consist of five students. Each groups

were gave parts of comic. Then, the group should arrange the parts of comic

strip to be a story that the writer wanted. Furthermore, they should present the

result of their discussion. Then, the activities were continued by giving

questions to discuss. In the control group, the writer uses common way to

teach narrative text.

At last, the writer conducted the post-test. This test way done to

know the result of pre-test and post test whether there was a significant

difference or not. The test contain 25 multiple choice that consist of 20

multiple choices and 5 essays.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this

research that is the effectiveness of using comic strip to teach narrative text.

The descriptive analysis would be used in this research were mean, mode,

median, standard deviation, the lowest score, and the highest score.

b. Inferential Analysis

In this analysis, the writer used t-test to find out the effectiveness

of using comic strip to teach narrative text. Based on the computation of


homogeneity of variant test, the writer used t-test polled variant, the t – test

formula as followed:


t : value of t that was computed

: the mean score of experimental group

: the mean score of control group

: the number of student of experimental group

: the number of student of control group

: variance of experimental group

: variance of control group

H. Time and Place Taking Research

The research was conducted in MAN Kutowinangun. This research

was carried out on 18, 20, 22, and 23, May 2012. This research took the

second grade of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year 2011/2012 as the

subjects of the research. This research is divided into three sections. The first

is pre-test, the second is treatment, and the last is post test.




In this chapter, the writer presents the result of the research. To

find out whether comic strip was effective or not for teaching narrative text,

the writer analyzed the result of the test conducted in experimental group and

control group.

A. Data Description

In this research, the writer took two classes as sample. They were

XI IPS 4 and XI IPA 1. The writer took 33 students in XI IPS 4 and 33

students in XI IPA 1. So the number of the sample is 66. The test result is

classified based on criteria of scoring, they are as follows:

Table 1
Classification of students’ achievement
Value Grade Level of achievement
80-100 A Excellent
66-79 B Good
56-65 C Sufficient
40-55 D Fairly sufficient
< 39 E Low

The level of ability shown in the table is defined based on the

criterion referenced scales (Arikunto, 2001:245).

1. The Result of Pre test and Post test

The goal of doing test in this research is to know the ability of the

students’ in mastering the material. This test also shows the effect of using

comic strip for teaching narrative.


Table 2
Pre test and post test result of experimental group

No Name Pre test Post test

1 Ahmad Khanifudin 60 75
2 Allifah Winarti 48 75
3 Diah Maharani 56 75
4 Dika Aldiah 48 78
5 Doni Firmansyah 60 74
6 Faizah Turrokhmah 48 75
7 Fitaria Yuliani S 60 76
8 Fitri Retnoningsih 48 76
9 Hani Ria A 36 77
10 Istikomah 52 77
11 Lina Restiana 60 74
12 Linda Dirisma 44 71
13 M. saefudin 36 75
14 Ngadinem 52 80
15 Nisrina R N 60 79
16 Nur Biyantoro 60 68
17 Nurbaeti 52 76
18 Nurul Faezah 44 70
19 Nurul Hikmah 44 87
20 Nurul Khausar K 48 76
21 Ragil Hidayati 40 76
22 Ria Ratna Dewi 56 76
23 Sawitri Ayu W 64 76
24 Siti khusnul Khotimah 68 83
25 Sirot Alfauzi 44 56
26 Siti Nadziroh 40 75
27 Sri Budiarti 56 75
28 Susi Noviati 48 78
29 Sutarsih 40 78
30 Taufik Danar 44 63
31 Windi Rahayuningsih 52 69
32 Veli 44 58
33 Zaki R 44 63

Based on the table above, the highest score of the pre test ( H ) is

68 , the lowest score ( L) is 36, the range ( R) is 32, the median ( Me ) 48, the

Mode ( Mo) is 44 and the total score of pre test is 1548 . While the highest

score ( H ) of the post test is 87 , the lowest score ( L) is 56 , the range ( R) is

31 , the median ( Me) was 75 , the mode ( Mo) is 75 and the total score of the

post test is 2440.

Table 3
The result pre test and post test of control group

No Name Pre test Post test

1 Ade Eka Diana 60 50
2 Agustiana N Afita 64 68
3 Aris Elyantika 64 67
4 Ayolami C 52 55
5 Ending Retnowati 52 63
6 Eni Sriwahyuningsih 52 70
7 Fitri Lestari 52 63
8 Hamidatus Sainah 68 79
9 Istikomariyah 52 60
10 Masriiah 68 60
11 Nining Suci R 56 51
12 Nur Anisa 64 63
13 Nur Azizah 52 66
14 Nurjanah 64 67
15 Nurul Hidayah U 48 48
16 Purwatiningsih 44 71
17 Riris Novia 44 64
18 Rosita rahmah 52 61
19 Shofiana mahfiroh 40 64
20 Siti laelatul m 44 68
21 Siti Munawaroh 32 49
22 Siti Muslimah 60 61
23 Siti Nur Azizah 40 65
24 Siti Sumarti 44 81
25 Siti Puput S 44 53
26 Sugiyati 64 65
27 Sunu Aliaf P 36 60
28 Suprayitno 56 58
29 Tri Jati H 36 56
30 Tri Siti Sundari 44 71
31 Tutut Wijayanti 60 67
32 Wahyu Surya P 52 68
33 Waslih Nuryati 60 65

