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The Five Developmental Theories

1. Piaget Theory (cognitive)

It is the most popular theory, and many know what Piaget theory is.
The reason for the popularity of Piaget Theory is because it is the
easiest to focus. Among the childcare groups, Piaget Theory is often
used to classify children in different stages - sensory-motor, pre-
operational, concrete operational and formal operational. At different
stages, children or adults can think and act differently and, of course,
these are also related to age.
2. Vygotsky Theory (socio-cultural)

Unlike Piaget Theory, Vygotsky Theory does not focus on stages. It is a

socio-cultural theory, and the main thing we focus here is how an individual
interacts with the environment? Perhaps, you should relate words or
phrases such as internalisation, zone of proximal development, tools,
mediate, context and scaffolding to unfold the truth about Vygotsky Theory.

3. Freud Theory (personal)

How much do you know about Freud Theory? Freud is concerned

about forces that drive our actions. Freud classified five stages of
development: the anal (1-3 years), phallic (3-6 years), latency (6-12
years) and genital (puberty onwards). He also used Id, Ego and
Superego to talk about his developmental theory.

4. Kohlberg Theory (moral)

Kohlberg Identified three stages of moral reasoning: Pre-conventional

morality, conventional morality and post-conventional morality. Human
progress through the three stages as they grow up. In the early stage (pre-
conventional morality), children compliance with rules to avoid punishment
or compliance with rules to get rewards. Young adults (conventional
morality) conform to rules that are approved by the majority and eventually
conform to society’s rules, law and order. In the final stage (post-
conventional morality) of Kohlberg theory, adults are obeying rules or
sometimes go to the extreme to change rules or to break the society rules.
5. Erikson Theory

Personally, I like Erikson Theory because it is into a deeper explanation of

human growth.
Erikson Theory focuses on things like:
1. From age 1 to 3, children develop – trust vs. mistrust and autonomy vs.
shame and doubt. Here, the theory associated with children’s need for care,
toileting, dressing, reassurance, etc.
2. From age 4 to 12, children develop things like – initiative vs. guilt,
industry vs. inferiority. Children are beginning to accept certain things that
are not allowed to do, discover the pleasure of doing things, involve in more
peer interaction.
3. From age 12 to onwards – development traits are
* Identity vs. role confusion
* Intimacy vs. isolation
* Generativity vs. self-absorption
* Integrity vs. despair

The theories enable you to become more expertise in teaching and learning.
Perhaps, you are now concern about the problem that you encounter in your
teaching situations, then, it is a good idea to reflect on these theories. The
five theories are a good suggestion for you to get into the track or back into
teaching. Of course, you should research more into it, so that, these theories
could provide you more with your teaching career.

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