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 Smoking increases the risk of pollution, global warming, and diseases in people.

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 Some people are allergic to smoke!

When I lived in Los Angeles, I suffered greatly from second hand cigarette smoke! I later found out that I
had a smoke sensitivity and just walking by a smoker made me feel ill. My throat and nasal passage ways
were closing up and I had to take many trips to the doctor to get a shot to calm them down. IS CLEAN

You can smell cigarette smoke from MANY feet away and people suffer from it. Why should an innocent
person suffer? I didn't make the choice to smoke and yet, I am suffering. Also, I have to think about
ways I can avoid smokers. For instance, when I pass a smoker when I am walking on the side walk, I
have to run and hold my breath or walk the opposite way and eventually turn around when they
disappear. It is ridiculous.

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 Yes it should.

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 Smoking should be banned, it is unhealthy.

First off, it's really unhealthy. It's bad for a person, and bad for the environment. Its bad for the
environment because the smoke goes in the air and causes pollution. It's a major cause for second hand
smoke, lung cancer, and death. The poor decisions of some people should not effect the lives of others.

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