Based on the table above, the highest score of the pre test ( H ) is

68 , the lowest score ( L) is 32, the range ( R) is 36 , the median ( Me ) is 52,

the Mode ( Mo) is 52 and the total score of pre test is 1720. While the highest

score ( H ) of the post test is 81, the lowest score ( L) is 48 , the range ( R) is

33, the median ( Me) is 64, the mode ( Mo) is 60 and the total score of the

post test is 2077 .

2. Result of Post-test of Experimental Group and Control Group

After knowing the test result, the researcher compared the post test

result of experimental group and the post of control. It was shown as the


Table 4
Post test result of experiment group and control group

No Experiment Control group

1 60 50
2 48 68
3 56 67
4 48 55
5 60 63
6 48 70
7 60 63
8 48 79
9 36 60
10 52 60
11 60 51
12 44 63
13 36 66
14 52 67
15 60 48
16 60 71
17 52 64
18 44 61
19 44 64
20 48 68

21 40 49
22 56 61
23 64 65
24 68 81
25 44 53
26 40 65
27 56 60
28 48 58
29 40 56
30 44 71
31 52 67
32 44 68
32 44 65

From the table above, the writer could conclude as followed:

Table 5
Post-test result of experimental group and control group

Highest score Lowest score

Experimental group 87 56
Control group 81 48

3. Pre test and Post test of Experimental Group.

Experimental group is the group which was given the treatment by

the researcher. In this group, the researcher taught narrative text using comic

strip. The writer held the pre test on 14 May 2012. On 16 May 2012, the

writer gave treatment using comic strip, while the post test was held on 19

May 2012. In this discussion, the writer will calculate the post test result of

the experimental group.

Based on the classification of students’ achievement by Arikunto

(2001: 245), the result of post test of experimental group will be distributed. It

is shown in the following table.


Table 6
The Frequency distribution of students’ score in post test
of experimental group

Value Level of Frequency Percentage

80-100 Excellent 4 12.1 %
66-79 Good 25 75.8 %
56-65 Sufficient 4 12.1 %
40-55 Fairly sufficient 0 0
< 39 Low 0 0
Total 33 100%

The table above shows the frequency distribution of post test result of

the experiment group. The frequency of the student’s achievement that got

excellent is 12.1 %, good is 75.8 %, sufficient is12.1 %, while fairly sufficient

is 0 %, and low is 0 %.

4. Pre test and Post test of Control Group

Control group is the group which is not given the treatment by the

writer. In this group, the writer taught narrative text without using comic

strip. The writer used common way to teach narrative text. The writer held the

pre test on 16 May 2012 and 18 May 2012 used for held the post test. In this

discussion, the researcher calculates the post-test result of control group.

In distribution of students’ score in post test, the writer uses

criterion scales of Arikunto (2001:245) to classify the result. The result

distribution as followed:

Table 7
The Frequency distribution of students’ score in post test of control group
Value Level of Frequency Percentage
80-100 Excellent 1 3.1 %
66-79 Good 11 33.3 %

56-65 Sufficient 14 42.4 %

40-55 Fairly sufficient 5 15.2 %
< 39 Low
Total 33 100%

The table above showed the frequency distribution of post test

result of the experiment group. The frequency of the student’s achievement

that got excellent is 3.1 %, good was 33.3 %, and sufficient is 42.4 %, fairly

sufficient is 15.2 %, and low is 0 %.

B. Data Analysis

1. Descriptive Statistic Analysis

a. The mean score of experiment group and control group

The computation of mean score of experimental group as followed:

 x1
x1 


̅ : the mean that will be calculated

: the total number of students

∑ : the total students’ score of the post-test

 x1
x1 


= 73.93

Based on the computation above, the mean of experimental group is 73, 93. It
can be categorized as good.

The computation of mean score of control group as followed:

 x2
x2 


̅ : the mean that will be calculated

: the total number of students

∑ : the total students’ score of the post-test

 x2
x2 


= 62.93

From the computation above, the mean of control group is 62.93. It can be
categorized as sufficient.

b. Standard Deviation and Variance of Experiment and control group

After knowing the mean score, the writer calculates the variance (

S 2 ) and the standard deviation (S). In calculation of standard deviation,

formula that be used is:

∑(x − x )
s =
(n − 1)

