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Section A – Objective questions (15 marks). Answer ALL questions. Darken your answers in the OMR section below.


1. The diagram below shows the structure of a The presence of many such organelle in a cell
nucleotide. Which of the following are true of shows that the cell is active in
the structure of the nucleotide? A. transporting water and minerals
B. secreting proteins synthesised
C. moving itself or the extracellular fluid
D. separating the chromosomes or chromatids

4. The diagram below shows a model of the plasma


I It has a pyrimidine base

II It is a deoxyribonucleotide molecule
III It is a substrate for the synthesis of ribonucleic
IV It has a phosphodiester bond

A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV

C. I, III and D. II, III and IV Which of the two labeled structures A, B, C and
IV D, when hydrolysed, would release only amino
2. Which protein subunits regarding cytoskeleton A A and B B B and C
fibres are
corroect ? C A and C D C and D

Microtubule Microfilament Intermediate

s filaments A. Which statement is true for all enzymes? They
A Fibrous Tubulin dimer Actin subunits have active sites for binding to a specific
subunits subunits substrate
B Tubulin dimer Fibrous Actin subunits B. They consist of amino acid sequence that twist
subunits subunits into a polypeptide helix and fold into a compact
C Tubulin dimer Actin Fibrous two-dimensional shape.
subunits subunits subunits C. The function at maximum rate over a wide pH
D Fibrous Actin Tubulin dimer range
subunits subunits subunits D. At high temperature, enzyme become
inactivated as the kinetic energy is insufficient
3. The diagram below shows the transmission for enzyme activity.
electron micrograph of an organelle in an
6. The following are descriptions about substance
 Not protein
 Small organic molecules
 Help to transfer chemical group,
eukaryotic cell. atoms or electrons from one enzyme
to another

Substance X is likely
A. An apoenzyme B. a
C. an enzyme activator D. a
prosthetic group

7. In the presence of succinate dehydrogenase, If two molecules of α-ketoglutarate are

succinate is converted into fumarate. What will changed
happen if malonate is added to the reaction ? to form fumarate in the pathway above, the
A There is no change total ATP formed during aerobic respiration at
B The rate of reaction increases this stage is
C The reaction stops A 1 B 6
D The reaction slows down C 10 D 12
8. Which of the following statements are true 11. Which of the following substances can pass
about respiration? across the outer membrane of the
I Glycolysis causes 6C glucose to be broken mitochondrion?
up into I Pyruvate II Oxaloacetate
two 3C pyruvate compound III Malate IV ATP
II Krebs cycle and electron transport system A I and II B I, III and IV
occur in C II and III D II and IV
the cell cytosol
III The Krebs cycle involved decarboxylation
12. Anaerobic respiration by yeast cells involves
I. glycolysis to produce pyruvate
II. decarboxylation of pyruvate to release
carbon dioxide
IV During glycolysis, substrate level
III. electron transport chain to oxidise NADH
IV. chemiosmosis to generate 2 ATP
occurs twice.
A. I and II B. II and IV
A I only B II and III
C. III only D. I, II, III and IV
C I, III and IV D I, II, III and IV
13. During photosynthesis, which process releases
9. What is/are the condition(s) when pyruvate
electrons that return chlorophyll molecules to
produced by glycolysis in the cytoplasm would
their reduced state?
enter the mitochondrion matrix?
A activation of photosystem I
A In the skeletal muscle of a housewife while
B oxidation of reduced NADP
she is sweeping the floor
C phosphorylation of ADP
B In a yeast cell the yeast is fermenting fruit
D photolysis of water
juice into a wine
C In the cell of a bacterium doing aerobic
14. Several light-harvesting complexes surround a
reaction-centre complex in chloroplast. The
D Both A and C are correct answers
photosynthetic pigments in the reaction-centre
complex are
10. The figure shows part of the Krebs cycle.
A. chlorophyll a B. chlorophyll b
C. xanthophylls D.carotene
15. Which of the following conclusions does not C the red and blue areas of the spectrum
follow from studying the absorption are most effective in driving
specTRUM for chlorophyll a and the action photosynthesis
spectrum for photosynthesis? D chlorophyll owes its colour due to the
A not all wavelengths are equally absorption of green light
effective for
B there must be accessory pigments that

broaden the spectrum of light that

contributes energy for photosynthesis

Section B [15 marks] : Answer all questions in this section.

16 The figure shows the structure of ATP

(i) Name the nitrogenous base labeled X on the diagram. [1m]


(ii) Name the sugar labeled Y on the diagram. [1m]

(b) ATP is often described as the ‘universal energy currency of cells’. Explain what is meant by
the term ‘universal energy currency of cells’. [2m]


(c) In the cell, ATP can be produced in three different ways of phosphorylation. Name them.




17 The diagram below shows the absorption and action spectra for the pigments in

(a) Using the information in the given diagram, give one evidence which suggests that
absorption of white light is not uniform [1m]


(b) How do the absorption spectra of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids differ? [3m]


(c) Why do leaves of most plants usually have a green colour? [1m]


(d) Variegated leaves have green and non-green parts. The non-green parts are coloured
pale yellow to yellow-orange. Suggest one function for the non-green part with reference
(regard) to the light absorption and the usage of energy [1m]


(e)(i Describe the correlation (relationship) between an absorption spectrum and action
) spectrum [1m]


(ii) Suggest one reason why the absorption spectrum and action spectrum is not identical in
which the peak of the action spectrum is wide. [1m]


Section C [30 marks] : Answer any two questions in this section. State the question numbers in the table
at the top right corner of the first page of this question paper.

1 (a Explain how an enzyme accelerates a chemical reaction [6

8 ) ]
(b Based on the lock and key model, explain the substrate specificity of an enzyme. [9
) ]

1 (a Describe the processes of glycolysis and the link reaction [8

9 ) ]
(b The net energy produced in aerobic respiration per molecule of glucose is 38 ATP in the [2
) liver cells whereas there is 36 ATP in muscle cells. Explain briefly why ]
(c Explain the inhibitory action of carbon monoxide on the cellular respiration. [5
) ]

2 (a Explain what is meant by autotroph and its two types of autotroph [8

0 ) ]
(b Explain the role of photosynthetic pigments in a green plant [7
) ]

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