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Chapter 2 – Unpacking the



- Refers to parts of our body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal
touched in a sexual manner. Some commonly known erogenous zones are mouth,
breasts, genitals, and anus.

Human Sexual

- Is defined as any activity – solitary, between two persons, or in a group – that induces
arousal. There are two major factors that determine human sexual behavior: the
inherited sexual response patterns that have evolved as a means of ensuring
reproduction and the degree of restraint exerted on the individual by society in
the expression of his sexuality.

Types of

1. Solitary Behavior – involving only one individual; self-gratification, self-stimulation

acts that
leads to sexual arousal, and generally, sexual climax. 2. Sociosexual Behavior – involving
more than one person; could be between two persons or in a
group; further divided into
a. Homosexual
Behavior b.
Heterosexual Behavior

This type of behavior involves physical contact with another person: petting, kissing,
hugging etc.

Coitus – the insertion of male reproductive organ into the female reproductive

1. Premarital Coitus
2. Marital Coitus 3.
Extramarital Coitus
4. Postmarital

Physiology of Human Sexual

1. Excitement Phase – there is an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate; sudden rise
in blood
supply to the surface of the body resulting in skin temperature, flushing, swelling of all
distensible body parts; more rapid breathing, the secretion of genital fluids, vaginal
expansion, and increase in muscle tension. 2. Plateau Phase – generally of brief duration;
if stimulation continues, orgasm usually occurs in
this stage. 3. Sexual Climax – marked by a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, a rapid
increase in pulse rate and blood pressure, and spasms of the pelvic muscles causing
contractions of the female reproductive organ and ejaculation by the male. Sexual climax
may last for a few seconds only. 4. Resolution Phase – the last stage that refers to the
return to a normal physiological state.
Sexually Transmitted

- Infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual

STDs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or

• Chlamydia
• Gonorrhea
• Syphilis
• Chancroid
• Human
• Herpes Simplex
• Trichomonas


Religion and their beliefs and


1. Buddhism - Our self is the cause of all our suffering, pain and frustrations - Can
be broken through the practice of mediation, acquiring more wisdom and deeper
understanding, and acceptance of things as
they are

Beliefs include: four noble truths and the eightfold

2. Christianity - Christians believe in Trinitarian God – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit -
Believes in heaven and hell, 2nd coming of Christ, the Day of Judgment, Salvation of the
Faithful - Holy Bible

10 commandments, 7 sacraments, celebration of Easter, Christmas

and feasts

3. Hinduism - There is no single founder or leader - Believes in

existence of birth, death, and rebirth, governed by Karma - Vedas
are scriptures of Hindus

Diwali and Navrati are the most celebrated


4. Islam - Believes in One God, Allah - Believes that Mohammed

is the last and final prophet sent by God - Quran, their holy
book, which was to be taught in Arabic

Five pillars of Islam: Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Hajj,


5. Judaism - Jews believe in the

God of Abraham
- Believes in the coming of a Messiah, their
savior - Torah is their sacred scripture

Major festivals: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Sukkot,


Research on these topics next


- Natural Methods of
a. Abstinence b. Calendar
Method c. Basal Body
Temperature d. Cervical
Mucus Method e.
Symptothermal Method f.
Ovulation Detection g.
Coitus Interruptus

- Artificial Methods a.
Oral Contraceptives
b. Transdermal Patch
c. Vaginal Ring d.
Subdermal Implants
e. Hormonal
Injections f.
Intrauterine Device g.
Chemical Barriers h.
Diaphragm i. Cervical
cap j. Male condoms
k. Female condoms l.
Surgical methods

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