Table 8
Standard deviation and variance of post-test of experimental group
No Score (x − x) (x − x)2
1 75 1.07 1.1449
2 75 1.07 1.1449
3 75 1.07 1.1449
4 78 4.07 16.5649
5 74 0.07 0.0049
6 75 1.07 1.1449
7 76 2.07 4.2849
8 76 2.07 4.2849
9 77 3.07 9.4249
10 77 3.07 9.4249
11 74 0.07 0.0049
12 71 -2.93 8.5849
13 75 1.07 1.1449
14 80 6.07 36.8449
15 79 5.07 25.7049
16 68 -5.93 35.1649
17 76 2.07 4.2849
18 70 -3.93 15.4449
19 87 13.07 170.8249
20 76 2.07 4.2849
21 76 2.07 4.2849
22 76 2.07 4.2849
23 76 2.07 4.2849
24 83 9.07 82.2649
25 56 -17.93 321.4849
26 75 1.07 1.1449
27 75 1.07 1.1449
28 78 4.07 16.5649
29 78 4.07 16.5649
30 63 -10.93 119.4649
31 69 -4.93 24.3049
32 58 -15.93 253.7649
33 63 -10.93 119.4649
N=33 2440 1319.882

Based on the table of computation of standard deviation and variance of

Experimental group, the computation of standard deviation as followed:

∑(x − x )
s =
(n − 1)

33 − 1


= 41,246

= 6.42

Based on the computation above, standard deviation is 6.42. Furthermore,

the computation of variance, as followed:

∑( ̅ )
= ( )


= 41.24.

From the data above, the variance is 41. 24. While the computation of

standard deviation and variance of control group as followed:

Table 9
Standard deviation and variance of post test of control group

No Score (x − x) (x − x)2
1 50 -12.93 167.1849

2 68 5.07 25.7049
3 67 4.07 16.5649
4 55 -7.93 62.8849
5 63 0.07 0.0049
6 70 7.07 49.9849
7 63 0.07 0.0049
8 79 16.07 258.2449
9 60 -2.93 8.5849
10 60 -2.93 8.5849
11 51 -11.93 142.3249
12 63 0.07 0.0049
13 66 3.07 9.4249
14 67 4.07 16.5649
15 48 -14.93 222.9049
16 71 8.07 65.1249
17 64 1.07 1.1449
18 61 -1.93 3.7249
19 64 1.07 1.1449
20 68 5.07 25.7049
21 49 -13.93 194.0449
22 61 -1.93 3.7249
23 65 2.07 4.2849
24 81 18.07 326.5249
25 53 -9.93 98.6049
26 65 2.07 4.2849
27 60 -2.93 8.5849
28 58 -4.93 24.3049
29 56 -6.93 48.0249
30 71 8.07 65.1249
31 67 4.07 16.5649
32 68 5.07 25.7049
33 65 2.07 4.2849
N = 33 2077 1909.88

From the table above, the computation of the standard deviation of

control group is:

∑(x − x )
s =
(n − 1)

1909, 88
33 − 1


= 59,68

= 7.72

Based on the computation above, the standard deviation is 7. 72.

Moreover the computation of variance of control group is:

∑( ̅ )
= ( )


= 59.68

Based on the calculation above the variance is 59. 68.

c. The Chart of Post - test

Post-test result of experimental group and control group was

reported here in the form of chart. The vertical line with the number beside

shows the percentage of students for each group. The horizontal line shows

the group of explanation of the score obtained by the students.

There are three charts describing the research finding. The first

chart describes the frequency range of experimental group, and the second

show the frequency range of control group and the last chart show the

frequency range of experimental group and control group.

Chart 1 the frequency range of post test in experimental group


0 experimental

excellent good
fairly low

From the chart above, it shows the frequency of post test of

experimental group. There are 4 students who are excellent, 25 students who

are good and 4 students who are sufficient.


Chart 2 the frequency range of post test in control group



excellent good suffient fairly low

From the chart above, it shows the frequency of post test of

experimental group. There is 1 student who is excellent, 11 students who are

good, 14 students who are sufficient and 5 students who were fairly


Chart 3 the frequency range of post test in experimental group and control





excellent good suffient fairly low

The chart above shows the difference post test achievement of

experimental group and control group. The students who got score

excellent category were 4 students of experimental group. On the contrary,

there was 1 student of control group who belong to excellent category.

Another fact it shows that there was no student who got fairly sufficient

in experimental group, while there were 5 students who got fairly

sufficient in control group.

2. Inferential Analysis

a. Pre-requisite Analysis Test

Knowing that the objective of this study is to find out whether

there is significant effect of using comic strip for teaching narrative text of

the second grade students at MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year

2011/2012, the writer uses the statistical analysis, in this case is t-test, to

analyze the data. However, before using the statistical analysis, the writer

mainly applied pre-requisite test analysis to test the homogeneity of


b. Homogeneity of Variance

To determine the t-test formula that will be used, the writer uses F

test to test the variance of two samples. It applied to know whether the

variance of two samples was homogeneous or not. The computation of F

test as followed:

ℎ ℎ



= 1.447

From the computation, the value of F is 1.447. Then, it is compared

with the value of F table with degree of freedom (df) of numerator (33 – 1

= 32) and degree of freedom (df) of denominator (33 – 1 = 32). Based on

the table on F table, it is known that at the F value on the significant level

0.05 is 1.80. Because F value was lower than the value of F table

(1.447<1.80), it means that the variance of two sample is homogeneous.

