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I. Preliminary Page
a. Cover/Title Page
b. Approval Sheet
c. Biographical Data
d. Acknowledgement
e. Abstract
f. Table of Contents
g. List of Tables
h. List of Figures
i. List of Appendices (if there are any)

II. Body of the Manuscript

a. Introductory Paragraph
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Objectives of the Study
d. Hypothesis
e. Conceptual Framework
f. Significance of the Study
g. Time and Place of the Study
h. Scope and Limitation of the Study
i. Definition of Terms
a. Research design
b. Participants of the study
c. Sampling technique
d. Data to be gathered
e. Statistical treatment of data

III. Appendices
a. Appendix table
b. Appendix Figure
c. Other Appendices
 Research Instruments, Data Sheets, Letter Requests,

Cover Page
a. Study title. Written in inverted pyramid format on top of the page, all in uppercase, single
space and in boldface. Scientific names should be italicized.
b. Submission statement. Six spaces away from thesis title written in paragraph heading style
and in single space.
c. Degree statement. Six spaces from submission statement, in paragraph heading style and in
single space.
d. Author/s name. Uppercase and in boldface. Six spaces away from degree statement.
Alphabetical order based on surnames, single space.
e. Month and year of expected completion. Two single space below the authors name and
paragraph heading style.


A. Paper and Printing

All manuscripts, papers and reports should be computer-generated and printed in a letter size
white bond paper (8 ½” x 11”)

B. Font Style and Size

Times New Roman, font size should be 12 in all manuscripts. Font size less than 12 maybe used
in tables with numerous entries.

C. Margin and Spacing

The left margin of each page of the manuscript should be 1.5 inches, while the top, right and
bottom margin should be 1 inch.
Paragraph indention should be five spaces (equivalent to 1 tab) from left margin.
Three single space should be observed between chapter headings and the text that follows. The
rest should be double-spaced.
References should be written in hanging indent format, singe-spaced and flushed to the left

D. Page Numbers
Page numbers are placed on the top right of the page. First page of every chapter should have
imaginary page numbers

E. Tables
Table titles should be a comprehensive description of the table entries. Table titles follow
sentence capitalization. Use singe space between table title and the table itself.
Table entries should be arranged in rows and columns either in singe or two spaces.
Tables should be placed within the text or on a separate page immediately after they are
Do no split the table.

F. Figures
Pictures, drawings, diagrams, photographs, blue prints, maps, graphs and chart are considered
figures. Should be clear enough to understood even without referring to the text. This should be
printed directly and not glued on the manuscript. Caption should be written opposite the figure
number. Follow the sentence capitalization for the title and are placed two spaces below and
centered within the figure. If figures taken from references, source should be cited in parentheses
after the caption. Legends should be clearly indicated.

G. Use of Italics
All non-English terms and scientific names should be italicized al.

H. Abbreviation
Acronyms and abbreviated terms in parentheses should occur only after the first reference in the

I. Spelling
Use latest standard English dictionary and spelling should be consistent in the text.

J. Tenses
Present tense is used in presenting, generalizations, theories, philosophies and conclusions as well
as implications of the results of the study.

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