After knowing that the variance of two samples was homogeneous

and the number of sample of experimental group was the same with the

number of sample of control group, so the t-test formula that will be used

by the writer was t-test polled variance (Sugiyono, 2009:197).

c. t-test Finding

Based on the previous explanation, the writer gets the differences

between mean of control group and experimental group. The mean of

control group was 62.93 whereas the mean of experimental group was

73.93. It means that the treatment was effective. . To make the analysis

more reliable, the writer analyzed it by using t-test polled variance, the

formula as followed:

x1  x 2
2 2
(n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2  1 1 
  
n1  n2  2  n1 n2 


t = t- value

x1 = 73.93

x2 = 62.93

s12 = 41.42

s22 = 59.68

n1 = 33

n2 = 33

x1  x 2
2 2
(n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2  1 1 
  
n1  n2  2  n1 n2 

73.93 − 62.93
(33 − 1)41.42 + (33 − 1)59.68 1 1
33 + 33 − 2 33 33

(32)41.42 + (32)59.68 2
64 33

1319.68 + 1909.76





= 6.32

The result of the t-test is 6.32.

C. Test of Hypothesis

There are three points involved in testing hypothesis. There are

level of significance, null hypothesis, and test of experimental

significance. The three points above are presented in the following.

1. Level of significance

In testing hypothesis, the writer uses the level of significance to

minimize the false conclusion of the research. This is applied to reject the

hypothesis in order to gain the objective conclusion. Generally, the level

use in any research is the 5% or 1% level. In this research, the writer uses

the level of significance 5%. It means that the falseness of conclusion is

5% and the truth of conclusion is 95%.

2. Null Hypothesis

The writer commonly faces with the null hypothesis. By using the

null hypothesis, the hypothesis statement will be easier to be proved. The

hypothesis of this research (Ha) was “the use of using comic strip to teach

narrative text on the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the

academic year 2011/2012 is effective”.

To prove the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the writer changes

the hypothesis of this research into the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis

(Ho) of this research is “the use of using comic strip to teach narrative text

on the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year

2011/2012 is not effective”.

3. Test of Experimental Significance

Based on the result of the computation of t-value in previous

computation, the t value is 6.32. Then, the t-value is consulted to the t-

table at 5% (0.05) significance level. The number of sample in

experimental group and control group is same ( = ) that is 33

students in each class and the variance was homogen ( = ). t-table is

calculated by degree of freedom (df) = + − 2 = 33 + 33 – 2 = 64.

With degree of freedom (df) 64 and the level of significant 0.05, the t-table

is 1.99. After getting the value of the level significance, the writer compare

among t-value and the value of the level significance. From the previous

computation, the t-value is 6.32 and the value of the table at 0.05

significance level is 1.99. It can be concluded that t-value is higher than t-

table (6.32 > 1.99).

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that null

hypothesis is rejected and research hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the

hypothesis of this research that said “the use of using comic strip to teach

narrative text on the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the

academic year 2011/2012 is effective” is accepted.


D. Interpretation of Research Result

In this section, the writer is going to describe the interpretation of

research about descriptive analysis and inferential analysis.

1. Descriptive Analysis Interpretation

The writer will discuss more about the interpretation of reading

ability of experimental group and control group.

a. Reading Ability of Experimental Group

From the previous data, the highest score of the students of

experimental group is 87 and the lowest is 57, the mean of experimental

group was 73.93, the standard deviation was 6.42, and the variance was 41.24

the mean was included in the interval of 66 – 79. The writer concluded that

the students of experimental group have good on their reading ability. From

33 sample, there are 4 students (12.1 %) are excellent, 25 students (75.8%)

were good, and 4 students (12.1 %) are sufficient.

b. The Reading Ability of Control Group

Based on the previous data, the highest score of the students of

control group is 81 and the lowest is 48, the mean of control group is 62.93,

the standard deviation is 7.72, and the variance is 59.68. The mean is included

in the interval of 56 – 65. The writer concluded that the students of control

group have sufficient on their reading ability. From 33 sample, There is 1

student (3.1 %) is excellent, 11 students ( 33.3 %) are good, 14 students (

42.4%) are sufficient and 5 students (15.3 %) are fairly sufficient.


2. Inferential Analysis Interpretation

The writer is going to interpret the hypothesis testing. As mention

above the hypothesis of this research said “the use of using comic strip to

teach narrative text on the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in

the academic year 2011/2012 is effective”.

From the previous analysis, it showes that with the number of

samples ( ) and the level of significance is 0.05, the result of the

computation of t-value is 6.32 Based on the value of t-table for =

33 = 33 and the significant level is 0.05, the value of t-table is 1.99.

Based on the data, it show that t-value was higher than t-table (6.32 > 1.99).

Based on the previous analysis, the writer concludes the hypothesis

is accepted. It means that “the use of using comic strip to teach narrative text

on the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun in the academic year

2011/2012 is effective”.



In this chapter, the writer is going to present the conclusion and suggestions

based on the analysis data in previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis data and discussion about hypothesis in

previous chapter, the writer concludes it is effective of using comic strip for

teaching narrative text at the second grade students of MAN Kutowinangun.

It can be seen from the result of post test of experimental group and control

group. The mean of experimental group is higher than the mean of control

group. The mean of experimental group is 72.93 whereas the mean of control

group is 62.93 (72.93 > 62.93). Furthermore, based on the hypothesis testing,

the result of t-value is 6.32. Using 5% level significance and the degree of

freedom is 64. From the t-table, the value of t-table is 1.99. It shows that the

t-value is higher than the value of t-table. So, using comic strip for teaching

narrative text to the second grade students’ of MAN Kutowinangun is


B. Suggetion

Considering the result of this research, the writer would like

present some suggestions.


1. For the teacher

The teacher should use interesting media in teaching. Comic strip is the

interesting media that can be used to teach narrative text to the student.

Comic strip can develop student interest in reading

2. For the student

The student should participate in every activity that is done by teacher

because studying English using comic strip will make them interested and

they will like to read it.

3. For other researcher

Hopefully, other researchers completed it to contribute better improvement in

teaching learning process


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Choose the correct answer of A, B, C, D, or E based on the text!

Do question number 1 – 12 based on text number 1!

Text 1 Beauty and the Beast

around the castle, he met nobody
inside. Knowing that there was none
inside, he ate the food on the table and
picked a rose from the garden, for
Beauty. Then an angry Beast appeared
and wanted to

kill him unlesshe brought Beauty to

Once upon a time, there was a
beautiful girl named Beauty. She lived
with her two sisters and her father in a
small village. She was also a hard
working girl. She always helped her
father in the farm.

After reaching his home, Beauty's

father told her the truth. Beauty loved
her father very much, so she didn't
refuse what her father asked. She went
to the Beast castle and lived there only
with the Beast. Her gloomy life had
One day her father set out for the city. begun since then. She often tried to run
He saw an old castle. He became away but the Beast always
curious to know who lived inside, and successfully stoped her.
he went in. While he was walking The Beast loved Beauty very much.
Because of his treatment, Beauty a. She must stay with Beast
began to like him, too. b. She was falling in love with the
c. She always fails to run away
from the Beast’s castle.
d. His father will killed by the
e. She should stay with the Beast
and never success to run away

4. The sentence is not correct based on

the text?
One day, when Beauty visiting a. The Beauty’s father wants kill
her father in the village because of the Beast
his illness, she had a dream. She b. The Beauty’s father would be
saw the Beast was dying. She killed the Beast.
suddenly came back to the Beast c. The Beast had killed the
castle. Seeing the "dying Beast" she Beauty’s father.
began to cry. When her tear was d. The Beast fail to kill the
falling on the Beast, he became a Beauty’s father
handsome prince. Beauty and the e. The Beauty’s father ran away
Beast got married and lived happily from the castle.
ever after.
5. One day her father set out for the
city. The synonym of underline
1. What is the type of narrative text? word is…..
a. Science fiction a. Went in.
b. Mysteries b. Depart
c. Myth c. Visit
d. Romance d. Go back
e. legend e. Kiting
2. Who involved in the story? 6. The main idea of paragraph one
a. Beauty and the Beast is….
b. Beauty, the Beast, Beauty’s a. Beauty’s character
father. b. Beauty’s life
c. Beauty and her father c. Beauty’s family
d. Beauty, her father and her d. Beauty’s description
sister e. Beauty’s background
e. Beauty, her father, her sister,
and the Beast. 7. What do you think about Beauty’s
3. What problem faced by Beauty? a. Patient person
b. Obedience person a. Fisherman
c. Honest person b. Gardener
d. Selfish person c. Carpenter
e. Firm person d. Seller
e. Farmer
8. Why did the Beast become
handsome princes? 11. Did she live happily?
a. Verily he was handsome a. Yes, because she can live in the
b. There was girl who love him castle
truly b. No, because in the castle she
c. The Beast love the Beauty was only as servant
d. The Beauty would accept the c. Yes, she far away from the
Beast if the Beast was father who was selfish
handsome d. No, because she lives only with
e. Beauty forced to love the Beast. the Beast and fails to escape
from the Beast.
9. Which sentence is correct based on e. Yes, because she live with
the text? someone who love her.
a. The Beauty more loves the
Beast than her father. 12. Why did Beauty cry when she saw
b. Beauty lives happily since she the “dying Beast”?
stays in the Beast castle. a. She didn’t get anything
c. Beauty was obedience. b. She love him
d. Beauty didn’t hear the Beauty’s c. She was too happy because she
father request. get out of the Beast
e. Beauty hates her father because d. The Beast had dept to the
her father is not aware of Beauty
Beauty’s safety. e. She remembers her father who
was sick.
10. What does the Beauty’s father do?
Do question number 13 – 25 based on text number 2!
Text 2!

The tree and the boy

after that the boy never came back.

The tree was sad again.
One day the boy returned again.
Tree was so excited.
“Come play with me anymore,” said
the apple tree.
“I do not have the time,” replied the
“I have to work for my family. We
need a house for shelter. Will you help
me? “
One time, there lived a big apple tree “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But
and a boy who liked to play around you
under the apple tree every day. He was
happy to climb up to the top of the can cut down all of my branches to
tree, eat the fruit, a nap in the shade of build your house”, said the apple tree.
the shade leaves. The boy loved the Then the boy cut all of the branches
apple tree. Similarly, the apple tree is and twigs that apple tree and left
very love little boy too.Time flies. The happily. The tree was also felt happy
boy had grown big and no longer to see the boy happy, but the boy never
playing with the apple tree every day. came back again. The tree was lonely
One day he went to the apple and sad again.
tree. His face looked sad. One hot summer day, the boy
“Come over here and play with me,” returned again. The tree was delighted.
said the apple tree. “Come and play again with me,” the
“I’m not a little kid playing with the tree said.
tree again,” replied the boy. “I’m sad,” said the boy.
“I want to have toys, but I’m not “I’m old and want to live in peace. I
having money to buy it.” want to go on vacation and sailing.
The tree replied, “Sorry, but I did not Will you give me a boat to cruise? “
have money … but you can take all of “Sorry, but I don’t have a boat, but you
my fruit and sell it. You can get the may cut my trunk and use it to create a
money to buy toys. “ The boy was ship that you want. Go sailing and
very happy. He grabbed all the apples have fun. “Later, the boy cut the tree
on the tree and left happily. However, trunk and makes a dream ship.
He then went sailing and never again The tree was glad and smiled with
came to the apple tree. tears in his eyes.
Finally, the boy returned again after all
these years later. 13. Which sentence is true based on
the text?
a. He always plays around under
the tree since childhood up to
b. The tree had leaved him for
many years.
c. He leaved the tree forever.
d. He went back to the tree when
he needed something.
e. The tree never fulfills the boy’s

14. Why did the tree feel sad?

“I’m sorry my son,” said the apple a. He lost so many fruit.
tree. b. He always gives what he wants
“I do not have apple for you anymore.” but the boy never replays the
“It’s okay. I also have no teeth to bite
c. He didn’t anything except his
your fruit, “replied the boy. old root.
“I don’t have a trunk and branches you d. The tree felt alone.
can climb,” said the apple tree. e. He couldn’t help the boy.
“Now, I’m too old for that,” replied
the boy. 15. What is the lesson of the story?
“I really do not have anything more a. Understanding each other is
must in friendship.
can I
b. We should take and give.
give to you. What remains is my roots c. If you someone truly, you
old and dying, “said the apple tree with should make them be happy.
tears. d. There is no friendship without
“I do not need anything else right sacrifice.
now,” said the boy. e. Don’t be too kind to people.
“I just need a place to rest. I was so
tired after all these years. ” 16. Did the boy understand the tree’s
“Oooh, very nice. Do you know? The feeling?
root of old trees is the best place to lie a. The boy was so busy with what
down and rest. Come, lay in the arms he wants.
of my roots and rest in peace. “ b. He understand the tree’s
The boy lay in the arms of tree roots. feeling so that he comeback to
the tree.
c. Sometime he understands, but 21. What happened to the boy after
he often couldn’t understand. getting what he wanted?
d. For the boy, the tree’s feeling a. He forgotten the tree
is not important than how he b. The boy came back to the tree
can realize his desire. c. He grateful to the tree
e. He never understood the tree’s d. The boy had leave the tree
feeling e. The boy leave the tree
22. The tree was delighted. Synonym
17. What do you think about the boy? of the underline word?
a. Unlucky boy a. Happiness
b. Lucky boy b. Happy
c. Smart boy c. Sad
d. Cruel boy d. Sadness
e. Kindness boy e. Joyful

18. How many complications are 23. The tree often said “come and
there in the text? play with me”. What is the
a. 2 meaning?
b. 3 a. The tree was lonely
c. 4 b. The tree was happy
d. 5 c. The tree was sad
e. 6 d. The tree was painful
e. The tree was joyful
19. The boy returned again after all
these years later. The synonym of 24. What do you think about the tree?
the underlain word is? a. Honest person
a. Go back b. Sincere person
b. Went back c. Stupid person
c. Visit d. Obedience person
d. Leaved e. Weakness person
e. Run away
25. How did the boy have a ship for
20. Was the story happy ending? sailing?
a. Yes, the boy lay in roots a. By cutting the trunk and using
b. No, in the end of the story the to make a ship
tree fall his tear b. By taking the apples and he sell
c. Yes, the boy came back to the it to buy the ship
tree after many years c. By cutting the trunk and selling
d. No, the boy rest in peace the apple
e. Yes, the can fulfill the boy’s d. By cut down the branches
want e. By cut down the branch and
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Choose the correct answer of A, B, C, D, or E based on the text!

1. Story that tells about animal 5. What does the Jojo’s assignment
which can talk is called… from his teacher?
a. Fable a. Filling the bath pool
b. Myth b. Cleaning the house
c. Fairy tale c. Filling the fish pool
d. Mystery d. Painting the house
e. History e. Cleaning the house and filling
2. How many characters were there the bath pool.
in the comic strip?
a. 2 6. What was Jojo’s character?
b. 3 a. Tricky boy
c. 4 b. Smartness
d. 5 c. Idleness
e. 6 d. Dreamer
e. Diligent
3. Where did the story take place?
a. The wizard’s house 7. How many complication that
b. Jojo’s house appeared in this comic strip?
c. The magic school a. 1
d. Unidentified place b. 2
e. In front of the wizard’s house c. 3
d. 4
4. He had a little pupil named Jojo e. 5
The underline word means? 8. What did the magic word that said
a. Student by Jojo?
b. Servant a. Aladabra
c. Employee b. Alakadabra
d. Employer c. Aladabra
e. Dwarf d. Adkadabra
e. Adakadabra
b. Great
9. Was Jojo wizard? c. Immense
a. Yes, he was. d. Customary
b. No, he was not. e. ordinary
c. Yes, he is.
d. No, he is not 14. Why did Jojo take the magic hat?
e. No, he was a. Because he want be wizard
b. Only for style
10. Which sentence was true c. He was asked by the wizard
according this comic strip? d. Because the weather was so
a. Jojo did the task with his effort hot.
b. Jojo didn’t take the magic hat e. He was worry that the magic
c. Jojo took the magic hate when hat will be lost
the wizard went out.
d. Jojo was very diligent. 15. Who did Jojo’s work?
e. Jojo failed to use the magic hat. a. The broom
b. His friends
11. Which sentence was not true c. The wizard
based on the comic strip? d. His friend and the wizard
a. Because jojo was so tired, he e. The magic hat
fell asleep.
b. In his dream, the wave was 16. What is the lesson of this story?
singing for him. a. Don’t sleep in work
c. The magic didn’t work well. b. Don’t use magic if you didn’t
d. Jojo was pupil of wizard. know
e. In the end of story, jojo c. Take something of other
apologized to his teacher. without permission can be
disastrous for you.
12. Why did the broom have a couple d. As pupil you should be
hands? obedience to the teacher’s
a. Because jojo took the magic order
hat e. The story above teaches us to
b. Because jojo spoke the magic don’t be lazy person.
c. Because jojo used the magic 17. What is the sentence mostly used
hat and spoke the magic spell in this comic strip?
d. Because pupil of the wizard a. Past tense
e. There was angel who changed b. Present tense
the broom. c. future tense
d. Past and present tense.
13. The word fantastic had similar e. Past and future tense.
meaning with…..
a. Awesome
18. What’s the matter that makes him b. Himself
socked when he got up? c. The wizard
a. The water didn’t enough to fill d. Someone
the pool. e. No body
b. He socked to know the wizard
going back. 20. What did the star and the wave do
c. He was under water. in jojo’s dream?
d. There was no water in pool. a. Singing
e. The water was too much. b. Dancing
c. Playing piano
19. Who helped jojo? d. Teasing
a. The broom e. Singing and dancing

Answer the question clearly and briefly!

21. What is the story about?

22. Does the wizard forgive the pupil?
23. What happened after the wizard went out?
24. Who were the main characters in the story?
25. Read the story again carefully to find out its text structure. Then answer the
a. Orientation :
b. Complication :
c. Resolution :
Critical values for t (two-tailed) Use these for the calculation of confidence
intervals. For example, use the 0.05 column for the 95% confidence interval.

df 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01

2 2.9200 4.3027 6.2054 9.9250

3 2.3534 3.1824 4.1765 5.8408
4 2.1318 2.7765 3.4954 4.6041
5 2.0150 2.5706 3.1634 4.0321
6 1.9432 2.4469 2.9687 3.7074
7 1.8946 2.3646 2.8412 3.4995
8 1.8595 2.3060 2.7515 3.3554
9 1.8331 2.2622 2.6850 3.2498
10 1.8125 2.2281 2.6338 3.1693
11 1.7959 2.2010 2.5931 3.1058
12 1.7823 2.1788 2.5600 3.0545
13 1.7709 2.1604 2.5326 3.0123
14 1.7613 2.1448 2.5096 2.9768
15 1.7531 2.1315 2.4899 2.9467
16 1.7459 2.1199 2.4729 2.9208
17 1.7396 2.1098 2.4581 2.8982
18 1.7341 2.1009 2.4450 2.8784
19 1.7291 2.0930 2.4334 2.8609
20 1.7247 2.0860 2.4231 2.8453
21 1.7207 2.0796 2.4138 2.8314
22 1.7171 2.0739 2.4055 2.8188
23 1.7139 2.0687 2.3979 2.8073
24 1.7109 2.0639 2.3910 2.7970
25 1.7081 2.0595 2.3846 2.7874
26 1.7056 2.0555 2.3788 2.7787
27 1.7033 2.0518 2.3734 2.7707
28 1.7011 2.0484 2.3685 2.7633
29 1.6991 2.0452 2.3638 2.7564
30 1.6973 2.0423 2.3596 2.7500
31 1.6955 2.0395 2.3556 2.7440
32 1.6939 2.0369 2.3518 2.7385
33 1.6924 2.0345 2.3483 2.7333
34 1.6909 2.0322 2.3451 2.7284
35 1.6896 2.0301 2.3420 2.7238
36 1.6883 2.0281 2.3391 2.7195
37 1.6871 2.0262 2.3363 2.7154
38 1.6860 2.0244 2.3337 2.7116
39 1.6849 2.0227 2.3313 2.7079
40 1.6839 2.0211 2.3289 2.7045
41 1.6829 2.0195 2.3267 2.7012
42 1.6820 2.0181 2.3246 2.6981
43 1.6811 2.0167 2.3226 2.6951
44 1.6802 2.0154 2.3207 2.6923
45 1.6794 2.0141 2.3189 2.6896
46 1.6787 2.0129 2.3172 2.6870
47 1.6779 2.0117 2.3155 2.6846
48 1.6772 2.0106 2.3139 2.6822
49 1.6766 2.0096 2.3124 2.6800
50 1.6759 2.0086 2.3109 2.6778
51 1.6753 2.0076 2.3095 2.6757
52 1.6747 2.0066 2.3082 2.6737
53 1.6741 2.0057 2.3069 2.6718
54 1.6736 2.0049 2.3056 2.6700
55 1.6730 2.0040 2.3044 2.6682
56 1.6725 2.0032 2.3033 2.6665
57 1.6720 2.0025 2.3022 2.6649
58 1.6716 2.0017 2.3011 2.6633
59 1.6711 2.0010 2.3000 2.6618
60 1.6706 2.0003 2.2990 2.6603
61 1.6702 1.9996 2.2981 2.6589
62 1.6698 1.9990 2.2971 2.6575
63 1.6694 1.9983 2.2962 2.6561
64 1.6690 1.9977 2.2954 2.6549
65 1.6686 1.9971 2.2945 2.6536
66 1.6683 1.9966 2.2937 2.6524
67 1.6679 1.9960 2.2929 2.6512
68 1.6676 1.9955 2.2921 2.6501
69 1.6672 1.9949 2.2914 2.6490
70 1.6669 1.9944 2.2906 2.6479
71 1.6666 1.9939 2.2899 2.6469
72 1.6663 1.9935 2.2892 2.6458
73 1.6660 1.9930 2.2886 2.6449
74 1.6657 1.9925 2.2879 2.6439
75 1.6654 1.9921 2.2873 2.6430
76 1.6652 1.9917 2.2867 2.6421
77 1.6649 1.9913 2.2861 2.6412
78 1.6646 1.9908 2.2855 2.6403
79 1.6644 1.9905 2.2849 2.6395
80 1.6641 1.9901 2.2844 2.6387
81 1.6639 1.9897 2.2838 2.6379
82 1.6636 1.9893 2.2833 2.6371
83 1.6634 1.9890 2.2828 2.6364
84 1.6632 1.9886 2.2823 2.6356
85 1.6630 1.9883 2.2818 2.6349
86 1.6628 1.9879 2.2813 2.6342
87 1.6626 1.9876 2.2809 2.6335
88 1.6624 1.9873 2.2804 2.6329
89 1.6622 1.9870 2.2800 2.6322
90 1.6620 1.9867 2.2795 2.6316
91 1.6618 1.9864 2.2791 2.6309
92 1.6616 1.9861 2.2787 2.6303
93 1.6614 1.9858 2.2783 2.6297
94 1.6612 1.9855 2.2779 2.6291
95 1.6611 1.9852 2.2775 2.6286
96 1.6609 1.9850 2.2771 2.6280
97 1.6607 1.9847 2.2767 2.6275
98 1.6606 1.9845 2.2764 2.6269
99 1.6604 1.9842 2.2760 2.6264
100 1.6602 1.9840 2.2757 2.6259
Key answer of pre-test

1. C 11. D 21. A
2. B 12. B 22. A
3. E 13. C 23. A
4. A 14. D 24. B
5. B 15. A 25. A
6. D 16. E
7. D 17. B
8. B 18. B
9. C 19. A
10. E 20. C
Key answer of post-test

1. A 11. C
2. A 12. C
3. A 13. A
4. A 14. A
5. E 15. A
6. C 16. C
7. A 17. D
8. B 18. C
9. B 19. A
10. C 20. E

21. The pupil of old wizard that got problem because himself.

22. Yes, he does

23. Jojo wore the wizard’s hat and used magic for finishing his task.

24. Jojo

25. Orientation : once there lived an old and powerful wizard. He had little pupil named

Jojo mouse. Jojo mouse had to clean his house and fill the bath pool for

Complication : he took the hat for doing his task that made him getting problem.

Resolution : the wizard came to save him.

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